Engineering 1930 Jan-Jun: Index: Patent Record
Note: This is a sub-section of Engineering 1930 Jan-Jun: Index
- View 1930 Jan-Jun Volume
Electrical Apparatus :
- Motors. Reciprocating, Electric. It. C. Graseby, 430
- Gas Engines, Producers, Holders, &c.:
- Carbonising Apparatus. International-Com¬bustion, Ltd., and S. McEwen, 240
- Carburettors, Spray. W. A. Wbatmough and H. Weslnke, 64
- Internal-Combustion Engines. A. H. R. Fedden, L. F. G. Butler, and the Bristol Aeroplane Co., Ltd.. 464
- Internal-Combustion Engines. R. A. Lister & Co., and A. F. Sanders. 464
- Internal-Combustion Engines. Morris Com¬mercial Cars, Ltd., and W. W. Hamill, 430
- Piston Rings. William Doxford A Sons, Ltd., and K. 0. Keller, 558
- Producer, Gas. Feeding Mechanism. Well¬man- Seaver-Morgan Co., 64
- Retorts, Vertical. E. West and West’s Gas Improvement Co., Ltd., 302
- Water-Gas Plant. Tully, Sons A Co., Ltd., and A. V. Tully, 64
Lifting and Hauling Appliances :
- Cranes, Jib, Luffing. Thomas Smith A Sons (Rcdley), Ltd., and C. Walls, 240
- Hoists, James and Fredk. Howard, Ltd., and W. II. Ashby, 430
- Jacks, Pressure. H. C. Miller and E. K. Dainton, 240
Machine and Other Tools, Shafting, &c.:
- Bearings, Roller. W. H. Jones and T. Rowbotham A Co., Ltd., 302
- Clutch Driving Mechanism, Toothed. Mavcr A Coulscn, Ltd., and J. B. Mavor. 240
- Clutrhes. (’. G. Nevatt and E. G. Kingston, 558
Mining, Metallurgy and Metal Working :
- Drills, Rock. J. L. and .4. T. Holman, 464
- Furnaces. II. S. Knowles and W. Burkinshaw, 302
- Linings, Furnace. S. Travis and the Callow Rock Lime Co., Ltd., 64
- Tubes. Metal, Manufacture. Wellman Seaver Rolling Mill Co.. Ltd., and S. Smith. 464
- Welding Plant. Burdons, Ltd., and W. H. Howden, 64
Miscellaneous :
- Air-Heating and Supply Systems. R. K. Webster. 430
- Coin-Operated Mechanism. R. C. Grasebv, 558
- Flame Combustion, Preventing Propagation of. T. R. Cave-Brown-Cave and H. Wood, 302
- Gearing, Differential. R. C. Graseby, 558
- Glands, Packed. J. L. and A. T. Holman and J. Arthur, 430
- Glass Melting. John Moncrieff, Ltd., and A. F. McNish, 430
- Glass, Molten. T. F. Pearson, 526
- Liquid, Tank-Stored, Separating Impurities from. Liquid Measurements, Ltd., nnd F. Hammond, 302
- Metallic Jointing. The Gas Light and Coke Co., and F. Spencer, 464.
- Sand Blast Apparatus. J. W. Jackman A Co., Ltd., and F. W. Neville, 526
Motor Road Vehicles :
- Brake Mechanism, Front Wheel. F. W. Scott and Clayton Wagons, Ltd.. 240
- Wheel Hubs. British Timken, Ltd., and P. C. Austin, 464
- Pumps, Rotary. T. W. Nichols. 464
Railways and Tramways:
- Chairs nnd Sleepers, Metal. Ebbw Vale Strel. Iron A Coal Co., Ltd., and G. Bar¬rett, 526
- Gear, Central Buffer and Draw. C. W. C. Hine, and George Spencer, Moulton A C'o., Ltd., 526
Ships and Nautical Appliances:
- Propelling Machinery. W. Hinchcliffe and J. Scott, 302
- Stern Tubes, Ships’. L., P. A R. Ferguson, 526
- Steam Engines, Boilers, Evaporators, &c.:
- Condensing Plant, Steam. Contratio En¬gineering Co., Ltd., and H. Hillier, 558
- Ejectors, Multi-Stage Steam-Jet. G. A J. Weir, Ltd., and J. Sim, 526
- Generators, Steam. Stirling Boiler Co., Ltd., and H. S. Horsman, 526
- Packings, Metallic. United Kingdom Self- Adjusting Anti-Friction Metallic Packing Syndicate, Ltd., and F. F. Brookes, 526
- Stokers, Chain Grate. Babcock A Wilcox, Ltd., ar.d A. E. Parker, 64
- Superheaters. H. E. Yarrow. 240
- Water-Cooling Towers. M. E. Gerard and
- L. G. Mouchel A Partners, Ltd., 430
- Arthur, J., and others. Packed Glands, 430
- Ashby, W. II., nnd others. Hoists, 430
- Austin, P. C., and others. Wheel Hubs, 464
- Babcock A Wilcox, Ltd., and another. Chain Grate Stokers, 64
- Barrett, G.. and others. Metal Chairs and Sleepers, 526
- Bristol Aeroplane Co., Ltd., and others. In¬ternal-Combustion Engines, 464
- British Timken, Ltd., and another. Wheel Hubs, 464
- Brookes, F. F., and others. Metallic Packings, 526
- Burdons, Ltd., and another. Welding Plant, 64
- Burkinshaw, W., and another. Furnaces, 302
- Butler, L. F. G., and others. Internal-
- Combustion Engines, 464
- Callow Rock Lime Co., Ltd., and another. Furnace Linings. 64
- Cave-Brown-Cave, T. R., and another. Pre¬venting Propagation of Flame Combustion, 302
- Clayton Wagons, Ltd., and another. Front Wheel Brake Mechanism, 240
- Contraflo Engineering Co., Ltd., and another. Steam Condensing Plant, 558
- Dainton, E. H., and another. Pressure Jacks, 240
- Doxford, William, A Sons, Ltd., and another. Piston Rings, 558
- Ebbw Vale Steel Iron A Coal Co., Ltd., and another. Metal Chairs and Sleepers, 526
- Fedden. A. H. R., and others. Internal- Combustion Engines, 464
- Ferguson, L., P., and It. Ships’ Stern Tubes, 526
- Gas Light <fc Coke Co., and another. Metallic Jointing, 464
- Gerard, M. E., and others. Water-Cooling Towers, 430
- Graseby, R. C. Coin-Operated Mechanism, 558
- Graseby, It. C. Differential Gearing, 558
- Graseby, R. C. Electric Reciprocating Motors, 430
- Hamill, W. W., and others. Internal-Com¬bustion Engines, 430
- Hammond. F., and others. Separating Im¬purities from Liquid, 302
- Hillier, II., and others. Steam-Condensing Plant, 558
- Hinchcliffe. W., and another. Propelling Machinery, 302
- Hine, C. W. C., and others. Central Buffer and Draw Gear, 526
- Holman, J. L. and A. T. Rock Drills, 464
- Holman, J. L. and A. T., and another. Packed Glands, 430
- Horsman, H. S., and others. Steam Genera¬tors, 526
- Howard, James A Fredk., Ltd., and another. Hoists, 430
- Howden, W. H., and others. Welding Plant, 64
- International Combustion, Ltd., and another. Carbonising Apparatus, 240
- Jackman, J. W., A Co., Ltd., and another. Sand Blast Apparatus, 526
- Jones, W. H., and others. Roller Bearings, 302
- Keller, K. O., and others. Piston Rings, 558
- Kingston, E. G., and another. Clutches, 558
- Knowles, H. S., and another. Furnaces, 302
- Liquid Measurements. Ltd., and another. Separating Impurities from Liquid, 302
- Lister, R. A.. A Co., Ltd., and another. Internal Combustion Engines, 464
- Mavor. J. B.. and others. Toothed Clutch Driving Mechanism, 240
- Mavor A Coulson. Ltd., and another. Toothed Clutch Driving Mechanism, 240
- McEwen, S., and others. Carbonising Ap paratus, 240
- McNish, A. F., and others. Glass Melting, 430
- Miller, H. C., and another. Pressure Jacks, 240
- Moncrieff, John, Ltd., and another. Glass Melting, 430
- Morris Commercial Cars, Ltd., and another. Internal-Combustion Engines, 430
- Mouchel, L. G., and Partners, Ltd., and another. Water-Cooling Towers, 430
- Nevatt, C. G., and another. Clutches, 558
- Neville, F. W., and others. Sand Blast Apparatus, 526
- Nichols, T. W. Rotary Pumps, 464.
- Parker, A. E., and others. Chain Grate Stokers, 64
- Pearson, T. F. Molten Glass, 526
- Rowbotham, T., A Co., Ltd., and others. Rol¬ler Bearings, 302
- Sanders, A. F., and others. Internal-Com¬bustion Engines, 464
- Scott, F. W., amt others. Front Wheel Brake Mechanism, 240
- Scott, J., and another. Propelling machinery, 302
- Sim, J., and others. Multi-Stage Steam-Jet Ejectors, 526
- Smith, S., and others. Manufacture of Metal Tubes, 464
- Smith. Thos., A Sons (Rodley), Ltd., and another. Luffing Jib Cranes, 240
- Spencer, F., and others. Metallic Jointing. 464
- Spencer, George, Moulton A Co., Ltd., and another. Central Buffer and Draw Gear, 526
- Stirling Boiler Co., Ltd., and another. Steam Generators, 526
- Travis, S., and others. Furnace Linings. 64
- Tully, A. V., and others. Water-Gas Plant, 64
- Tully. Sons A Co., Ltd., and another. Water- Gas Plant, 64
- United Kingdon Self-Adjusting Anti-Friction Metallic Packing Syndicate, Ltd., and another. Metallic Packings, 526
- Walls, C., and others. Luffing Jib Cranes, 240
- Webster, R. K. Air-Heating and Supply Systems, 430
- Weir, G. A J., Ltd., and another. Multi- Stage Steam-Jet Ejectors, 526
- Wellman-Seaver-Morgan Co. Gas Producer Feeding Mechanism, 64
- Wellman Seaver Rolling Mill Co., Ltd., and another. Manufacture of Metal Tubes, 464
- Weslake, II., and another. Spray Carburet¬tors, 64
- West, E., and others. Vertical Retorts, 302
- West’s Gas Improvement Co., Ltd., and another. Vertical Retorts, 302
- Whatmough, W. A., and another. Sprav Car¬burettors, 64
- Wood, H.. and another. Prevention Propaga¬tion of Flame Combustion, 302
- Yarrow. H. E. Superheaters, 240