Engineering 1947 Jan-Jun: Index: Literature

Note: This is a sub-section of Engineering 1947 Jan-Jun: Index
- View 1947 Jan-Jun Volume
- ACIDS and Bases, Electronic Theory of, by Profs. W. F. Luder and S. Zuffanti, 123
- Acoustics for Architects, by Dr. E. G. Richardson, 207
- Advanced Mechanics of Materials, by Prof. G. Murphy, 352
- Aeronautical Dictionary, by T. A. Dickinson, 546
- Aeroplane Performance Theory for Flight Engineers and Pilots, by E. Davison, 228
- Aircraft and Shipping, 1890-1947, British Corporation Register, History, 555
- Almanacs and Calendars, 82,102,183, 228, 335, 367, 396
- Almanack, Whitaker’s, 1947, 546
- Annuals and Reference Books, 24, 180, 546
- Anthology of Errors, by A. G. Whyte, 423
- Arc Welds in the Shipyard, Examination of.
- Admiralty Publication, 204
- Architects, Acoustics for, by Dr. E. G. Richardson, 207
- Architects, Builders and Engineers, Building and Structural Tables for, by F. H. Blake, 555
- Atomic Theory for Students of Metallurgy, by Dr. W. Hume-Rothery, 328
- BALLISTICS of the Future, with Special Reference to Rocket Weapons, by Dr. J. M. J. Kooy and Prof. J. W. H. Uytenbogaart, 516
- B.B.C German Vocabulary, by L. Hamilton, 512
- Boiler Feed, Locomotive, Soft Water for, by B. 1). Fox, 141
- Books, New, Notes on, 48, 141, 204, 228, 369, 420, 461, 512, 555
- Books Received, 10, 34, 58, 82, 106, 130, 190, 214, 238, 262, 286, 310, 334, 358, 406, 430, 452, 474, 498, 522, 546
- British Corporation Register of Shipping Aircraft, History, 1890-1947, 555
- British Engineers’ Association Handbook, 1946, 180
- British Railways, Facts and Figures, 327
- British Thomson-Houston Co.’s Jubilee, 1896-1946, by J. H. Cansdale, 461
- Broadcasting Stations of the World, 321 Buildings, Acoustics for Architects, by Dr. E. G. Richardson, 207
- Buildings, Factory Construction, by J. V. Brittain, 204
- Building and Structural Tables for Architects, Builders and Engineers, by F. H. Blake, 555
- Burners, Fuel, and Fuels, by K. Steiner, 420
- CALCULATING Machines, Recent and Prospective Developments, by Prof. D. R. Hartree, 491
- Calculus, Operational, Heaviside’s, Made Easy, by Dr. T. H. Turney, 183
- Calendars and Almanacs, 82,102,183, 228, 335, 367, 396
- Calendar of University College, London, 180
- Cast Iron, Nickel, for Engineers, Mond Nickel Co., Ltd., 439
- Charts, Control, in Factory Management, by W. B. Rice, 377
- Cinema Eilms, Scientific, Catalogue of, 24. See LETTER,113
- Civil Engineers, Data Book for. Vol. II, Specifications and Costs, by B. E. Seelye, 257
- Coatings, Vapor-Resistant, for Structural Insulating Board, by Prof. F. B. Rowley, Prof. M. H. Lajoy and E. T. Erickson, 76
- Combustion and Explosion Processes in Gases, by Prof. W. Jost, 516
- Combustion, Fuels and Furnaces, by Prof. J. Griswold, 207
- Concrete Roads, Design and Construction of, by R. A. B. Smith and T. R. Grigson, 4
- Control Charts in Factory Management, by W. B. Rice, 377
- Costs and Specifications, Data Book for Civil Engineers, Vol. Il, by E. E. Seelye, 257
- Costing, Marginal, by F. C. Lawrence and E. N. Humphreys, 401
- Course of Reinforced-Concrete Design, by T. J. Bray, 231
- Curves, Vertical, for Roads, by Prof. F. G. Royal-Dawson, 207
- DATA Book for Civil Engineers, Vol. II,
- Specifications and Costs, by E. E, Seelye, 257 Dependencies, Tropical, Transport Administration in, by G. V. O. Bulkeley and E. J. Smith. 512
- Design and Construction of Concrete Roads, by R. A. B. Smith and T. R. Grigson, 4
- Design and Drawing, Engineering, Examples in, Vol. Ill, by H. Binns, 462
- Design of Screw Tugs, by A. Caldwell, 402 Developments, Recent and Prospective, in Calculating Machines, by Prof. D, R. Hartree, 491
- Diary, War, of the English Electric Co., Ltd., 369
- Dictionary, Aeronautical, by T. A. Dickinson, 546
- Directory of Shipowners, Shipbuilders and Mtb- rine Engineers, 1947, 180
- Drawing and Design, Engineering, Examples in. Vol. HI, by H. Binns, 462
- Dunlops in War and Peace, by Sir R. Storrs, 461
- Dynamic Method for Determining Average Elastic Properties of Surface Soil Layers, by S. G. Bergstrom and S. Linderholm, 207. See Erratum, 252
- EASTERN Union Railway, 1846-1862, by H. F. Hilton, 321
- Elastic Properties, Average, of Surface Soil Layers, Dynamic Method for Determining, by S. G. Bergstrom and S. Linderholm, 207. See Erratum, 252
- Electric Filters, by Dr. T. H. Turney, 516
- Electric Traction Jubilee, 1896-1946, by J. H. Cansdale, 461
- Electricity, Front-Line Current, Britannia Batteries, Ltd., 187
- Electricity, Industrial High-Voltage Distribution and Public Supply, by E. J. Barrows, 321
- Electricity, X-Rays in Research and Industry, by Dr. H. Hirst, 302
- Electronics in Industry, by G. M. Chut^ 231 Electronics, Introduction to, Co., Ltd., 453
- Electronics, Introduction to, Hudson, 52
- Electronic Theory of Acids Profs. W. F. Luder and S. Zuffanti, 123
- Engineering Drawing and Design, Examples in, Vol. Ill, by H. Binns, 462
- Engineering Mechanics, by Profs. S. Fairman and C. S. Cutshall, 369
- Engineering Reorganisation, by J. J. Gillespie, 279
- Engineering Workshop Manual, by E. Pull, 204 English, Anthology of Errors, by A. G. Whyte, 423
- English Electric Co., Ltd., War Diary of, 369 Errors, Anthology of, by A. G. Whyte, 423
- Essais des Transformateurs Industriels, by M. Lapine, 4
- Examination of Arc Welds in the Shipyard, Admiralty, Publication 204
- Examples in Engineering Drawing and Design, Vol. Ill, by H. Binns, 462
- Experimental Plastics and Synthetic Resins, by Dr. G. F. D’Alelio, 26
- Explosion and Combustion Processes in Gases, by Prof. W. Jost, 516
- FACTORS Affecting Heat Transmission through Insulated Walls, by Prof. F. B. Rowley and C. E, Lund, 52
- Factory Construction, by J. V. Brittain, 204
- Factory Management, Control Charts in, by W. B. Rice, 377
- Films, Catalogue of, 24. See LETTER, 113
- Filters, Electric, by Dr. T. H. Turney, 616
- First Hundred Years of the Smithsonian Institution, 1846-1946, by W. P. True, 539
- Flight Engineers and Pilots, Aeroplane Performance Theory for, by E. Davison, 228
- Fordell Railway, by Dr. J. C. Inglis and F. Inglis, 555
- Front-Line Current, Britannia Batteries, Ltd., 187
- Fuels, Combustion and Furnaces, by Prof. J. Griswold, 207
- Fuels and Fuel Burners, by K. Steiner, 420
- Furnaces, Fuels and Combustion, by Prof. J. Griswold, 207
- GASES, Explosion and Combustion Processes in, by Prof. W. Jost, 616
- German Vocabulary, B.B.C., by L. Hamilton, 512
- HANDBOOK, British Engineers’ Association, 1946,180
- Handbook, Piping, by S. Crocker, 228
- Heat Transmission through Insulated Walls, Factors Affecting, by Prof. F. B. Rowley and C. E. Lund, 52
- Heating, Fuels and Fuel Burners, by K. Steiner, 420
- Heaviside’s Operational Calculus Made Easy by Dr. T. H. Turney, 183
- Higgs Motors, Ltd., Twenty-Five Years of Electric-Motor Manufacture, 402
- High-Voltage Distribution, Industrial, and Public Supply, by E. J. Barrows, 321
- INDUSTRIAL High-Voltage Distribution and Public Supply, by E. J. Barrows, 321
- Industrial War Record, Stewarts and Lloyds, Ltd., 462
- Industry, Electronics in, by G. M. Chute, 231 Industry and Research, X-Rays in, by Dr. H. Hirst, 302
- Industry, World of, by A. P. Young, 376 Inspection, Mechanical, by Prof. E. H, Trewman, 52
- Introduction to Electronics, General Electric Co., Ltd., 453
- Inventions, Patents of: Origin and Growth of the Patent System in Britain, by A. Gomme, 555
- Iron, Cast, Nickel, for Engineers, Mond Nickel Co., Ltd. 439
- JOB Evaluation, by E. H. Johnson, R. W. Boise, Junr., and D. Pratt, 420
- LAUNDRY Machinery, Overseas Buyers* Guide for, 343
- Locomotive Boiler Feed, Soft Water for, by B. D. Fox, 141
- Locomotive Running-Shed Practice : the Maintenance and Servicing of Locomotives, by H. Webster, 423
- MACHINE-Tool Operators, Workshop Calculations for, by G. Williams, 461
- Machine Tools, Principles of Tool Engineering, by Prof. R. R. Bloom, 321
- Manual, Engineering Workshop, by E. Pull, 204
- Manual of Mechanical Power Transmission, Second Edition, 141
- Marconi, 1939-1945: A War Record, by G. Godwin, 4.
- Marginal Costing, by F. C. Lawrence and E. N. Humphreys, 401
- Marine Engineers, Shipowners and Shipbuilders, Directory of, 1947, 180
- Materials, Mechanics of. Advanced, by Prof. G. Murphy, 352
- “Materiaux de Synthdse,” Ph^noplastes Bakelites, by Dr. P. Month6ard, 467
- Mathematics, Calculating Machines, Recent and Prospective Developments, by Dr. R. Har-^ tree, 491 "'
- Mathematics, Trigonometry Refresher for Technical Men, by A. A. Klaf, 328
- Mathematics, Vector Operator j, by F. C. Gill, 377
- Mechanical Inspection, by Prof. F. H. Trew- man, 52
- Mechanics, Engineering, by Profs. 8. Fairman and C. S. Cutshall, 369
- Mechanics of Materials, Advanced, by Prof. G. Murphy, 352
- Mechanics, Practical, for All, Edited by Dr. L. A. Beaufoy, 231
- Metallurgy Students, Atomic Theory for, by Dr. W. Hume-Rothery, 328
- Modern Production Control, by A. W. Wills- more, 231
- NICKEL Cast Iron for Engineers, Mond Nickel Co., Ltd., 439
- North London Railway, by M. Robbins, 141
- OPERATIONAL Calculus, Heaviside’s, Made Easy, by Dr. T. H. Turney, 183
- Overseas Buyers’ Guide for Laundry Machinery, 343
- PARSONS, SIR CHARLES, Steam Turbine and Other Inventions of, by R. H. Parsons, 555
- Patents of Invention : Origin and Growth of the Patent System in Britain, by A. Gomme, 555
- Physics, Theoretical, Relaxation Methods In, by Dr. R. V. Southwell, 52
- Piping Handbook, by S. Crocker, 228
- Plastics, Experimental, and Synthetic Resins, by Dr. G. F. D’Alelio, 26
- Plastics for Production, by P. I. Smith, 555
- Plastics in the World of To-morrow, by Capt. B. W. Leyson, 48
- Power Transmission, Mechanical, Manual of. Second Edition, 141
- Practical Mechanics for All, Edited by Dr. L. A. Beaufoy, 231
- Pratique Industrielle des Transformateurs, by Prof. M. Denis-Papin, 76
- Principles of Tool Engineering, by Prof. R. R. Bloom, 321
- Production, Modern, Control of, by A. W. Willsmore, 231
- Production, Plastics for, by P. I. Smith, 555
- RADIATIONS, Les, by Prof. C. Fabry, 26
- Railway, Eastern Union, 1846-1862, by H. F. Hilton, 321
- Railway, Fordell, by Dr. J. C. Inglis and F. Inglis, 555
- Railway, North London, by M. Robbins, 141
- Railways, Roadway and Track, by W. F. Rcnch, 328
- Railway Signalling and Communications, by A. E. Tattersall, T. S. Lascelles, and others,48
- Receiving Equipment, Television, by W. T. Cocking, 462
- Reference Books. See Annuals
- Reinforced-Concrete Design, Course of, by T. J. Bray, 231
- Relaxation Methods in Theoretical Physics, by Dr. R. V. Southwell, 52
- Reorganisation, Engineering, by J. J. Gillespie, 279
- Research and Industry, X-Rays in, by Dr, H. Hirst, 302
- Resins, Synthetic, and Experimental Plastics, by Dr. G. F. D’Alelio, 26
- Roads, Concrete, Design and Construction of, by R. A. B. Smith and T. R. Grigson, 4
- Roads, Vertical Curves for, by Prof. F. Royal-Dawson, 207
- Roadway and Track, by W. F. Rench, 328
- Rocket Weapons, Physical Theory and Ballistics, by Dr. J. M. J. Kooy and Prof. J. W. H. Uytenbogaart, 516
- Rubber, Dunlops in War and Peace, by Sir R. Storrs, 461
- Rubber in Engineering, Ministry of Supply, 228 Running-Shed Practice, Locomotive: The Maintenance and Servicing of Locomotives, by H. Webster, 423.
- SCREW-Tug Design, by A. Caldwell, 402 Sheffield Metallurgical Association Report, 215 Ships, Birthplace of: Sunderland, 1346-1946, by J. W. Smith and T. S. Holden, 328
- Shipbuilders, Shipowners and Marine Engineers, Directory of, 1947, 180
- Shipbuilding and Ships : Papers Read at the Worshipful Company of Shipwrights’ Exhibition, 423
- Shipowners, Shipbuilders and Marine Engineers, Directory of, 1947, 180
- Shipping and Aircraft, British Corporation Register, History, 1890-1947, 555
- Shipyards, Examination of Arc Welds in, Admiralty Publication, 204
- Signalling, Railway, and Communications, by A. E. Tattersail, T. S. Lascelles, and others,48
- Smithsonian Institution, First Hundred Years of, 1846-1946, by W. P. True, 539
- Soft Water for Locomotive Boiler Feed, by B. D. Fox, 141
- Specifications and Costs, Vol. II of Data Book for Civil Engineers, by E. E. Seelye, 257
- Statically Indeterminate Structures, Solution of, by Dr. W. F. Cassie, 302
- Steam Turbine and other Inventions of Sir Charles Parsons, by R. H. Parsons, 555
- Stewarts and Lloyds, Ltd., Industrial War Record, 462
- Structural Analysis, by Dr. W. F. Cassie, 302
- Structural Insulation Board, Vapour-Resistant Coatings for, by Prof, F. B. Rowley, Prof. M. H. Lajoy and E. T. Erickson, 76
- Sunderland, 1346-1946 : Where Ships are Born, by J. W. Smith and T. S. Holden, 328
- Surface Soil Layers, Average Elastic Properties of. Dynamic Method for Determining, by S. G. Bergstrom and S. Linderholm, 207. See Erralumt 252
- Synthetic Materials, Phenoplastic Bakelites, by Dr. P. Month6ard, 467
- TABLES, Building and Structural, for Architects, Builders and Engineers, by F. H. Blake, 555
- Technical Men, Trigonometry Refresher for, by A. A. Klaf, 328
- Television Receiving Equipment, by W. T. Cocking, 462
- Tool Engineering, Principles of, by Prof. R. R. Bloom, 321
- Track and Roadway, by W. F. Rench, 328 Transformers, Industrial, Tests of, by M. Lapin6, 4
- Transformers, Practical Data on, by Prof. M. Denis-Papin, 76
- Transport Administration in Tropical Dependencies, by G. V. O. Bulkeley and E. J. Smith, 512
- Trigonometry Refresher for Technical Men, by A. A. Klaf, 328
- Tropical Dependencies, Transport Administration in, by G. V. O. Bulkeley and E. J. Smith, 512
- Tugs, Screw, Design of, by A. Caldwell, 402
- Turbine, Steam, and Other Inventions of Sir Charles Parsons, by R. H. Parsons, 655
- UNIVERSITY College, London, Calendar of, 180
- VAPOUR-Resistant Coatings for Structural Insulating Board, by Prof. F. B. Rowley, Prof. M. H. Lajoy and E. T. Erickson, 76
- Vector Operator j, by F. C. Gill, 377
- Vertical Curves for Roads, by Prof. F. G. Royal-Dawson, 207
- Vocabulary, German, B.B.C., by L. Hamilton, 612
- WAR Diary of the English Electric Co., Ltd., 1938-1945, 369
- War Record, Industrial, Stewarts and Lloyds, Ltd., 462
- Water Supply, Story of, by F. W. Robins, 279
- Waterworks Practice, by W. H. Maxwell, 423
- Welds, Arc, in the Shipyard, Examination of. Admiralty Publication, 204
- Welders, Data for, Petbow, Ltd., 124
- Where Ships Are Born: Sunderland, 1346- 1946, by J. W. Smith and T. S. Holden, 328
- Whitaker’s Almanack, 1947, 546
- Workshop Calculations for Machine Tool Operators, by G. Williams, 461
- Workshop Manual, Engineering, by E. Pull, 2C4
- World of Industry, by A. P. Young, 376
- X-RAYS in Research and Industry, by Dr. H. Hirst, 302
See Also
Sources of Information