Engineering 1929 Jan-Jun: Index: Patent Record

Note: This is a sub-section of Engineering 1929 Jan-Jun: Index
- View 1929 Jan-Jun Volume
Electrical Apparatus :
- Dynamo-Electric Machines. J. Stone & Co., Ltd., and A. A. Mead, 806
- Furnaces, Electric. D. F. Campbell, 536.
- Grids, Resistance. Crompton Parkinson, Ltd., 218
- Prepayment - Meter Mechanism. R. C. Graseby, 806
- Resistances, Electric. Electrical Apparatus Co., Ltd., and R. H. Barbour, 838
- Switches, Electric. C. L. Arnold and " M.K." Electric, Ltd., 838
Gas Engines, Producers, Holders, &c. :
- Bearings, Crankpin, Lubrication of. Douglas Motors, Ltd., and J. Douglas, 474.
- Carburettors. W. A. Whatmough and W. L. Fisher, 474
- Combustion Chambers. W. A. Whatmough and S. McC. Findlater, 536
- Diesel Engines. Richardsons, Westgarth & Co., Ltd., and W. S. Burn, 710.
- Internal-Combustion Engines. Richardsons, Westgarth & Co., Ltd., and W. S. Burn, 316, 536
- Internal-Combustion Engines, Radial Cylinder. A. V. Roe & Co., Ltd., and C. B. Redrup, 124
- Internal-Combustion Engines, Sleeve-Valve. H. R. Ricardo, 474
- Pumps, Fuel. Armstrong Siddeley Motors, Ltd., and A. E. Plumb, 218.
- Sparking Plugs. K. E. L. Guiness, 218 Valves, Poppet. Douglas Motors, Ltd., and C. G. Pullin, 218
Hydraulic Machinery :
- Packing, Hydraulic. English Electrical Co., Ltd., and J. W. Seaver, 474
- Packing, Hydraulic. T. N. Husband (Two Patents), 124
- Lifting and Hauling Appliances :
- Delivering Material from Bunkers. M. Wise,
- 838
- Lifts, Automatic Electric. C. J. Barnett, 806
Machine and other Tools, Shafting, &c. :
- Bearings, Thrust. B. P. Dobson and W. Hartley, 124
Mining, Metallurgy and Metal Working :
- Annealing Covers. Richard Nevill & Co., Ltd., and R. T. Nevill, 536
- Drills, Hollow, Manufacture of Wellman Seaver Rolling Mill Co., Ltd., and S. Smith, 710
- Furnaces, Annealing. Birmingham Electric
- Furnaces, Ltd., and A. G. Lobley, 838 Furnaces, Muffle. Gibbons Brothers, Ltd., and T. E. Bridgford, 218
- Ingot Moulds. G. W., J. F., W., and C. E. Naylor, 316
- Metal-Casting Machines. D. F. Campbell, 474 Metal Tube Manufacture. Wellman Seaver
- Rolling Mill Co., Ltd., and S. Smith, 316
Pipes, Metal, Casting. J. E. Hurst and E. B.
- Hall, 536
Miscellaneous :
- Chains, Power-Transmission. Coventry Chain Co., Ltd., and A. Hill, 316
- Lubricating - Oil Dispensing Apparatus. Liquid Measurements, Ltd., and F. Hammond, 536
- Road Scariflers and Rougheners. F. H. Smith, 316
Motor Road Vehicles :
- Gears, Change-Speed. J. White and C. T. Mitchell, 806
- Springs for Vehicles. Barrier Motors, Ltd., R. F. Clayton and R. Dean-Averns, 316
- Steering Mechanism. C. H. Fowler and E. D. Ellis, 710
- Steering Mechanism. R. C. Graseby (Two Patents), 124
- Towing and Braking Mechanism. Eccles
- Motor Caravans, Ltd., and W. J. Riley, 218 Vehicles, Motor Road. C. P. Cleaver and the
- Four-Wheel Drive Lorry Co., Ltd., 536. Vehicles, Motor Road. H. Nyberg and C. F.
- Cleaver, 838
Pumps :
- Inflammable-Liquid Dispensing Apparatus. Liquid Measurements, Ltd., and F. Ham-mond, 710
Railways and Tramways :
- Boilers, Locomotive. H. E. Yarrow and H. N. Gresley, 474
- Locomotives. P. C. Dewhurst, 474 Locomotives. C. V. A. Eley, 218
- Sleepers. Cargo Fleet Iron Co., Ltd., Tee Side Bridge and Engineering Works, Ltd., J. E. James and J. B. Peat, 124
- Steam Engines, Boilers, Evaporators, &c.
- Burners, Pulverised-Fuel. Sturtevant Engi-neering Co., Ltd., and F. W. R. Williams,
- 316 ft
- Burners, Pulverised-Fuel. H. E. Yarrow,
- 806
- Furnaces. A. W. Bennis, 710
- Generators, Steam. Spencer-Hopwood, Ltd.
- and P. A. Sharman, 316
- Stokers, Mechanical. H. E. Yarrow, 218
- Superheaters. H. E. Yarrow, 806
- Water Circulating Devices, Thermal. A
- Ross, 838
- Ships and Nautical Appliances :
- Steam-Generator Installations for Steam¬ships. S. B. Freeman, F. G. Martin, W. Ramsay and J. Stone & Co., Ltd., 710
- Armstrong Siddeley Motors, Ltd., and another. Fuel Pumps, 218
- Arnold, C. L., and others. Electric Switches, 838
- Ball, J. E., and others. Casting Metal Pipes, 536
- Barbour, R. H., and others. Electric Resis¬tances, 838
- Barnett, C. J. Automatic Electric Lifts, 806
- Bennis, A. W. Furnaces, 710.
- Birmingham Electric Furnaces, Ltd., and another. Furnaces, 838
- Bridgford, T. E., and others. Muffle Furnaces, 218
- Burn, W. S., and others. Diesel Engines, 710
- Burn, W. S., and others. Internal-Combustion Engines, 316, 536
- Campbell, D. F. Electric Furnaces, 536
- Campbell, D. F. Metal-Casting Machines, 474
- Cargo Fleet Iron Co., Ltd., and others. Sleepers, 124
- Centrifugal Castings, Ltd., and others. Casting Metal Pipes, 536
- Clayton, R. F., and others. Springs for Vehicles, 316
- Cleaver, C. F., and another. Motor Road Vehicles, 838
- Cleaver, C. F., and others. Motor Road Vehicles, 536
- Coventry Chain Co., Ltd., and another. Power Transmission Chains, 316
- Crompton Parkinson, Ltd., and another. Resistance Grids, 218
- Dean-Averns, R., and others. Springs for Vehicles, 316
- Dewhurst, P. C. Locomotives, 474
- Dobson, B. P., and another. Thrust Bearings, 124
- Douglas, J., and others. Lubrication of Crankpin Bearings, 474
- Douglas Motors, Ltd., and another. Lubrication of Crankpin Bearings, 474
- Douglas Motors, Ltd., and another. Poppet Valves, 218
- Eccles Motor Caravans, Ltd., and another. Towing and Braking Mechanism, 218
- Electrical Apparatus Co., Ltd., and another.
- Electric Resistances, 838
- Eley, C. V. A. Locomotives, 218
- Ellis, E. D., and another. Steering Mechanism, 710
- English Electrical Co., Ltd., and another. Hydraulic Packing, 474
- Findlater, S. McC., and another. Combustion Chambers, 536
- Fisher, W. L., and another. Carburettors, 474
- Four-Wheel Drive Lorry Co., Ltd., and another. Motor Road Vehicles, 536
- Fowler, C. H., and another. Steering Mechanism, 710
- Freeman, S. B., and others. Steam-Generator Installations for Steamships, 710
- Gibbons Brothers, Ltd., and another. Muffle Furnaces, 218
- Graseby, R. C. Prepayment-Meter Mechanism, 806
- Graseby, It. C. Steering Mechanism (Two Patents), 124
- Gresley, H. N., and another. Locomotive Boilers, 474
- Guiness K. E. L. Sparking Plugs, 218
- Hammond, F., and others. Inflammable Liquid Dispensing Apparatus, 710
- Hammond, F., and others. Lubricating-Oil Dispensing Apparatus, 536
- Hartley, W., and another. Thrust Bearings, 124
- Hill, A., and others. Power-Transmission Chains, 316
- Hurst, J. E., and others. Casting Metal Pipes, 536
- Husband, T. N., Hydraulic Packing (Two Patents), 124
- James, J. E., and others. Sleepers, 124
- Karrier Motors, Ltd., and others. Springs for Vehicles, 316
- Liquid Measurements, Ltd., and another. Inflammable-Liquid Dispensing Apparatus, 710
- Liquid Measurements, Ltd., and another.
- Lubricating-Oil Dispensing Apparatus, 536
- Lobley, A. G., and others. Annealing Furnaces, 838
- "M. K." Electric, Ltd., and another. Electric Switches, 838
- Martin, F. G., and others. Steam Generator Installations for Steamships, 710
- Mead, A. A., and others. Dynamo-Electric Machines, 806
- Mitchell, C. T., and another. Change-Speed Gears, 806
- Naylor, G. W., J. F., W., and C. E. Ingot Moulds, 316
- Nevill, Richard, dr Co., Ltd., and another. Annealing Covers, 536.
- Nevill, R. T., and others. Annealing Covers 536
- Nyberg, H., and another. Motor Road Vehicles, 838
- Page, G., and others. Resistance Grids, 218
- Peat, J. B., and others. Sleepers, 124
- Plumb, A. E., and others. Fuel Pumps, 218
- Pullin, C. G., and others. Poppet Valves, 218
- Ramsay, N., and others. Steam-Generator Installations for Steamships, 710
- Redrup, C. B., and others. Radial Cylinder Internal-Combustion Engines, 124
- Ricardo, H. R. Sleeve-Valve Internal-Combustion Engines, 474
- Richardson, Westgarth & Co., Ltd., awl another. Diesel Engines, 710
- Richardsons' Westgarth 6: Co., Ltd., and another. Internal-Combustion Engines, 316, 536
- Riley, W. J., and others. Towing and Braking Mechanism, 218
- Roe, A. V., & Co., and another. Radial Cylinder Internal-Combustion Engines, 124
- Ross, A. Thermal Water-Circulation Devices, 838
- Seewer, P. W., and others. Hydraulic Packing, 474
- Sharman, P. A., and others. Steam Generators, 316
- Smith, F. H. Road Scariflers and Rougheners, 316
- Smith, S., and others. Manufacture of Hollow Drills, 710
- Smith, S., and others. Manufacture of Metal Tubes, 316
- Spencer-Hopwood, Ltd., and another. Steam Generators, 316
- Stone, J., and Co. Ltd., and another. Dynamo-Electric Machines, 806
- Stone, J., & Co., Ltd., and others. Steam Generator Installations for Steamships, 710
- Sturtevant Engineering Co., Ltd., and another. Pulverised Fuel Burners, 316
- Tees Side Bridge & Engineering Works, Ltd. and others. Sleepers, 124
- Wellman Seaver Rolling Mill Co., Ltd., and another. Manufacture of Hollow Drills, 710
- Wellman Seaver Rolling Mill Co., Ltd., and another. Manufacture of Metal Tubes, 316
- Whatmough, W. A., and another. Carburettors, 474
- Whatmough, W. A., and another. Combustion Chambers, 536
- White, J., and another. Change-Speed Gears, 806.
- Williams, F. W. R., and others. Pulverised-Fuel Burners, 316
- Wise, M. Delivering Material from Bunkers, 838
- Yarrow, H. E. Superheaters, 806
- Yarrow, H. E. Pulverised-Fuel Burners, 806
- Yarrow, H. E., and another. Locomotive Boilers, 474
- Yarrow, H. E. Mechanical Stokers, 218
See Also
Sources of Information