Engineering 1945 Jan-Jun: Index: Literature

Note: This is a sub-section of Engineering 1945 Jan-Jun: Index
- View 1945 Jan-Jun Volume
- AERO RESEARCH, LTD., Bulletins oi Testing Glued Joints, 289; on Flexille-Bag Moulding of Plywood, 465
- Aerodynamics, Elementary, Complete Course in, by Dr. N. A. V. Piercy, 203
- Aeronautics, Atlantic Bridge, R.A.F. Transport Command, 184
- Aeronautics, Elementary Aerodynamics, Complete Course in, by Dr. N. A. V. Piercy, 203
- Aeronautics, Flight and Engines, by G. V. Melbourne, 324
- Aeronautics, “ Flight ” Handbook, Fourth Edition, 316
- Aesthetic Aspect of Civil Engineering (Design, Institution of Civil Engineers Lectures, 412
- Agricultural Tractors, D. Brown, Tractors, Ltd., Leaflet, 8
- Air-Handling Equipment, Davidson and Co., Ltd., Booklet, 503
- Aircraft of the Fighting Powers, Vol. V—1944
- Aircraft, compiled by H. J. Cooper and O. G. Thetford, and edited by D. A. Russel], 220
- Aircraft Servicing Manual, by T. G. Preston and G. W. Williamson, 395. See LETTER, 474
- Airport Engineering, by Profs. H. O. Sharp, G. R. Shaw and J. A. Dunlop, 263
- Almanacs and Calendars, 83, 113
- Almanac, Photographic, British Journal, 1945, 300
- Almanack, Whitaker’s, 1945, 260
- Annuals and Reference Books, 40, 68, 160, 200, 220, 260, 300
- Applied Hydraulics, Treatise on, by Trof. H. Addison, 240
- Apprentice Training Scheme, Westland Aircraft, Ltd., 220
- Ardente Acoustic Laboratories, Ltd., (Booklet on “ Loud Hailer,” 204
- Atlantic Bridge, R.A.F. Transport Command, 184 /
- Aviation, Airport Engineering, by Proft. H. O. Sharp, G. R. Shaw and J. A. Dunlop, 263
- BEARINGS, Controlled Flexible, Harrisflex
- Bearings, Ltd., Booklet, 250
- Bearing Metals, Anti-Friction, Dualloys, Ltd., Brochures, 273
- Bearings, Porous Bronze, Bound Brook Bearings (G. B.), Ltd., Brochure, 266
- Bearings, Vibration-Damping, Clayfex, Ltd,, Brochure, 365
- Biography, Col. R. E. B. Crompton, by J. H. Johnson and W. L. Randell, 438
- Biography, Frederick Henry Royce : An Outline of His Engineering Achievement, by G. G. Smith, 395
- Blue Book, 1945, Electrical and Engineering Trades Directory, 200
- Boiler, Steam, Yearbook and Manual (III), edited by S. D. Scorer, 220
- Boilers, Water-Tube, in Merchant Ships, Institution of Naval Architects Symposium, 105
- Books, New, Notes on, 16, 87, 240, 316, 395, 438, 487
- Books Received, 8, 28, 48, 68, 88, 108, 128, 148, 168, 188, 208, 248, 268, 288, 308, 328, 348, 368, 388, 408, 428, 448, 468, 488, 508
- Bridge, Atlantic, R.A.F. Transport Command, 184
- British Colliery Owners Research Association, Quarterly Bulletin, 85
- British Empire Trades Index, 14th Edition, 68
- British Journal Photographic Almanac, 1945, 300
- Bronze Bearings, Porous, Bound Brook Bearings (G.B.), Ltd., Brochure, 266
- Buildings, Damaged, Repair of. Building Research Station Pamphlet, 174
- Business Men, Hints to. Overseas Trade Department Booklets, 203
- Business Men Visiting New Zealand, Hints to. Overseas Trade Department Pamphlet, 395
- CABLES, Radio-Frequency, British Insulated Cables, Ltd., Leaflet on Properties, 424
- Cables, Trailing, Repair of, British Insulated Cables, Ltd., Booklet, 463
- Calendars and Almanacs, 83, 113
- Castings, Die, Zinc Alloy, Welding of, Die Casters’ Association Publication, 64
- Catalogue of Lewis’s Medical and Scientific Library, 160
- Chart of Iron and Steel Prices, W. Richards and Sons, Ltd., 48
- Civil Engineering Design, Aesthetic Aspect, Institution of Civil Engineers Lectures, 412 Classiflcation of Copper and Copper Alloys, Handbook, 260
- Coal Mines, Problem of, by Sir R. A. S. Redmayne, 363
- Coals, Small, Problems in the Utilisation of, B.C.U.R.A. Conference Proceedings, 4
- Colliery Owners, British, Research Association, Quarterly Bulletin, 85
- Concrete Construction, Reinforced, Standardisation in. Reinforced Concrete Association Pamphlet, 368
- Concrete Constructions, Reinforced, Tables for Design of, by Dr. M. Ritter, 240
- Concrete Surfaces, Vibrating Tamper for, Allam Road Plant, Ltd., Leaflet, 269
- Constructional Engineer’s Compendium, Apple- by-Frodingham Steel Co., Ltd., 220
- Constructional Steelwork Simply Explained, by Dr. O. Faber, 403
- Control, Quality, Statistical, Symposium of Papers, 483
- Control of Stores, by W. N. Wright, 87
- Copper and Copper Alloys, Classification of. Handbook, 260
- Creosote-Pitch Mixture, Fuel Efficiency Bulletin, 298
- Crompton Parkinson Booklet on Re-instate- ment of Personnel After Demobilisation, 43
- Crompton, Col. R. E. B., by J. H. Johnson and W. L. Randell, 438
- DAMAGED Buildings, Repair of, Building
- Research Station Pamphlet, 174
- Demobilisation, Crompton Parkinson Staff Booklet, 43
- Diesel-Electric Locomotives, English Electric Co., Ltd., Booklet, 400
- Differential Equations, Introduction to, by S. L. Green, 283
- Drawing, Engineering, Examples in. Vol. I, by H. Binns, 438
- Drawing, Engineering, Practical, Vol. I, by C. J. Atkins and G. B. C. Ward, 143
- Dualloys, Ltd., Brochures on Anti-Friction Bearing Metals, 273
- EARTHING Equipment, British Insulated Cables, Ltd., Brochure, 342
- Electric Power Stations, Vol. II, by T. H. Carr, 102
- Electrical and Engineering Trades Directory, Blue Book, 1945, 200
- Electrical Transients, Simple Calculation of, by G. W. Carter, 44
- Electrician Annual Tables of Electricity Undertakings, 1944-45, 40
- Electricity, Earthing Equipment, British Insulated Cables, Ltd., Brochure, 342
- Electricity, Wade’s Tables, Pocket Edition, 68 Electronic Control for Welding Machines, British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., Leaflet, 328
- Elementary Statistics, by Prof. H. Levy and E. E. Preidel, 263
- Engines and Flight, by G. V. Welbourne, 324
- Engines, Oil, Superscavenge, Petters, Ltd., Leaflet, 488
- Engineer, Constructional, Compendium for, Appleby-Frodingham Steel Co., Ltd., 220
- Engineer in Industry, Chance Brothers, Ltd., Brochure, 26.5
- Engineers’ Precision Tools, R. Kelly and Sons, Ltd., Catalogue, 69
- Engineering Drawing, Examples in. Vol. I by H. Binns, 438
- Engineering Drawing, Practical, Vol. I, by C. J. Atkins and G. B. C. Ward, 143
- Engineering Industry, Refrigeration in. Report, by O. W. Ruskill, 323
- Engineering Precision Measuiements, by A. W. Judge, 83
- Equations, Differential, Introduction to, by S. L. Green, 283
- Experimental Stress Analysis, Society for. Proceedings, Vol. I, No. 2, December, 1943, 222
- Exports, Hints to Business Men, Overseas Trade Department Booklets, 203, 395
- FACTORY Organisation and Management, by N. F. T. Saunders, 423
- Fighting Powers, Aircraft of. Vol V—1944 Aircraft, compiled by H. J. Cooper and O. G. Thetford, and edited by D. A. Russell, 220
- Five-Figure Logarithm Tables, Ministry of Supply, 343
- Flexible-Bag Moulding of Plywood, Aero Research, Ltd., Bulletin, 465
- Flight and Engines, by G. V. Welbourne, 324
- “ Flight ” Handbook, Fourth Edition, 316
- Foundations, Pile-Driving Handbook, by R. W. Chellis, 463
- Fuel Efficiency, Bulletin on Creosote-Pitch Mixture, 298
- Fuel, Problems in the Utilisation of Small Coal, B.C.U.R.A. Conference Proceedings, 4
- GAS Heating for Workshops, Harris Engineering Co., Leaflet, 269
- Gear Design Handbook, by Dr. W. A. Tuplin, 487
- Gears, Patternmaking for, by G. Offiler, 4
- Glued Joints, Testing of. Aero Research, Ltd., Bulletin, 219
- HAILER, Loud, Ardente Acoustic Laboratories, Ltd., Booklet, 204
- Handbook, Pile-Driving, by R. D. Chellis, 463
- Handbook, Railway, 1944-45, 68
- Hard Metal “ Prolite,” Protolite, Ltd., Booklet, 265
- Heat Treatment of Steel, by Dr. E. Gregory and E. N. Simons, 143
- Heating, Infra-Red Lamp, General Electric Co., Ltd., Brochure, 177
- Heating, Ventilation and Lighting, Guide to, by W. D. Seymour, 44
- Hints to Business Men, Overseas Trade Department Booklets, 203, 395
- History of Royal Society, 1660-1940, by Sir H. Lyons, 111
- Hydraulics, Applied, Treatise on, by Prof. H. Addison 240
- INDEX, Trades, British Empire, 14th Edition, 68
- Industrial Metallurgy, Outline of, by D. G. P. Paterson and J. Bearn, 443
- Industry, Engineer in. Chance Brothers, Ltd., Brochure, 265
- Inspection Tables, Sampling, by H. E. Dodge and JR. G. Romig, 63
- Introduction to Differential Equations, by S. L. Green, 283
- Iron and Steel Prices, W. Richards and Sons, Ltd., Chart, 48
- JOINTS, Glued, Testing of. Aero Research, Ltd., Bulletin, 289
- KENT, GEORGE, LTD., Leaflet on War Work of, 266
- LAMP, Heating, Infra-Red Electric, General
- Electric Co., Ltd., Brochure, 177
- Lewis’s Medical and Scientific Library, Catalogue of, 160
- Lighting, Ventilation and Heating, Guide to, by W. D. Seymour, 44
- Locomotives, Diesel-Electric, English Electric Co., Ltd., Booklet, 400
- Logarithm Tables, Five-Figure, Ministry of Supply, 343
- “ Loud Hailer,” Ardente Acoustic Laboratories, Ltd., Booklet, 204
- MACHINE Drawing and Design, by Dr. W. Abbot, 316
- Machine-Tool Accessories, Lorant and Co., Ltd., Leaflet, 240
- Machine Tools, Precision Grinding with the Modern Abrasive Wheel, by A. A. Jones and Shipman, Ltd., 487
- Machinery’s Gear Design Handbook, by Dr. W. A. Tuplin, 487
- Macrome, Ltd., Brochures on Tool Treatment, 396, 445
- Management and Men : A Study of the Theory and Practice of Joint Consultation at all Levels, by Dr. G. S. Walpole, 482
- Management, Nature of, by W. Puckey, 83 Manual, Aircraft Servicing, by T. G. Preston and G. W. Williamson, 395. See LETTER, 474
- Maquinista Terrestre y Maritima, Work of, 303
- Mathematics, Elementary Statistics, by Prof. H. Levy and E. E. Preidel, 263
- Mathematics, Five-Figure Logarithm Tables, Ministry of Supply, 343
- Mathematics, Introduction to Differential Equations, by S. L. Green, 283
- Measurements, Precision Engineering, by A. W. Judge, 83
- Measurement of Surface Finish by Stylus Methods, Report on, by R. E. Reason, M. R. Hopkins and R. I. Garrod, 263
- Medical and Scientific Library, Lewis’s, Catalogue of, 160
- Merseyside Plan, by F. L. Thompson, 191
- Metal Work, Sheet, New Methods for, by W. Cookson, 16
- Metallurgy, Copper and Copper Alloys, Classification of. Handbook, 260
- Metallurgy, Heat Treatment of Steel, by Dr. E. Gregory and E. N. Simons, 143
- Metallurgy, Industrial, Outline of, by D. G. P. ' Paterson and J. Bearn, 443
- Metallurgy, Sheet-Metal Work, New Methods for, by W. Cookson, 16
- Mines, Coal, Problem of, by Sir R. A. S. Redmayne, 363
- NARROW-GAUGE Railways in North Wales, by C. E. Lee, 488
- New Roads for Britain, by G. C. Curnock, 16
- New Zealand, Hints to Business Visitors, Overseas Trade Department Pamphlet, 395
- “ Nickel Bulletin,” Mond Nickel Co., Ltd., 14, 143
- North Wales, Narrow-Gauge Railways in, by C. E. Lee, 488
- OVERSEAS Trade Department, Booklets on Hints to Business Men, 203: Pamphlet, Hints to Business Men Visiting New Zealand, 395 ; Report, United States of America : Commercial Conditions, 438
- PATTERNMAKING for Gears, by G. Offiler, 4 Photographic Almanac, British Journal, 1945, 300
- Pile-Driving Handbook, by R. D. Chellis, 463
- Planning and Reconstruction, 1944-45, 200
- Plywood, Flexible-Bag Moulding of. Aero Research, Ltd., Bulletin, 465
- Pocket Book for Wiremen, British Insulated Cables, Ltd., 365
- Porous Bronze Bearings, Bound Brook Bearings (G. B.), Ltd., Brochure, 266
- [[[Power Gas Corporation]], Ltd., Booklet on Mechanical Producer Gas Plant, 276
- Power Stations, Electric. Vol. II, by T. H. Carr, 102
- Power Transmission. Gear Design Hanjdbook, by Dr. W. A. Tuplin, 487
- Power Transmission, Patternmaking for Gears, by G. Offiler, 4
- Practical Engineering Drawing, Vol. 1, by C. J. Atkins and G. B. C. Ward, 143
- Precision Grinding with Modern Abrasive Wheel, by A. A. Jones and Shipman, Ltd.,487 Precision Measurements, Engineering, by A. W. Judge, 83
- Problem of the Coal Mines, by Sir R. A. S. Redmayne, 363
- Problems in the Utilisation of Small Coals,
- B. C.U.R.A. Conference Proceedings, 4
- Producer-Gas Plant, Mechanical, Power Gas Corporation, Ltd., Booklet, 276
- “ Prolite ” Hard Tool Metal, Protolite, Ltd., Booklet, 265
- QUALITY Control, Statistical, Symposium of Papers, 483
- Quality through Statistics, by A. S. Wharton, 422. See LETTER, 514
- RADIO-FREQUENCY Cables, British Insulated Cables, Ltd., Leaflet on Properties, 424
- Radio Receivers and Transmitters, by S. W. Amos and F. W. Kellaway, 23
- Radiography, Mass Miniature, Watson and Sons (Electro-Medical), Ltd., Booklet, 468
- Railway Handbook, 1944-45, 68
- Railways, Narrow-Gauge, in North Wales, by C. E. Lee, 488
- Receivers and Transmitters, Radio, by S. W. Amos and F. W. Kellaway, 23
- Reconstruction and Planning, 1944-45, 200 Reference Books. See Annuals
- Refractories, Steelplant, by Dr. J. H. Chesters, 482
- Refrigeration in the Engineering Industry, Report on, by O. W. Roskill, 323
- Reinforced Concrete Construction, Standardisation, Reinforced Concrete Association Pamphlet, 368
- Reinforced-Concrete Work, Tables for Design of, by Dr. M. Ritter, 240
- Report on the Measurement of Surface Finish by Stylus Methods, by R. E. Reason, M. R. Hopkins and R. I. Garrod, 263
- Report on Refrigeration in the Engineering Industry, by O. W. Roskill, 323
- Roads, New, for Britain, by G. C. Curnock, 16
- Roads, Tar Surface Dressings for. Road Research Laboratory War-Time Note, 87
- Royal Society, History, 1660-1940, by Sir H. Lyons, 111
- Royce, Frederick Henry: An Outline of His Engineering Achievement, by G. G. Smith, 395
- SALTER, G., and Co., Ltd., Booklet on Springs, 17
- Sampling Inspection Tables, by H. F. Dodge and H. G. Romig, 63
- Scientiflc and Medical Library, Lewis’s, Catalogue, 120
- Screw Threads, Electrodeposition Technical Advisory Committee Memorandum, 429
- Sheet-Metal Work. New Methods for, by W. Cookson, 16
- Ships, Merchant, Water-Tube Boilers in. Institution of Naval Architects’ Symposium, 105
- Simple Calculation of Electrical Transients by G. W. Carter, 44
- Springs, G. Salter, and Co., Ltd., Booklet on, 17
- Statically Indeterminate Structures, by Dr. R. Gartner, 242
- Statistical Quality Control, Symposium of Papers, 483
- Statistics, Elementary, by Prof. H. Levy and E. E. Preidel, 263
- Statistics and Quality, by A. S. Wharton, 422. See LETTER, 514
- Steam Boiler Yearbook and Manual (HI), edited by S. D. Scorer, 220
- Steel, Heat Treatment of, by Dr. E. Gregory and E. N. Simons, 143
- Steelplant Refractories, by Dr. J. H. Chesters, 482
- Steelwork, Constructional, Simply Explained, by Dr. 0. Faber, 403
- Stores Control, by W. N. Wright, 87
- Stress Analysis, Experimental, Society for. Proceedings, Vol. I, No. 2, December, 1943, 222
- Structures, Statically Indeterminate, by Dr. R. Gartner, 242
- Stylus Methods of Measuring Surface Finish, Report on, by R. E. Reason, M. R. Hopkins and R. I. Garrod, 263
- Superscavenge Oil Engines, Petters, Ltd., Leaflet, 488
- Surface Finish, Measurement by Stylus Methods, Report on, by R. E. Reason, M. R. Hopkins and R. I. Garrod, 263
- TABELLEN zur Berechnung von Eisen- betonkonstruktionen, by Dr. M. Ritter, 240 Tables, Annual, of Electricity Undertakings, Electrician, 1944-45, 40
- Tables, Five-Figure Logarithm, Ministry of Supply, 343
- Tables, Sampling Inspection, by H. F. Dodge and H. G. Romig, 63
- Tables, Wade’s, Pocket Edition, 68
- Tamper, Vibrating, for Concrete Roads, Allam Road Plant, Ltd., Leaflet, 269
- Tar Surface Dressings for Roads, Road Research Laboratory War-Time Note, 87
- Telegraphy, Wireless, Radio Receivers and Transmitters, by S. W. Amos and F. W. Kellaway,23
- Tools, Engineers’ Precision, R. Kelly and Son, Ltd,, Catalogue, 69
- Tool Metal, Hard, “ Prolite,” Protolite, Ltd., Booklet, 265
- Tool Treatment, Macrome, Ltd., Brochures, 396,445
- Tractors, Agricultural, D. Brown Tractors, Ltd., Leaflet, 8
- Traded Index, British Empire, 14th Edition, 68
- Trailing Cables, Repair of, British Insulated Cables, Ltd., Booklet, 463
- Transients, Electrical, Simple Calculation of, by^ - ? ?
- Transmitters and Receivers Radio, by S. W. Amos and F. W. Kellaway, 23
- UNITED STATES of America, Review of Commercial Conditions, Overseas Trade Department Report, 438
- VENTILATION, Guide to, by W. D. Seymour, 44
- Vibrating Tamper for Concrete Roads, Allam Road
- Vibration-Damping Bearings, Clayfex, Ltd., Brchure, 365
- Vibration, Study in, Silentbloc, Ltd., Publication, 249
- WADE’S Tables, Pocket Edition, 68-
- Wales, North, Narrow-Gauge Railways in, by C. E. Lee, 488
- Water Tube Boilers in Merchant Ships, Institution of Naval Architects’ Symposium, 105
- Welding Machines, Electronic Control for, British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., Leaflet, 328 I
- Welding Repairs by Oxy-Acetylene Fusion Pro(less, Suffolk Iron Foundry (1920), Ltd., Booklet, 453
- Welding of Zinc-Alloy Die Castings, Die Casters’ Association Publication, 64
- Westland Aircraft, Ltd., Apprentice Training Scheme, 220
- Wirel Management, by N. F. T. Saunders, 423 Management, Nature of, by W. Puckey, Management, Theory and Practice of Walpole, 482
- lop Heating by Gas, Harris Hngineer- Jo., Leaflet, 269
- ZINC-ALLOY Die Castings, Welding of. Die Casters’ Association Publication, 64
- Zinc Development Association, Abstract Publications, 288
See Also
Sources of Information