Engineering 1938 Jul-Dec: Index: Plates

Note: This is a sub-section of Engineering 1938 Jul-Dec: Index
- View 1938 Jul-Dec Volume
- I. Hydraulic Laboratory of the Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich (between pages 4 and 5)
- II. Peak-Load Hydro-Electric Generating Station at Deichow (facing page 37)
- III. Heat-Treatment Machine for Soil-Road Construction (facing page 40)
- IV. The Power House at Boulder Dam on the Colorado River (between pages 58 and 59)
- V. 4,400-b.h.p. Diesel-Electric Locomotive for the Roumanian State Railways (between pages 100 and 101)
- VI. The Cunard White Star Liner “ Mauretania ” (between pages 122 and 123)
- VII. Hydraulic Laboratory of the Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich (between pages 150 and 151)
- VIII. 14-ft. High-Pressure Butterfly Valves ; Boulder Dam Power House (between pages 180 and 181)
- IX. Italian Banana-Carrying Vessels “ Ramb I” and “Ramb IV” (between pages 216 and 217)
- X. 14-ft. High-Pressure Butterfly Valves; Boulder Dam Power House (between pages 240 and 241)
- XI. Vibration in Aircraft (facing page 285)
- XII. Stresses in Welded Pipes (facing page 290)
- XIII. The Reconstruction of King’s Cross Underground Railway Station (between pages 296 and 297)
- XIV. Four-Lift Spiral-Guided Gas-Holder at Sheffield (between pages 324 and 325)
- XV. Mechanical Equipment of the G.P.O. ; Mount Pleasant Sorting Office, London (between pages 354 and 355)
- XVI. The Cunard White Star Quadruple- Screw Liner “Queen Elizabeth” (between pages 382 and 383)
- XVII. High-Pressure La Mont Boiler at the Works of Messrs. G. and J. Weir, Ltd. (between pages 414 and 415)
- XVIII. Mechanical Equipment; Mount Pleasant Sorting Office (facing page 437)
- XIX. Mechanical Equipment Mount Pleasant Sorting (facing page 438)
- XX. Electrical Equipment, Works; Messrs. Stewarts and Lloyds, Ltd. (facing page 471)
- XXI. The Junkers Ju 90 Air Liner (facing page 488)
- XXII. Drag-Suction Dredger “ Fu-Shing ” for the Whangpoo Conservancy Board (between pages 496 and 497)
- XXIII. Mechanical Equipment of the G.P.O. ; Mount Pleasant Sorting Office, London (between pages 524 and 525)
- XXIV. Erection of Balanced-Cantilever Bridge Over the Connecticut Kiver (facing page 555)
- XXV. Hume Concussional-Spun Concrete Pipes (facing page 558)
- XXVI. Machinery of the Drag-Suction Dredger “ Fu-Shing ” ; Whangpoo Conservancy Board (between pages 578 and 579)
- XXVII. The 115,000-h.p. Turbines at Boulder Dam (facing page 609)
- XXVIII. The 115,000-h.p. Turbines at Boulder Dam (facing page 610)
- XXIX. Mechanical Equipment of the G.P.O.; Mount Pleasant Sorting Office, London (between pages 636 and 637)
- XXX. Pressure Regulators for 115,000-h.p., Turbines at Boul&r Dam (facing page 669)
- XXXI. Tower-Type Winding Plant ; Mukden, Manchoukuo (facing page 672)
- XXXII. Governor Control System ; 115,000- h.p. Turbines, Boulder Dam (facing page 693)
- XXXIII. Governor Control System ; 115,000- h.p. Turbines, Boulder Dam (facing page 694)
- XXXIV. Unit-Construction Transportable Aeroplane Shed (facing page 728)
- XXXV. Double End-Tenoning and Trenching Machine for Railway; Coachwork (facing page 745)
- XXXVI. The Passenger-Carrying Airship “ Graf Zeppelin ” (between pages 752 and 753)
See Also
Sources of Information