Engineering 1930 Jan-Jun: Index: Paragraphs
Note: This is a sub-section of Engineering 1930 Jan-Jun: Index
- View 1930 Jan-Jun Volume
Accidents :
- Safety First Congress, 637
- United States, Causes of Accidents and
- Frequency Rate, 11
- Aerial Time Table, A.B.C., 63
- Aeroplanes (Catalogue), 813
- Aluminium in Construction Work (Cata¬logue), 784
- Apprentices, Aircraft, Vacancies, 148
- Australia, Civil Aviation Statistics, 479
- Australian Air Services, 412
- Brussels-Cologne Night Mail Service, 411
- Canada, Aerial Surveying in, 290
- Congo, Aerial Surveying in, 167
- Czecho-Roumanian Air Service, Proposed, 108
- Czechoslovakia, Ford Aeroplane for, 102
- Fisheries, Use of Aircraft, 385
- Hispano-Suiza, French, Technical Bulletin, 784
- Java, Air Services, 448
- Lloyd's Register Aviation Committee, 108
- Manchuria-Japan Service, 201
- Marseilles-Tunis Air Service, 255
- R 38 Memorial Prize, 372
- Swedish Ambulance Aeroplane, 159
- Townend Ring, Commercial Rights, 703
- Canadian Agricultural Implements, 24
- Fertilisers, Artificial, Synthetic-Ammonia Plant, Waldenberg, 505
- Trade Opportunities, Overseas, 47, 79, 418
Alloys :
- See Mining and Metallurgy
Appointments, Awards, and Honours :
- Architecture, Royal Gold Medal, to Dr. Worthington, 255, 280
- Bessemer Gold Medals, 295
- China, Commercial Diplomatic Service Appointments, 268
- Faraday Medal, Sir E. Rutherford, 139
- Iron and Steel, National Federation, Appointments, 830
- Scientific and Industrial Research, Advisory Council, 644
Automobiles :
- See Motor Cars Boilers :
- See Engines and Boilers
Bridges :
- India, Lower Sone Bridge, Re-Girdering, Erratum, 697
- Manchester Canal Bridges and Heavy Rond Traffic, 411
Buildings and Building Construction :
- Air Heaters (Catalogue), 396
- Architects’ Drawings Exhibition, 589
- Protection of Buildings (Der Bautenschutz) 550
Canals :
- Manchester Ship, 1929 Statistics, 486
Catalogues :
- 61, 93, 148, 239, 270, 301,332, 396, 429, 402, 494, 524, 557, 590, 620, 654, 687, 720, 784, 813
- Acclc8 & Pollock, Ltd., 494
- Adamson, Joseph, & Co., 402
- A.E.G. Electric Co., Ltd., 332
- Allen, Edgar, & Co., Ltd., 494, 720
- Allgemeine Electricitiits Gesellschaft, 148, 590
- Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Co., 720
- Alloy Welding Processes, Ltd., 61, 557, 654, 813
- American Laundry Machinery Co., Ltd., 054
- Ashmore, Benson, Pease & Co., Ltd., 687, 744 (Erratum)
- Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., 93, 620, 784
- Ateliers de Constructions Electriques de Charleroi, 557
- Ateliers de Constructions M<$caniques, 301
- Atlas Diesel Co., Ltd., 61, 462, 784 Bakelite, Ltd., 687
- Bamag-Mcguin (G.B.), Ltd., 301
- B.E.N. Patents, Ltd., 301
- Beard more, Wm., & Co., Ltd., 687
- Beardsall, W. E., <fe Co., Ltd., 720
- Beck & Co., Ltd., 270
- Beck, O. N., 332, 429
- Benjamin Electric, Ltd., 390, 429
- Bennis, Edward, & Co., Ltd., 301
- Berliner Maschinenbau A.G., 590
- Birtley Iron Co., Ltd., 429
- Blackman Export Co., Ltd., 590
- Blackstone & Co., Ltd., 590
- Blngg & Johnson, Ltd., 61
- Boby, Robert, Ltd., 494, 687
- Brill, J. G., Co., 524
- British Aluminium Co., Ltd., 462, 784
- British Automatic Regulators, 429
- British Brown-Bovcri, Ltd., 524, 620
- British Commercial Gas Association, 402, 813
- British Insulated Cables, Ltd., 270 429, 494, 784
- British Mannesmann Tube Co., Ltd., 239
- British Steam Specialities, Ltd., 720
- British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., 332, 524, 687 (2)
- British Trane Co., 390, 494
- Brook Motors, Ltd., 462
- Brookhlrst Switchgear, Ltd., 301, 429, 620, 687, 784
- Brotherhood, Peter, Ltd., 239
- Brown, Boveri & Co., Ltd., 148, 301
- Brown Brothers, Ltd., 620
- Brown, David, & Sons (Huddersfield), Ltd., 494
- Budenbcrg Gauge Co., Ltd., 054
- Bull Motors, Ltd., 654
- Cambridge Instrument Co., Ltd., 93, 270, 784
- Cantle Switch Co., Ltd., 148, 396
- Carrier-Ross Engineering Co., Ltd., 494
- Celite Products Corporation and Johns Manville Corporation, 813
- Cement Marketing Co., Ltd., 93, 020
- Clean Coal Co., Ltd ., 270
- Cockburn, A., <fe Co., 590
- Cohen, George, Sons & Co., Ltd., 654
- Collis & Sons, Ltd., 087
- Consolidated Pneumatic Tool Co., (South Africa Proprietary), Ltd., 720 Constructional Engineering Co., Ltd., 239
- Corma & Sava Pump Co., 61
- Coventry Chain Co., Ltd., 494
- Coventry Victor Motor Co., Ltd., 93
- Crockatt, W., & Sons, Ltd., 148
- Crompton-Parkinson, Ltd., 654, 720
- Dampney, J., & Co., Ltd., 270
- Daniell, S. A., Ltd., 462
- Danks, II. & T., 270
- Davenport Engineering Co., Ltd., 784
- De Bothezat Impeller Co., Iuc., 462, 654
- Demag Co., 301
- Dieny, Paul, 61
- Dikkers, G., & Co., (England), Ltd., 654
- Dobbie, Mclnncs & Clyde, Ltd., 301
- Donovan & Co., 270
- D.P. Battery Co., Ltd., 590
- Drayton Regulator and Instrument Co., Ltd., 524
- Dressing and Screening Co., Ltd., 557
- Duckham, Alex., & Co., Ltd., 93
- Edwards, F. G., Ltd., 61
- Electric Resistance Furnace Co., Ltd., 784
- Ellmar Mouldings Co., 720
- English Electric Co., Ltd., 332, 462, 494, 720
- English Steel Corporation, Ltd., 332, 620
- Escher, Wyss & Co., 148, 301, 620
- Evertite Locknuts, Ltd., 61
- Fairbalrn, Ernest, Ltd., 301
- Feedwater Specialists, Ltd., 61
- Ferranti, Ltd., 61, 524
- Fluidmeters, Ltd., 301
- Foster-Wheeler Corporation, 61
- Fry’s (London), Ltd., 396
- Gas Light & Coke Co., 590
- Gasified Pulverised Fuel (G.P.F.), Ltd., 462
- General Electric Co., Ltd., 270, 301, 654, 720
- Gent <fc Co., Ltd., 270
- Glenboig Union Fireclay Co., Ltd., 61
- Goodall, Clayton & Co., Ltd., 620
- Graham, Alfred, & Co., Ltd., 404
- Greenwood & Hatley, Ltd., 590
- Gummcrs, Ltd., 590
- Hadflelds, Ltd., 301, 784
- Haggerty, Lawranco & Co., 720
- Hamworthy Engineering Co., Ltd., 813
- Hathorn, Davey & Co., Ltd., 390
- Henderson, John M., & Co., Ltd., 429
- Henley’s, W. T., Telegraph Works Co., Ltd., 813
- Herbert, Alfred, Ltd., 590
- Herbert, Edward G., Ltd., 494, 720
- Hick, Hargreaves & Co., Ltd., 429
- Hill, Rowland, & Sons, Ltd., 462
- Hispano-Suiza Co. (French), 784
- Holland, Bernard, <fe Co., 624, 654
- Hopkinsons, Ltd., 270
- Igranic Electric Co., Ltd., 93, 720
- Integra Co., Ltd., 462
- Ironite Co., Ltd., 462
- Ismailia Valve Co., 462
- Jenkins, R., & Co., Ltd., 813 (2)
- Jones & Lamsou Machine Co., 429, 462
- Keighley Gear Cutting Co., 813
- Kenyon, William, & Son., Ltd., 720
- Kirkup, R. H., & Co., 557
- Korting & Mathiesen Electrical, Ltd., 524, 557, 813
- Kraberhall, Inc., 462, 720
- Krupp, Fried., 61
- Lawson Manufacturing Co. (1926), Ltd., 813
- Laycock Engineering Co., Ltd., 720
- Le Boutillier, Ltd., John, 687
- Lea Recorder Co., Ltd., 148
- I.entz Patents, Ltd., 654
- Libraco, Ltd., 301
- Light Radiators, Ltd., 813
- Lindsay, Henry, 494
- Liverpool Borax Co., Ltd., 524
- London Electric Firm, 61, 148
- Lunken Co., Ltd., 301
- Macinlop, Ltd., 813
- Marryat & Place, 301
- Marshall, Sons & Co., Ltd., 494
- Mavor & Coulson, Ltd., 332, 654, 784
- Memphis Engineering Repair Co., 404
- Merryweather & Sons, Ltd., 239
- Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co., Ltd., 239, 396, 429, 590, 720
- Milne, James, Cooper & Co., Ltd., 270
- Moss Gear Co., Ltd., 93
- Mosses & Mitchell, Ltd., 93
- National Safety Services, Ltd., 301
- New Distributors of Edison Storage Bat¬teries, Ltd., 557
- Newton, Chambers & Co., Ltd., 524
- Norrie, L. F., & Co., 93
- Nydqvist & Holm, A.-B., 620
- Oerlikon Oo., 93, 462
- Osborne, Samuel, & Co., Ltd., 784
- Owens Boiler Circulator, Ltd., 494
- Parsons, C. A., & Co., Ltd., 270
- Parsons Oil Engine Co., 148
- Peebles, Bruce, & Co., Ltd., 813
- Pels, Henry, & Co., Ltd., 813
- Perfecta Seamless Steel Tube & Conduit Co. (1923), Ltd., 61
- Perry, F. A., 590
- Petters, Ltd., 429, 784
- Philips, 654
- Power House Components, Ltd., 301, 813
- Rateau Co., 93, 270, 620
- Rennie Tool Co,, Ltd., 429
- Reyrolle, A., & Co., Ltd., 524
- Richardsons, Westgarth & Co., Ltd., 494
- Robinson, Thos., & Son, Ltd., 61
- Ruston & Hornsby, Ltd., 557
- Ryder, Thomas, & Son, Ltd., 813
- Sankey, J. II., & Son, Ltd., 61, 784
- Sentinel Waggon Works, Ltd., 301, 687
- Shannon, Ltd., The, 524
- Siemens Brothers & Co., Ltd., 429, 462, 494, 813
- Siemens-Schuckertwerke, A.G., 590
- Sisson, W., & Co., Ltd., 557
- Skefko Ball Bearing Co., Ltd., 301, 396
- Skoda Co., 61, 462, 524, 590
- Smith & Davis, Ltd., 590
- Socidte Alsacienne C.M., 590
- Sperry Gyroscope Co., Ltd., 524
- Statter, J. & G., & Co., 557
- Stein & Atkinson, Ltd., 239
- Sternol, Ltd., 93
- Stewart & Lloyds, Ltd., 270, 557
- Sturtevant Engineering Co., Ltd., 396, 524
- Submarine Signal Corporation, 148
- Sulzer Brothers, 429, 494
- Superheater Co., Ltd., 396, 524, 654
- Switchgear <fe Cowans, Ltd., 654
- Tangent Tool Engineering Co., Ltd., 784
- Tangyes, Ltd., 524, 720
- Tractor Traders, Ltd., 396
- Trost Brothers, 813
- Tungstone Accumulator Co., Ltd., 301
- Underfeed Stoker Co., Ltd., 687
- United Dry Docks, Inc., 784
- United Machine Tool Co., Ltd., 93, 494
- Universal System of Macliine Moulding and Machinery Co., Ltd., 654
- Vacuum Oil Co., Ltd., 396
- Vecder-Root, Inc., 396
- Veritys, Ltd., 239
- Vickers, Ltd., 590
- Vickers-Armstrongs, Ltd., 590
- Wagner Electric Corporation, 270
- Walisend Slipway & Engineering Co., Ltd., 61
- Wanderer-Werke, A.G., 396
- Warner & Co., Ltd., 270
- Warren Brothers (Middlesbrough), Ltd., 396
- Watson & Sons (Electro-Medical), Ltd., 494, 654
- Weir, G. <t J., Ltd., 784
- Wentworth, Darcy, 813
- Westinghouse Brake & Saxby Signal Co., Ltd., 654
- Westinghouse Electric it Manufacturing Co., 61, 239, 301, 590
Wigglesworth, Frank, it Co., Ltd., 620
- Wlld-Barfleld Electric Furnaces, Ltd., 148
- Wlngrovc it Rogers, Ltd., 03
- Wiseman, Alfred, Ltd., 462, 524
- Woodall-Duckham Vertical Retort, .t Oven Construction Co. (1920), Ltd., 462
- Workington Iron it Steel, Branch of the United Steel Companies. Ltd., 720
- Young Accumulator Co. (1929), Ltd., 301
Cement and Concrete :
- Cement, Snowcrete (Catalogues), 93, 620
- Litfge International Congress, 836
- Reservoir, Reinforced-Concrete, Elevated, nt Sydney, 137
Chemistry :
- Sec Physics and Chemistry.
Coal :
- Australian Reserves, 509
- Canadian Imports, 767
- Carditf, 14, 47, 79, 109, 138, 171, 201, 254, 285, 316„ 347, 379, 411, 444, 479, 509,
- 541, 573, 005, 637, 671, 703, 735, 767, 799, 829
- Coal-Cleaning Plant (Catalogues), 270, 429, 557
- Coal Owners’ Association, Chairmanship, 379
- Coal Production and Shipment, Brochure, 88
- Colliery Equipment (Catalogue), 654
- Colliery Guide and Directory, North of England, 779
- Colliery Year-Book and Directory, 799
- Combines, Mr. Merrett on Advantages, 79
- Contract, 500,000-ton, Buenos Ayres Elec¬tricity Works, 829
- Conveyors, Colliery (Catalogue), 332
- Egyptian Railway Coal Contract, 541, 573
- Hull Trade, 379
- Middlesbrough Coke, 14, 46, 78, 109, 138, 170, 200, 255, 284, 316, 346, 378, 410, 445, 508, 540, 572, 604, 636, 670, 702, 735, 766, 798, 828
- Mining Plant (Catalogue), 620
- Morocco, Coal Outcrop, 15
- National Coal Reserves, Survey of, 063
- Pulverised-Coal Firing (Catalogue), 301
- Sheffield, 15, 46, 79, 109, 139, 170, 201, 255, 285, 317, 347, 379, 411, 444, 479, 509, 541, 572, 005, 637, 071, 703, 735, 767, 799, 829
- South Metropolitan Electric Light & Power Co., 688
- South Wales Coal Trimmers and Night Work, 541, 605
- United States, Trolley Wires in Mines, Regu¬lations, 380
- Welsh Trade Results,316, 735
Colleges :
- See Education
Companies :
- Hills Dry Dock & Engineering Co., Ltd. (in Liq.), 605 Pyrene Co., Ltd., 703
Concrete :
- See Cement and Concrete
Cranes, Conveyors, &c. :
- Conveyors, Roller (Catalogue), 654
- Conveyors, Schenck-Hcymann (Catalogue),687'
- Handling Plant (Catalogue), 301
- Hetch-Hetchy Water Supply Scheme, Cableway, Addendum, 252
- Lifts (Catalogue), 301
- Trucks, Lifting (Catalogue), 687
- United States, Aluminium Crane, 541
Docks :
- See Harbours, Docks, etc.
Education :
- Faraday House Entrance Scholarships, 568
- Morris, John, Memorial Prize, 170
- Sorbonne, Summer Courses in French, 318
- Students. National Union, Work of, 411
- Women Engineers, Facilities for Training, 504
Electricity :
- Accumulators (Catalogues), 301 (2), 557. 590
- Aircraft, Wireless Equipment for (Cata¬logue), 494
- Alternators for Hydraulic Turbines (Cata¬logue), 332
- Apparatus, Electrical (Catalogues), 239, 429
- Australia, Wiring Rules, Electrical, 507
- British Columbia, Hydro-Electric Power Developments. 829
- Cable, Electric, Interlocking-Tile Covers, 317
- Cable-Laying (Catalogue), 590
- Cables, Lead-Sheathed, Bonding (Catalogue), 813
- Cable Wheel, Self-Winding, and Lamp (Cata¬logue), 301
- Calcutta, Hooghly River Cable Tunnel, 124
- Canada, Electrolytic Hydrogen Plant, 109
- Channel Islands and Mainland, Public Tele¬phone Service, 393
- Chimneys, Power Station, Soot, Ac., Emis¬sion Question, 829
- Circuit. Breakers (Catalogue), 557
- Circuit Breakers, Standard, 54
- Conductors, Aluminium, Standard, 445
- Conductors, Copper, Standard, 671
- Conduit Tubes (Catalogue), 61
- Controls (Catalogues), 301, 429
- Control Gear, Motor (Catalogues), 020, 784
- Converters, Rotary (Catalogue), 332
- Earthing Rods (Catalogue), 784
- Egypt, Market for Accumulators and Bat¬teries, 483
- Equipment, Electrical (Catalogues), 148, 239, 524.
- Feeder Pillars (Catalogue), 813
- Furnaces, Electric (Catalogues), 148, 784
- Fittings, Electrical (Catalogue). 270
- Generators, Diesel-Electric, Large Peak Load, 411
- Greece, Wireless Equipment, 487
- Hydro-Electric Plant (Catalogue), 301
- Instruments for Ships (Catalogue), 404
- Ireland, Electricity Supply in, Erratum, 767
- Isolating Links (Catalogue), 270
- Lamps, Electric (Catalogue), 654
- Lamp-Holstlng Gear (Catalogue), 148
- Lamp and Self-Winding Cable Wheel (Cata¬logue), 301
- Light Fittings (Catalogues), 390, 557, 720, 813
- Light. Signs (Catalogue), 813
- Lighting, Electric (Catalogues), 301, 524, 654
- Load-Despatching System, London Power Co., Addenda, 195, 264
- Locomotives, Storage-Battery, for Mines, 690
- Machinery, General (Catalogues), 01, 93, 148, 239 (2), 332, 429, 524, 557, 590 (2), 620, 654
- Marine Electrical Machines (Catalogue), 813
- Medical Apparatus, (Catalogue), 654
- Meters, Electricity, Standard, 813
- Montreal City, Hydro-Electric Power Scheme, 678
- Motors, Brushless Single-Phase, Erratum, 567
- Motors, Electric (Catalogues), 270, 301, 524, 654, 720 (3)
- Motors, Synchronous (Catalogue), 301
- Nigeria, Water-Power Plant, 24
- Plant, Electrical (Catalogue), 590
- Plugs and Sockets, Standard, 752
- Power-Factor Compensator (Catalogue), 491
- Power Station Chimneys, Soot, Ac., Emission Question, 829
- Power Transmission, Central Scotland (Cata¬logue), 494
- Quebec, Southern, llvdro-Electric Scheme, 147
- Research, Electrical (Catalogue), 720
- Rontgen-Ray Apparatus (Catalogue), 494
- Sockets and Plugs, Standard, 752
- South Wales and the Electrical Industry, 79
- South-West England and South Wales Scheme, 759
- Spain, Electricity Supply, 318
- Starter, Air-Break, Three-Phase Motors, Erratum, 46
- Starters, Motor (Catalogues), 93, 720
- Substation Equipment (Catalogue), 301
- Switches, Motor (Catalogues), 396
- Switches, Standard, 54, 799
- Switchgear, (Catalogues), 148, 301, 524, 654 (2), 687 (3), 720, 784
- Switchgear, Standard, 321
- Switzerland, Broadcasting in, 385
- Temperature Jdeasurement, Electric (Cata¬logue), 429
- Testing Apparatus (Catalogue), 61
- Turbo-Generators (Catalogue), 270
- Vehicles, Electric (Catalogue), 93
- Welding, Electric (Catalogues), 61, 720, 813
- Wire, Copper, for Electrical Machinery, Standard, 57
- Wire, Steel-Cored Copper (Catalogue), 270
- Wireless Valves, Seamless Tubing, 299
- Workshop Lighting (Catalogue), 429
- X-Rays. See Rbntgen (above)
Engines and Boilers :
- Boiler Auxiliaries (Catalogue), 784
- Boiler Circulator (Catalogue), 494
- Boiler Installation, 600-lb. per sq. in.
- Pressure, Erratum, 500
- Boilers, Water-Tube (Catalogue), 270
- Cooling Towers (Catalogue), 784
- Economisers (Catalogue), 813
- Engines, Steam (Catalogue), 557
- Feed-Water, Boiler (Catalogues), 61, 524
- Gauges, Pressure and Vacuum (Catalogue), 654
- Heat Insulat ion and Packing (Catalogue), 813,
- Joints, Expansion (Catalogue), 332
- Mountings, Boiler (Catalogue), 590
- Salinometcr, Electrical (Catalogue), 148
- Separators, Steam (Catalogue), 396
- Steam Plant (Catalogue), 61
- Superheaters (Catalogues), 396, 524
- Tubes, Expansion (Catalogue), 301
- Turbines, Steam (Catalogues), 148, 239, 429, 494, 590, 687
- Turbine, Steam, 500-kw. Impulse, Erratum 798
- United States, Record Boiler Performance, 137
- Valves (Catalogues), 93, 270 (2), 590 (2), 654, 720. 813
- Valves, Blow-Down (Catalogue), 429
- Valves, Safety (Catalogue), 93
Errata and Addenda :
- Air-Break Starter for Three-Phase Motors, 46
- Ashmore, Benson, Pease A Co., Ltd., 744
- Boiler Installation, 600-lb. per sq. in., Design and Results, 509
- Brown, David, A Sons (Hudd.), Ltd., 744
- Cableways, Construction, Hetch Hetchy
- Water Supply, 252 Canadian Budget, 683
- Copper, De-Oxidation, by Phosphorus, 436
- Dams, Curved, Safety of, World Power Con¬ference, 411
- Hydraulic Press, Flexible-Platen, 703
- Ireland. Electricity Supply, in, 767
- Lathe, V.D.F. Standard, 408
- Load-Despatching System of the London Power Co., 195, 264
- Locomotive, Electric, 7,200-h.p., Swiss Federal Railways, 637
- Locomotive, Hich-Pressure, 4-6-2-2 Type, London and North Eastern Railway, 47
- Motors, Brushless Single-Phase, 567
- Lower Sone Bridge, Re-Girdering, 697
- Roll-Grinding Machine, Precision, 640
- Scaling Tools, Rotary, Electricallv-Operated, 79
- Thread Rolling, 766
- Turbine, Steam, 500-kw. Impulse, 798
- Walsh Island Dockvard, Floating Dock for, 410
Exhibitions :
- Architects* Drawings, 588
- Athens, Hygiene, 439
- British Empire Trade, Buenos Aires, 71, 509
- British Industries Fair, Development Com¬mittee, 005
- Exhibitions Chart, 170
- Geneva .Motor & Cycle Show, Report, 637
- Inventions, International, 703
- Leipzig Fair and the Danish Government, 86
- Lidge Exhibition, Aluminium Pavilion, 829
- Milan, Cycle and Motor Cycle, 508
- Milan, Motor Show, 829
- Motor Cycle Show, 284
- North East Coast, Sale of Exhibition Build¬ings, 201
- Portugal, Producer-Gas Plant, 25
- Swedish Industries Fair, Gothenburg, 509
- United States, Import Trade Exhibition, 636
- United States Motor Car, 312
- Zagreb Fair, Jugo-Slavia, 637
Explosions :
- See Accidents
Explosives :
- See Ouns and Explosives
Ferro-Concrete :
- See Cement and Concrete
Flying Machines :
- See Aeronautics
Gas :
- Gas Companies’ Accounts, " Gas World ”
- Analysis, 172
- Gas Light & Coke Company’s Record, 590
- Gas Lighting (Catalogue), 813
- Heater, Gas (Catalogue), 813
- Holders, Gas (Catalogue), 524
Gas and Oil Engines :
- Engines, Gas (Catalogue), 687
- Engines, Oil, Atomic Diesel (Catalogue), 429
- Engines, Oil, General (Catalogues), 61, 93, 148, 429, 494, 620, 687, 784
- Engines, Gil, Marine (Catalogues), 61, 148, 429, 494, 687, 784
- Motor, Marine, Six Cylinder, Endurance Test, 56
- Temperatures, Gas Engine, 696
Harbours, Docks, etc.
- Aberdeen Harbour Contracts, 767
- Canada, St. John Harbour Development, 720
- Cochin, India, Harbour Developments, 636
- Dams, Curved, Safety of World Power Conference, Erratum, 411
- Dock, Floating, Ganges River, 13
- Dock Plant (Catalogue), 784
- Haifa, Palestine, New Harbour, 637
- Oil Dock, Panama Canal, 637
- Southampton Docks Extension Scheme, 573
- Strasburg Port Works, 63
- Walsh Island Dockyard, Floating Dock for, Addendum, 410
- Wellington, Harbour, New Zealand, 779
Hydraulic :
- Malay States Public Works Department,
- Hydraulic Branch, 29
- Pumps, Centrifugal (Catalogues), 270, 590
- Pumps, (Catalogues), 396, 524, 557, 720
- Water-Flow Measurement (Catalogue), 148
Industries and Commerce :
- Advertising Convention, 799
- Australia, Imports and Exports, 428
- Australia, Machinery Import Duties, 315
- Australia, Shale and Coal-Oil Industry, 488
- Australian Commerce, 774
- Birmingham City, Handbook, 697
- Board of Trade Markings, Brooms ar.d Brushes, 285 ; Bolts and Nuts, 487 ; Im¬ported Slates, 520; Draughtsmen’s and Artists’ Materials, 540 ; Belting and Re¬fractory Bricks, 629; Imported Motor Vehicles, 671
- Board of Trade Offices, North East Coast, 324
- British Industries Fair Development Com¬mittee, 605
- British Trade, Encouragement, 799
- China, Commercial Diplomatic Service Ap¬pointments, 268
- China, German Industrial Delegation Visit, 408
- China, Machinery Imports, 770
- Colombia, British Commerce with, 78
- Colombia, British Markets in, 540
- Contracts, 15, 47, 139, 147, 171,200, 255, 284, 316, 347, 379, 410, 453, 479, 508, 540, 572, 605, 636, 671, 703, 735, 767, 799, 829
- Counting Machines (Catalogue), 396
- France, Tin-Plate Imports, 25
- Hack-Saw Blades, International Prices. 505
- India Rubber, World Consumption, 60
- Jugo-Slavia, Zagreb Fair, 637
- Mercantile Year Book, 683
- New Zealand, Exports and Imports, 57
- Overseas Trade Opportunities,.29, 41, 47, 78. 79, 408, 411, 418, 483, 487, 493, 540,
- 573, 671, 697, 715, 814
- Patents Committee, B.O.T., 428
- Personal, 14, 47, 78, 109, 139, 170, 196, 251, 285, 324, 346, 379, 411, 453, 487, 509, 550, 573, 605, 631, 670, 702, 735, 767, 828
- Russia, Paper and Cardboard Output, 256
- Tasmania, Paper Manufacture in, 479
- Tenders, 14, 46, 78, 108, 138, 170, 200, 254,
- 284, 316, 346, 378, 410, 444, 478, 508, 540,
- 572, 604, 636, 670, 702, 734, 766, 798, 828
- Tin, Industrial Applications Committee, 79
- Tin-Plate Exports, 529
- United States, Bromine Production, 784
- United States, Carbon-Black Industry, 605
- United States, Import Trade Exhibition, 636
- Wheat Imports, Subsidised, from France, 799.
Institutions :
- See Technical Societies
- Iron and Steel :
- Blast-Furnace Suspensions, 636
- British Production, 161, 253, 524, 618, 645
- Canada, British Iron and Steel Preference, 829
- Canada, Sault Ste. Marie, Electro-Metallur¬gical Plant, 256
- Canada, Steel Bar and Billets, Standard, 252
- Cast Irons, Samplng and Analysis, 32
- Chromiferous-Nickcl Iron Ore Deposits, 433
- Cleveland, 14. 46. 78, 109, 138, 170, 200, 255, 284, 316, 346, 378, 410, 445, 478, 508, 540, 572, 604, 636, 670, 702, 735, 766, 798, 828
- Cold-ltolling Mills (Catalogue), 61
- Dowlais Works, Record Output, 799
- Drawings, Working, of Castings, 360
- East Coast Hematite, 14, 46, 78. 109, 138, 170, 200, 255, 284, 316, 346, 378, 410, 445, 478, 508, 540, 572, 604, 636, 670, 702, 734, 766, 798, 828
- German Pig-Iron Output, 79
- Hardness Tester (Catalogue), 494
- Iron and Steel Trades, 1929, 168
- Middlesbrough Foreign Ore, 14. 46, 78, 109,
- 138, 170, 200, 255, 284, 316, 346, 410. 445, 478, 508, 540, 572, 604, 636, 670, 702, 734, 766, 798. 828
- Panama Canal, Iron Ore Shipments Through, 799
- Pig Iron (Catalogues), 276, 720
- Pig-Iron Production, Curtailment, 572, 734
- Pipes, Steel (Catalogue), 239
- Poles, Steel (Catalogue), 557
- Scotch Shipments, 47, 79, 108, 139, 171, 201,
- 254, 285, 317, 346, 378, 410, 445, 479, 509, 540, 573, 605, 637, 671, 703, 735, 767, 799, 829
- Scotch Steel Contracts, 605
- Scotch Trade, 15, 47, 79, 108, 139, 170-71, 201, 254, 285, 316, 346, 378, 410, 445, 479, 509, 540, 573, 605, 637, 671, 703, 735, 766, 799, 829
- Sheffield, 15, 46, 79, 109, 139, 170, 200, 255, 284, 317, 347, 379, 411, 444, 479, 509, 541, 572, 604, 637, 671, 703, 735, 767, 799, 829
- South Wales Industry, Rationalisation, 47
- Steel Selling Organisation, International, 573
- Steel, Special (Catalogues), 301, 620. 720
- Steel Structures, Canadian Specification, 811
- Steels, Tool (Catalogues), 494, 784
- Swedish Ore Exports, 117, 347
- Swedish Pig Iron, Ac., Exports, 748
- Swedish Production, 7, 71
- Tees Imports. 170. 316, 478, 604, 735
- Tees Shipments, 170, 316, 445, 604, 735
- Tubular Constructions (Catalogue), 494
- United States Ore Output. 201
- Welsh Trade, 47, 109. 254, 285, 316, 347, 411,
- 444, 479, 637, 671, 703, 735, 767, 829
- Irrigation :
- New South Wales, Riverina Irrigation Scheme, 351
Labour Questions :
- See Trade Societies
Legal and Legislation:
- Patents Committee, Board of Trade, 429
- Weaver's Wage Deduction Case, 730
Machine and Other Tools :
- Cutting Tools (Catalogue), 429
- Dies, Screwing (Catalogue), 590
- Drills, Rock, Steel, Treatment of, 364
- Hack-Saw Blades, Graduated-Tooth, 518
- Lathes (Catalogue), 93, 396, 429
- Lathes, Combination Turret, Operator’s Handbook, 440
- Lathe, V.D.F. Standard, Erratum, 408
- Machine Tools (Catalogues), 494, 654, 784, 813
- Milling Machines (Catalogue), 396
- Press, Hydraulic, Flexible-Platen, Addendum, 703
- Roll-Grinding Machine, Precision, Erratum, 640
- Sawing Machines (Catalogue), 720
- Saws, Band (Catalogue), 61
- Scaling Tools, Electrically-Operated, Erra¬tum, 79
- Shearing Machines (Catalogue), 813
- Sheet-Metal Working Machinery (Catalogue), 61
- Thread Rolling, Errata, 766
- Tools, General (Catalogue), 396
- Tools, Pneumatic (Catalogue), 720
Marine Engineering :
- See Engines and Boilers; Ships and Ship¬building
Markets :
- Cleveland Iron, 14, 46, 78, 109, 138, 170 200, 255, 284, 310, 346, 378, 410, 445, 478, 508, 540, 572, 604, 636, 670, 702, 734, 766, 798, 828
Mining and Metallurgy :
- Aluminium. World Production, (6 Australia, Central, Mineral Wealth of, 479
- Australia, New South Wales, Mineral Pro¬duction, 479
- Blast-Furnace Equipment (Catalogue). 687
- British Columbia, Minerals und Metals, 300
- Canada, Asbestos Output, 139
- Canada, Gold Production, 180, 351, 698
- Canada, Lead Production, 686
- Canada, Mineral Output Value, 148
- Canada. Nickel Production, 139
- Canada, Ontario, Gold Production, 351, 698
- Canada, Platinum Metals Production, 816
- China, Tungsten Ore in, 767
- China, Yunnan, Mineral Resources, 32
- Copper, De-Oxidation by Phosphorus. Erratum, 436
- Empire Mining and Metallurgical Congress, 13
- Foundry Equipment (Catalogue), 239
- Foundry Equipment, Petters, Ltd., 255
- French Mines, Directory of. 773
- Furnaces, Industrial (Catalogue), 239
- Furnace Lining (Catalogue), 61
- Ilarco Magazine, 275
- Hardness Tester (Catalogue), 494
- Nickel, World Production, 63
- Pyrometers (Catalogue), 270
- Pyrometer, ’’ Pyroversum,” Improved, 570
- Queensland, Silver-Lead Mining Concession, 147
- Russia, Mercury-Orc Smelting, 454
- South Africa, Scientific Mining Methcds, 298
- Tin Consumption, World’s, 9
- Tin Output, World's, 135
- Tin Statistics. 477
- Uganda Tin Shipments, 43, 298
- United States, Aluminium Production, 532
- United States, Lead Production, 201
- United States, Molybdenum Production, 658
- Vanadium and Its Alloys, 45
Miscellaneous :
- Africnn Colonies, East, Geological Survey, 307
- Aveling A Porter, Ltd., Presentation to Long- Service Men, 411
- Belting, Hose, Ac. (Catalogue), 270
- Birmingham City, Handbook, 697
- Blacksmiths’ Plant (Catalogue), 590
- Bolts and Nuts, Dimension-Reading Device, 454
- Brown, David, A Sons (Huddersfield), Ltd., Works of. Erratum, 744
- Calendars, 326
- Canada, Hydrogen Plant, Electrolytic, 109
- Canadian Budget, Erratum, 683
- Canadian National Research Laboratories, 108
- China, Road Construction Plant, Market for,
- 487
- Compressors, Air (Catalogues), 524, 620, 654, 813
- Contracts, 15, 47,139, 147, 171, 200, 255, 284,
- 316, 347, 379, 410, 453, 479, 508, 540, 572,
- 605, 636, 671, 703, 735, 767, 799, 829
- Counting Machines (Catalogue), 396
- Crushers, Stone (Catalogue), 784
- Danube, Land Reclamation Scheme, 54
- Door Fittings (Catalogue), 720
- Drawing Board Reflector, 347
- Engineering, General (Catalogues), 61, 524, 590 (2)
- Engineering Standards Association, British, 54. 57, 63, 71, 321, 330, 445, 509, 671, 734, 752, 799, 813
- Fans (Catalogues), 524, 654
- Fibre, Vulcanised (Catalogue), 93
- Engineering Standards Association, British,Index, 330
- Factory Heating (Catalogue), 494 (2)
- Fire Escape, Self-Lowering, 347
- Fire-Extlngnlshing Apparatus (Catalogue), 239
- Fireclay Products (Catalogue), 61
- Fluid Meters (Catalogue), 301
- Furniture, Office (Catalogue), 301
- Grain Machinery (Catalogue), 494
- Gyroscope (Catalogue), 524
- Handling Plant (Catalogue), 301
- Harco Magazine, 275
- Heating, Linfield System (Catalogue), 813
- Hygiene, Tropical, Lectures on, 250, 637
- Instruments (Catalogue), 93
- Laundry Machinery (Catalogue), 654
- Letter Files (Catalogue), 524
- Lock Nuts (Catalogues), 61, 720
- Lubrication and Lubricants (Catalogues), 93, 396
- Machinery, General (Catalogue), 620
- Malay States Public Works Department, Hydraulic Branch, 29
- Microscope, Pocket, Reason Manufacturing Co., 147
- Moulded Parts (Catalogue), 720
- Nomograph for Surveyors, 315
- Nuts and Bolts, Dimension-Rending Device, 454
- Oil Pipe Line, Caspian-Moscow, 326
- Paints (Catalogues), 270, 784
- Paints, Standard, Vandyke-Brown, 509
- Paper Makers, Directory of, 829
- Paris Highway Works, 45
- Personal, 14, 47, 78, 109, 139, 170. 196, 251,
- 285, 324, 346, 379, 411, 453, 487, 509, 550, 573, 605, 631, 670, 702, 735, 767, 828
- Photographic Almanac, British Journal, 346
- Plano Player, Portable, 180
- Pumps, Lubricating (Catalogues), 61, 590
- Reflector, Drawing Board, 347
- Refrigerating Plant (Catalogue), 61, 687
- Refuse Disposal, 478
- Regulators, Automatic (Catalogue), 429
- Retort for Australian Shale, 109
- Road-Making Plant, Trade Opportunity, 411
- Road-Marking Machine (Catalogue), 301
- Rust Preventer (Catalogue), 93
- Scrapers, Drag-Line (Catalogue) 429
- Screens (Catalogues), 301, 557
- Searchlights (Catalogue), 61
- Separators and Screens (Catalogue), 396
- Shale, Australian, Retort for, 109
- Sheet-Metal Products (Catalogue), 61
- Smoke Abatement Conference, 479
- Specifications, Standard, Binders for, 301
- Synthetic Ammonia Plant, Lower Silesia, 505
- Tachometers (Catalogue), 301
- Tar, Road, Standard, 71
- Temperature Regulators (Catalogue), 524
- Tenders, 14, 46, 78, 108, 138, 170, 200, 254,
- 284, 316, 346, 378, 410, 444, 478, 508, 540, 572, 604, 636, 670, 702, 734, 706, 798, 828
- Thermometers, (Catalogue), 784
- Timber Testing, Standard Methods, 63
- Tyre for Milk Churns (Catalogue), 813
- Vessels, Welded (Catalogue), 813
- Water-Level Instruments (Catalogue), 270
- Welding (Catalogues), 557, 654, 813
- Workshop Lighting (Catalogue), 429
- Zeiss Measuring Machine, 285
Motor Cars :
- Accessories, Motor-Car (Catalogues), 301, 620
- Aluminium in Construction Work (Cata¬logue), 784
- Denmark, Motor Tractor Trials, 007
- Gears, Motor-Car (Catalogue), 93
- Geneva Show, Report., 637
- Mexico, Trade Opportunities In, 41
- Milan Cycle and Motor Cycle Show, 508
- Milan Motor Show, 829
- Motor-Car Chain Drives (Catalogue), 494
- Motor-Cycle Show, 284
- Motor Vehicles (Catalogues), 93, 020, 784
- Omnibuses, Double Deck, Weight Order, 703
- Tractors, Caterpillar (Catalogue), 396
- Trade Opportunities Overseas, 79, 408, 493 097
- Truck, Motor (Catalogue), 784
- United States, Motor Car Exhibitions, 312
- United Stntes, Motor Vehicle Registrations 613
- Wagons, Steam (Catalogue), 301
Naval :
- “ Active,” H.M. Destroyer, 347
- ” Antelope,” H.M. Destroyer, 530
- “ Arrow," H.M. Destroyer, Trials, 478
- “ Blanche," H.M, Destroyer, Launch. 744
- “ Boreas," H.M. Destroyer, Launch, 798
- Contracts, Naval Construction, 767
- “ Diane,” French Submarine, Launch, 671
- " Folkestone,” H.M. Sloop, 250
- “ Hindustan,” R.I.M. Sloop, 702
- “ Scarborough,” H.M. Sloop, Launc'h, 379
- Submarines, “ R ” Class, Launch of Three 799
Naval :
- See also Aeronautics
Obituary :
- See General Index
Physics and Chemistry :
- Chemical Engineering and Chemical Cata¬logue, 828
- Crystal Models, Stereoscopic Photographs, 255
- National Physical Laboratory, 1929 Report, 814
Power Plants : 5
- See Electricity
Power Transmission :
- Bearings, Ball (Catalogues), 396
- Bearings, Roller (Catalogues), 301, 396
- Belt-Fasteners (Catalogue), 590
- Belt Fastener Tests, 541
- Belting, &c. (Catalogues) 270, 494
- Belting, Power Transmission by, 541
- Gears (Catalogues), 494, 524, 687 (2), 813
- Rope Drives (Catalogues), 494, 620, 720 (2)
Railways and Locomotives :
- Bridge and Tunnel Traffic, 189
- Bristol, Temple Meads Station, Great Western Railway, 605
- Canada, Peace River and Vancouver Railway Scheme, 255
- Canada, Quebec, Saguenay and Chibougamau Railway, 550
- Canada, Railway Rolling-Stock Manufacture, 690
- Canadian Pacific, Branch Line Programme, 518
- Cars, Rail, Electric (Catalogue), 524
- Cars, Rail, Steam (Catalogue), 687
- China, Railway Activities and Schemes, 613
- Dock Charges, Railway, South Wales Oppo¬sition, 201
- Egyptian Railway Coal Contract, 541, 573
- Great Western Railway Goods Wagons, 471
- Great Western Railway, South Wales Port Works, 385
- Italian Royal Train, 573
- Locomotive, Electric, 7,200-h.p., for Swiss Federal Railways, 509 ; Erratum, 637
- Locomotives and Equipment, Electric (Catalogue), 396
- Locomotive, High-Pressure, 4-0-2-2 Type, London and North Eastern Railway, Erratum, 47
- Locomotives, Light, Turkish Market, 671
- Locomotive, Schmidt (Catalogue), 654
- Locomotives, Schwartzkopf (Catalogue), 590
- Locomotives, Storage-Battery, for Mines, 696
- Rolling-Stock Construction, 1930, 124
- Scotch Locomotive Contract, 605
- Siamese-Cochin China Railways, 18
- Signalling Symbols, Standard, 734
- Signals, Railway (Catalogue), 654
- South African Railways, Engineering Pro¬blems, 310
- Station, Temple Meads, Bristol, Great Western Railway, 605
- Traffic Receipts, British Railways, 263, 671
- Tunnel and Bridge Traffic, 189
- Valve Gear, Locomotive (Catalogue), 654
- Year Book, Railway, 798
Schools :
- See Education
Sewage and Drainage :
- Danube, Marshy Land Drainage Scheme, 54
- Ships and Shipbuilding :
- " Anthony," S.S., Trials, 196
- British Corporation Register of Ships, 323
- "Cadillac," S.S., Replacing Mid-Ship Sec¬tion, 436
- Cardiff’s Merchant Fleet, 444
- “ City of Cambridge," S.S., Bauer-Wach Turbine Installation, 139
- Clyde Activities, 47, 108, 171, 201, 254, 317, 346, 445, 573, 605, 703, 735
- Directory of Shipowners, Shipbuilders and Marine Engineers, 541
- Electrical Equipment for Ships (Catalogue), 230
- Engines, Marine, Small (Catalogue), 148
- “ Hobson’s Bay,” S.S., Reconditioning, 541
- Isherwood System, Construction, 202
- Instruments, Electrical, for Ships (Catalogue), 494
- Launches and Trial Trips, 24, 78, 138, 170, 234, 203, 320, 387, 419, 487, 617, 540, 582 045, 702, 775, 708, 828
- Life-Boat Lifting Hooks, Testing of, 167
- Machinery, Marine Auxiliary (Catalogue), 93
- Machinery, Marine, 1929 Output, 56, 108, 139
- Machines, Marine Electrical (Catalogue), 813
- Officers' (Merchant Navy), Federation, 504, 605
- Repair Work, Ship (Catalogue), 494
- Russia, Withdrawal of Lloyd’s Register Sur¬veyors, 372
- Safety of Life at Sea, Conference, 156
- Scotch Construction Contracts, 47, 171, 317, 735, 799
- Scotch Shipbuilding, 47, 108, 171, 201, 254, 317, 346, 445, 573, 605, 703, 735
- Scotch Shipbuilding in 1929, 47
- Shipbuilding Industry, Depression in First Quarter, 1930, 614
- Shipbuilding in 1929, 46, 138, 156
- Shipowners, Shipbuilders and Marine Engine¬ers, Directory of, 541
- Sounding Apparatus, Marine (Catalogue), 148
- South Wales, Lay-Up of Ships, 138, 171, 201, 254
- South Wales, Repair Contract Lost, 14
- South Wales Shipping Companies’ Losses, 411
- Stabilograph (Catalogue), 301
- Surveyors, Ship, B.O.T. Examinations, 264
- Thames Motor Tugs, 178
- Vickers-Armstrong’s Limited, Turbo-Electric Liners Contract, 139
- Wallsend Slipway and Engineering Company, Limited, Record (Catalogue), 61
Societies :
- See Technical and Trade
Strikes :
- See Trade Societies
Technical Societies, &c. :
- Aeronautical Society, Royal, 444
- Architects, British, Royal Institute of, 56
- Australasian Institute of Mining and Metal¬lurgy, 285
- Australia, Institution of Engineers, 254
- Automobile Engineers, Institution of, 354
- British Association, 567
- Centralians, Old, 285
- Chemical Engineers, Institution of, 550
- Compressed Air Society, British, 550
- Concrete and Reinforced Concrete, I.idge Congress, 836
- Consulting Engineers’ Congress, Vienna, 15
- Electrical Association, Incorporated Muni¬cipal, 572
- Electrical Development Association, British, 316
- Electrical Engineers, Institution of, 88, 379, 451, 541, 671
- Electrical Engineers, Institution of, Scottish Centre, 508
- Electrical Engineers, Institution of, South Midland Centre, 670
- Electrical Engineers, Institution of, Western Centre, 79, 637
- Empire Mining and Metallurgical Congress. 13, 285
- Engineers-in-Charge, Institution of, 525
- Engineers, Institution of, Australia, 254
- Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland,
- Institution of, 254, 410 Faraday House Old Students, 171
- Finsbury College Old Students’ Association, 346
- Foundrymen, British, Institute of, 585
- Gas Engineers, Institution of, 637
- Glass Convention, British, 636
- Glass Technology, British and German
- Societies’ Meeting, 670
- Gliding Association, British, 201
- Illumination Congress, International, 799
- Iron and Steel Institute, 274, 295, 454
- Locomotive Engineers, Institution of (Birmingham Centre), 279
- Marine Engineers, Institute of, 445
- Metals, Institute of, 193, 270, 285, 436 (Erratum). 637
- Mining and Metallurgical Congress, Empire, 13, 285
- Mining and Metallurgy, Institution of, 321
- Municipal and County Engineers, Institu¬tion of, 671
- Municipal Electrical Association, Incorpo¬rated, 572
- National Physical Laboratory, 1929 Report, 814
- Naval Architects, Institution of, 171, 250, 419, 800
- Naval Constructors, Royal Corps of, 199
- North-East Coast Institution of Engineers
- nnd Shipbuilders, 410 Patentees, Institute of, 439
- Refrigerating Engineers, Australia, Institute of, 230
- Royal Institution, 478, 605
- “ Safety First’’ Association, National, Con¬gress, 637
- Sanitary Institute, Royal, 636
- Science’ and Technology, History of Inter¬national Congress, 568
- Siemens Men, Ex-, Association of, 317
- Skilled Employment and Apprenticeship Association, 829
- Transport, Institute of, 652, 670, 717
- Water Engineers. Institution of, 347, 573
- Waterworks Association, British, 767
- Whitworth Society, 138
- Women’s Engineering Society, 504
- World Engineering Congress, Toklo, 828
- World Power Conference, Berlin, 671, 697
Telephony :
- See Electricity
Tools :
- See Machine and Other Tools
Trade Societies, &c. :
- Accidents, Handling, United States Data, 11
- Agricultural Labour, British, Mr. Beard on Present Danger and Its Remedy, 537
- Appleton, Mr., on Combinations in Industry, 179; on Disputes, Origin and Continu¬ance, Responsibility, 763; on Rationali¬sation, 763
- Australia, Conciliation Courts, Suggested Modification of Composition, 614
- Austrian Federation of Industries on Social Charges, 179
- Beard and Citrine, New Year Message to Trade Unionists, 42
- Beard, J., on Agricultural Labour, Present Danger and Remedy, 537
- Belgium, Arbitration and Conciliation Data, 42, 388
- Boilermakers, Society, Mr. Hill on the T.U.C. Scheme for Abating Unemploy¬ment by Scrapping Old Ships, 824 ; Mem¬bership, Ac., 11, 118, 294, 441, 569, 712, 824; Piece-Workers’ Earnings Question, 569
- Brazil, Relief Tax for Musicians Displaced by Mechanical Apparatus, 537
- Building Trades and the Five-Day Week, 420; Rationalisation, 824
- Building Trade Wages Question, 78, 135, 420
- Burnley Weavers and the Eight-Loom System, 441
- Canada, Steel Company’s Scheme for Im¬proved Labour Conditions, 441
- Capital and Taxation, Federation of Trades, Report on Enquiry, 488
- Cement Industry, Home Office Order for Welfare Arrangements, 322
- Christian Trade Unions, International, and Hours of Work, 730
- Citrine and Beard, New Year Message to Trade Unionists, 42.
- Citrine, Mr., on the Association of Manual and Non-Manual Workers, 11 ; on Con¬ference Machinery for Employers and Employed, 118
- Cleveland Blast Furnacemen’s Wages, 46, 478
- Cleveland Ironstone Miners’ Wages, 78, 508
- Coal Mining, International Technical Con¬ference on Conditions of Work, Agreed
- Points, 135
- Cokemen and By-Product Workers’ Union. Proposed Educational Scheme, 763
- Commerce, British Chambers of, and Wages in Sheltered Occupations, 646
- Convict Labour in South African Agriculture, Proposed, 197
- Cotton Trade Wages Question, 135
- Diseases, Occupational, T.U.C. Medical Ad¬viser, 251
- Disputes, Origin and Continuance, Respon¬sibility Question, 763
- Distributive and Allied Workers’ Union, Financial Position, 197
- Economics, Industrial, Causes of Instability, 294
- Eight Hours Bill and Railwaymen, 420
- Electrical Contracting Industry, Wage Re¬ductions, 730
- Elect rical Trades, Generat ing and Substat ion Engineers’ Wages, 666
- “ Electrical Trades Journal,” on the Engineer¬ing Trades Joint Wages Movement, 388; on Labour-Saving Appliances and Unem¬ployment. Benefit, 388; on Unemploy¬ment, 646 ; on the Wage Settlement, 824
- Electrical Trade Union, 1929 Progress, 118
- Electrical Trade Wages, 78, 251, 518, 666, 730, 824
- Electrical Trade Workers, Breach of Union Conditions, 118
- Electrical Trade Workers’ Prosperous Year, 118
- Employers and Employed, Mr. Citrine on Conference Machinery, 118
- Employers’ Federation, Engineering and Allied, New Chairman, 356
- Employment-Exchange Reports, 11, 42, 78, 118, 135, 179, 197, 251, 322, 356, 388, 420, 441, 488, 569, 614, 646, 666, 712, 730, 794, 824
- Enfield Small Arms Factory, Government Decision to Abolish Piecework, 388
- Engineering Trade Wages Question, 77, 135, 294, 420, 569, 646
- Engineering Union, Amalgamated, Annual Report, 537; Mr. Brownlie on Achieve¬ment and Hopes, 77 ; Mr. Brownlie on his Retirement, 794 ; Election of President, 197, 537; and Employers, Conference on Various Questions Deferred, 356 ; Govern¬ment and Proposed Trade Inquiry, 537, 614, 646 ; Membership and Benefit Data, 77, 118, 197, 356, 518, 537, 569, 646, 794 ; National Committee’s Agenda at Man¬chester Meeting, 569; on Overtime and Unemployment in the Industry, 518, 569 ; on Rationalisation and the Skilled Worker, 135 ; on the Principle of Rationalisation, 646; Rejection of Foreign Industries Inquiry, 420; Revival Fund, 730; Road Traffic Mechanics, 197; York Memorandum, 646
- Factory Inspectorate, Government, Changes In, 420
- Federation of British Industries and the Employers nnd Workers Provisional Agreement, 77
- Federation of Trades, General Committee’s Report on Taxation and Prices Inquiry, 488
- Federation of Trades, General, Reports, 179, 614, 763
- Federation of Trades, International, Member¬ship, Ac., 11, 794
- France, Foreign Labour Immigration, 614, 730 ; Labour Agreements in 1928, Statis¬tics, 322 ; Saar Territory, Inter-Territorial Arrangement for Student Employees, 388 ; Social Legislation and Its Economic Difficulties, 518
- Friendly Societies, Annual Report, 441
- Gas Industry, Workers’ Compensation for Displacement, 014
- Germany, Federation of Employers’ Asso¬ciations, Report, 518 ; National Economic Council, Proposed Labour Legislation, 197 ; Metal and Engineering Workers Demands, 824 ; Metal Workers Terminate Working Hours Agreement, 824; Metal Workers’ Wage Reduction, 794 ; National Federation of Industry, Change in Con¬stitution, 518 ; Order against Night Work for Boys, 614; Seafarers’ New Wages Rates, 294; Social Developments and Economic Possibilities, 518; Stahlwerk Becker's Agreement with Employees Annulled by Metal-Workers’ Union, 488 ; Unemployment Benefit Data, 388, 712, 794; Unemployment Figures, 42, 135, 388,794 ; Women Unionist Wages
- Investigation, 322; Working Hours Inquiry, Results, 569
- Greece, Working Hours Bill in Banks, 730
- Heating, Ventilating and Domestic Engine¬ering Employers. National Association, 379
- Heating and Ventilating Engineers, Demar¬cation Difference Settlement, 666
- Hill, Mr., on the Boilermakers’ Piecework Earnings, 569; on the Company formed for Buying-in Redundant Shipbuilding Yards, 441; on Unemployment among Boilermakers and on New Lines of Work, 11 ; on Unemployment Abatement by Scrapping Old Ships, 824
- Holiday, Week-End, Advantages of, 42
- Holidays, West Midland Joint Industrial Council’s Recommendation, 666
- Holidays with Pay, “ International Labour Review ” Comments, 356
- Holidays with Pay, Swedish Social Board Report, 441
- Holland, Metal Workers, Working Hours Statistics, January-June, 1929, 441 ;
- Painters’ Unions, Holiday Fund, 322
- Hours of Work, Manufacturers’ Objections to Draft Bill, 646
- Hours of Work for Salaried Employees, Report on Convention, 488, 794
- Hungary, Federation of Trade Unions, on Rationalisation, 614
- Independent Labour Party Conference, Unemployment Legislation Proposals, 356
- India, Employers’ Federation, All-India, Proposed, 712
- Industrial Notes. See Labour Notes (below) Industrial Recovery, Mr. Appleton on the
- Need for a Common Understanding, 179
- Industrial Situation, 118, 294, 420, 537, 712, 794, 824
- Industry, Problems of, and United States Personal Research Foundation, 179
- International Federation of Trade Unions, Membership, 11
- “ International Labour Review ” on Holidays with Pay, 356
- Iron and Steel Industry, Improved Con¬ditions for Workers, 178
- Iron Trade Emploj’ers’ Insurance Co., Re¬port, 666
- Iron Trade Wages, 139, 445, 703
- Italy, Hours of Work Bill, 322 ; Legislation
- Limiting Pledging, Ac., of Salaries, 118; Ratification of Washington Convention, 322
- Japan, Factory-Owners and Delegation of Management to Workers, 763 ; Law Regulating Discharge of Workers, 763
- Labour Ministry Reports, 11 42, 78, 118 (2), 135 179 197, 251, 294, 322, 356, 388, 420 (2), 441, 488, 537, 569, 614, 646, 666 (2), 712 (2), 730, 763, 794, 824 (2)
- Labour Notes, 11, 42, 76, 118, 135, 178, 197, 251, 294, 322, 356, 388, 420, 441, 488, 518, 537, 569, 614, 646, 666, 712, 730, 763, 794, 824
- Legge, Sir T., Appointment by T.U.C. as Medical Adviser, 251
- Legislation, Industrial, Suggested Overhaul, 388
- Loveday, A., on Causes of Economic Insta¬bility, 294
- Luxemburg, Employment of Foreign Wage Earners, Authorisation Conditions, 135 Machinery versus Hand Labour In Wealth
- Production, 179
- Macmillan, Lord, Retirement from Concilia¬tion Organisation, 488
- “ Man and Metal ” on Economic Advisory Council’s Powers, 322 ; on Overtime, 646 ; on Rationalisation and Workers’ Con¬ditions, 763; on Reasons for Increased Unemployment, 488
- Metal Workers, International, Membership, 322
- Miners’ Federation and “ Spread-Over ” of Working Hours, 763
- Miners, Holiday with Extra Pay Move¬ment, 794
- Miners’ Hours, International Labour Con¬ference Agenda, 197, 251, 666
- Miners, International Technical Conference on Conditions of Work, Agreed Points, 135
- Mining, Conference on Underground Hours, 441
- Municipal and General Workers, Financial and other Data, 712
- Netherlands, Metal Workers, Working Hours Statistics, January-June, 1929, 441
- Painters’ Unions, Holiday Fund, 322
- Overtime, ” Man and Metal ” Comments, 646
- Patternmaker, Metal, Enquiry, 251 Patternmakers, Annual Report, 666; En¬
- gineering Joint Trade Wages Movement, 518, 666, 794; Rationalisation, 794; Unemployment and Membership Data, 77, 251, 388, 518, 666, 794
- Pensions, Old Age, United States Legisla¬tion, 11
- Pension Scheme, Lancashire Electric Power Co., 487
- Pichon, A., on Economic Difficulties aud Social Legislation in France, 518
- Poland, Unemployment Insurance Acts Amendments, 730
- Post Office, Engineering Department, Workers’ Wages Revision, 135
- Post Office, Supervising Officers’ Hours, Award, 11
- Production and Organisation, Need for World Basis, 178
- Professional Workers and the 48-Hour Week, 666
- Professional Workers, National Federation of, 178, 197
- Railway Clerks’ Association and Transfer of Work to Trading Companies, 712
- Railway Shopmen, Boiler Makers’ Section, and the 2J per cent., 712; Short-Time Order, 569
- Railway Workers and the Bill to Ratify Washington Hours Convention, 356
- Railwaymen, Heads of Eight-Hours Bill, 420
- Railwaymen, National Union, Annual Report, 712 ; Communists in, 322
- Raleigh Cycle Company’s Agreement with Employees, 712
- Ratification by Italy of Washington Hours, 322
- Rationalisation, Mr. Appleton’s Views, 763 ; Building Trades’ Demands, 824; Hun¬garian Federation of Unions on, 614; Patternmakers’ Resolution, 794; Scotch Steel Trade, 139; Skilled and Unskilled Workers, 135 ; Mr. Tillett’s Views on, 42
- Roumania, Unemployment Preventive Measures, 730
- Ruskin College, Scholarships for Women, 488 Russia, Inspection Brigades to Urge Co¬operative Trade, Ac., 388; Labour Com¬missariat on “ Real ” Wage Improvement, 356; Red International Instructions on the Organisation of Strikes, Ac., 322; Seven-Hour Day, Favourable Results of, 712 ; Soviet Conditions as to State, Ac., Employment, 251 ; Union Membership, Exclusion of Certain Classes, 251 ; Union
- Responsibility, Soviet Decree, 441
- Scottish T.U.C. and the Promotion of Col¬lective Agreements, 537
- Sherwood, W., on Solution of Unemploy¬ment Problem, 646
- Shipbuilding and Engineering Trades, Platers’ Helpers and Rivet-Heaters’ Wages Question, 569 ; Proposed Termination of Agreement, 294
- Shipbuilding, Mr. Hill on the Company formed for Buying Redundant Yards, 441
- Shipbuilding Industry, Depressing Employ¬ment Outlook, 614; Rationalisation in, 646
- Shipwrights, Association, Return to Ship¬building and Engineering Federation, 322
- Skilled Employment and Apprenticeship Association, 829
- Social Charges, Burden of, In Austria, 179
- South Africa and Convict Labour for Agri¬culture, 197
- South Wales Iron and Steel Industry, Rationalisation, 47
- Strike Statistics, 118, 294, 420, 537, 712, 824
- Sweden, Working Hours, Proposed Per¬manent Legislation, 730
- Swedish Industries, Report on Holidays with Pay, 441
- Switzerland, Holidays with Pay Bill, B&le Ville, 730; Loan System for Elderly Employees, 11
- Tailors, Union, New National Agreement, 730
- Tallinn Conference of Industrial, Organi¬sations, Resolution, 179
- Taxation, Burden on Industry, French Metal, Industries Report, 518
- Taxation of Industry, R. Watson’s Views, 537
- Taxation and Prices, Inter-Relation, 488 Telegraphists, Wireless and Cable, Wages
- and Conditions Question, 77
- Thomas, J. H., New Year Message to Rail¬waymen, 42
- Tlllett, B., on the Inevitability of Rationali¬sation, 42
- Trade Disputes and Trade Unions Bill, Comments of Trade Union Congress. 794, 824
- Trade Union Congress on the Five-Day Week for Government Employees, 77; G.C. and Co-Operation with Labour M.P.s., 294 ; G.C. and the Long Week-End Rest, 42 ; Medical Adviser, 251; Re-Affiliation of
- Seamen’s Union, 322; Suggested Over¬haul of Industrial Legislation, 388; Trade Disputes and Trade Unions Bill, 794, 824
- Trade Unions, International federation, Membership, 11, 794 .
- Trade Unions, International, Social Legis¬lation Programme, 537
- Transport and General Workers, Bencltt Data, 294
- Unemployment Benefit, 1929 Figures, 356 ; Labour Ministry Report, 666
- Unemployment Grants Committee, Schemes 42, 118, 179, 322, 388, 712, 730, 824
- Unemployment, Increased, Views of “ Man and Metal,” 488
- Unemployment Insurance, Working of New Arrangements, 763
- Unemployment and the Labour Government, Patternmaker’s Criticism, 78
- Unemployment Reports, 11, 42, 78, 118 (2), 135, 179, 197, 251, 294, 322, 356, 388, 420 (2), 441, 488, 537, 569, 614, 646, 666 (2), 712 (2), 730, 763, 794, 824 (2)
- Unemployment, Scheme for Abating by Scrapping Old Ships, 824
- Unemployment, World Aspects of, Con¬ference, 197
- United States, Accidents, Causes and Fre¬quency Rate, 11; Arbitration, Value of, and Statistics, 614; Clothing Workers' Chicago Fellowship, 42 ; Effect of Full Saturday Holiday, 42 ; Employees’ Stock- Ownership Plans, Weaknesses, 197 ; Em¬ployers and Workers, Improving Rela¬tions, 251; Employment Stabilisation, Proposed Creation of Committees and Data of Functions, 42; History of Wages, Bulletin of Labour Bureau, 420 ; Iron and Steel Industry, Hours and Earnings, 356, 518; Labourers, Ac., 44-Hour Week Act, 666 ; Lath-Workers, St. Louis, Step to Reduce Unemployment, 824; Machinists, Classification Clause in Agreement, 441 ; Metallurgical Industry, Accident Data, 763 ; Modern Machinery and Old Age, Industrial Report, 388: Old Age Pension Movement, Proposed Legislation, 11 ; Personal Research Foun¬dation and Industrial Problems, 179; Plumbers’ Five-Day Week Agreement, 420; Public Works Board, Proposed, 356; Rubber Company and Long-Time Employee Dismissals, 441 ; Smileage Gasoline Stations, Employment of Sexa¬genarians, 251 ; Unemployment in, 77. 78, 135,294,388; Unemployment, Mr. Green on Causes and Remedy, 488 ; Unemployment Prevention Committee’s Report, 666; Western Electric Co., Output Variation Research, 178 ; Dr. Wolman on Industrial Balance and Scientific Management, 294 ; Workers and Employment, Age Difficulty, 251; Working Hours of Women, Interstate Variations, 488
- Wages, Fluctuations in, 118, 294, 420, 537, 712, 824
- Wages, United States, History of, 420 Washington Hours and British Ratification,
- Belgian Inquiry, 107 ; Proposed Bill to give Effect to Convention, 356, 537
- Watson, R., on the Relation between Un¬employment and Selling Difficulties in Industry, 537
- Wealth and Money, Distinction between, 488
- Weaver's Wage-Deduction Case, Legal Decision, 730
- West Midlands Joint Industrial Council and the Holiday Scale, 066
- Women Workers, T.U.C. Conference on Organisation, 488
- Woodworkers, Amalgamated Society, Benefit Figures, 712
- Woodworkers, International, Expulsion of Non-Conforming Organisations, 322
- Wool Textile Industry, Wage-Reduction Dispute, 441, 666, 730
- Workers, Manual and Non-Manual, Mr. Citrine on Association of, 11
- Workmen’s Compensation, 1928, Home Office Report, 197
- York Memorandum and the A.E.U. National Committee, 646
Trade :
- See Coal; Iron and Steel; Ships and Ship¬building; Electricity; and Industries
Turbines :
- See Engines and Boilers
Universities :
- See Education
Vehicles :
- See Motor Cars; Railways
Warships :
- See Naval
Water Works :
- Australia, Sydney Elevated Water Reser¬voir, 137
- Hetch-Hetchy Water Supply Scheme, Adden¬dum, 252
- Tubes, Artesian Well (Catalogue), 270
- Water-Level Instruments (Catalogue), 270
- Well Boring (Catalogue), 332