Engineering 1952 Jan-Jun: Index: Literature

Note: This is a sub-section of Engineering 1952 Jan-Jun: Index
- ACCIDENT Prevention, Road, and Traffic Control, by Oapt. A. Popkess, 96
- Acoustics, Room, and Sound Insulation, by Dr. Per V. Briiel, 228
- Adhesives, Structural: Theory and Practice of Gluing with Synthetic Resins, 285
- Advertising and Press Annual, African, 1951, Edited by C. R. Pask and Baron V. M. Fredericksz, 151
- Aeronautique et Maritime, Association Technique, Bulletin de, No. 50, 1951, 807
- Aeroplane Directorv of British Aviation, 1952, 604
- African Press and Advertising Annual, 1951, Edited by C. R. Pask and Baron V. M. Fredericksz, 151
- Almanacs and Calendars, 23, 56, 74, 109, 331, 446
- Almanac, Photographic, British Journal, 1952, Edited by A. J. Dalladay, 636
- Aluminium Development Association Bulletin No. 18: Working of Aluminium in the Shipyard, 224
- Aluminium Development Association Publication : Symposium on Welding and Riveting Larger Aluminium Structures, 572
- Aluminium in the Shipyard, Working of: Aluminium Development Association Bulletin No. 18, 224
- Aluminium Structures, Larger, Riveting and Welding of, Symposium on : Publication of Aluminium Development Association, 572
- American Society for Testing Materials, Special Publication No. 106: Triaxial Testing of Soils and Bituminous Mixtures, 607
- Analysis, Frame, Displacement Method of, by G. P. Manning, 736
- Anglo-American Year Book, 1952, Edited by P. Hamlin, 807
- Annuaire pour l’an 1952, publie par le Bureau des Longitudes, 322
- Annual, African Press and Advertising, 1951, Edited by 0. R. Pask and Baron V. M. Fredericksz, 151
- Annuals and Reference Books, 64, 151, 223, 540, 604, 636, 807
- “ Applied Statistics,” New Publication of Royal Statistical Society, 784
- Approach, New, to Engineering Tolerances, by J. Gilson, 192
- Army Engineers and the Nation’s Rivers: Muddy Waters, by A. Maass, 579
- A.S.E.E. Guide to Institution of Electrical Engineers Regulations for the Electrical Equipment of Buildings, 448
- Association Technique, Maritime et Aeronau- tique, Bulletin de, No. 50, 1951, 807
- Autobiography of Robert A. Millikan, 145
- Automatic Control, Fundamentals of, by G. H. Farrington, 451
- Aviation, British, Aeroplane Directory of, 1952, 604
- BALLISTICS of Guns, Interior, Theory of, by Dr. J. Corner, 98
- Ballistics, Interior, Ministry of Supply Publication, 98
- Barrages en Terre, by C. Mallet and J. Pacquant, 508
- Batchelor, Telford Clarence (1857-1947), by T. H. Davies, 451
- Bessel Functions of the First Kind of Orders Seventy-Nine Through One Hundred and Thirty-Five, Tables of, Annals of Computa - tion Laboratory, Harvard University, 388
- Biographical Survey of Flow Through Orifices and Parallel-Throated Nozzles, by T. H. Redding, 483
- Bituminous Mixtures and Soils, Triaxial Testing of: Special Technical Publication No. 106 of American Society for Testing Materials, 607
- Blue Book, Electrician: Electrical Trades Directory, 1952, Edited by S. G. Rattee, 416
- Books, New, Notes on, 32, 96, 152, 192, 224, 285, 320, 352, 384, 416, 448, 508, 572, 763
- Books Received, 32, 64, 96, 128, 160, 192, 224 256, 288. 320, 352. 384, 416. 448, 480. 508 572, 604, 636, 668, 700, 732, 764, 796, 828
- Brake Shoe Action, Effect of, on Thermal
- Cracking and on Failure of Wrought Steel Railway Car Wheels, by H. R. Wetenkamp, O. M. Sidebottom and H. J. Schrader, 32
- Bridges, Railway, German, and Bridge Builders, Schwedler,Zimmermann, Labes, Schaper, by Prof. A. Hertwig, 292
- British Aviation, Aeroplane Directory of, 1952, 604
- British Chamber of Commerce, France : Year Book, 1951, 64
- British Journal Photographic Almanac, 1952, Edited by A. J. Dalladay, 636
- British Motor Vehicles, Servicing Guide to, by J. N. McHattie, 32
- Building and Civil Engineering Plant,: Its Purchase, Application and Operation, by S. Geddes, 607
- Buildings, Electrical Equipment of, A.S.E.E.
- Guide to Institution of Electrical Engineers Regulations for the, 448
- Buildings, Thermal Properties of, by N. S.
- Billington, 737
- Bulletin de l’Association Technique Maritime et Aeronautique, No. 50, 1951, 807
- Bureau des Longitudes Publication : Annuaire pour l’an 1952, 322
- Buyers’ Guide and Classified Directory, Engineering Industries Association, 807
- CALCULUS, Heaviside Operational, Transients in Electric Circuits Using, by W. B. Coulthard, 67
- Calendars and Almanacs, 23, 56, 74, 109, 331, 446
- Chemical Elements and Man : from Stone-Age
- Hearth to Cyclotron, by Dr. J. N. Friend, 260
- Chemical Works, Engineer in, by F. Jahne, 451
- Civil Engineering and Building Plant: Its Purchase, Application and Operation, by S. Geddes, 607
- Classified Directory and Buyers’ Guide,
- Engineering Industries Association, 807
- Cloud Chamber, C. R. T. Wilson and, by S. L. Barron, 451
- Coalfield, Concealed, of Yorkshire and Nottinghamshire, by W. Edwards, 448
- Coalfields, Guide to, Edited by R. H. Walker- dine and C. T. Jones, 64
- Combustion, Flames and Explosions of Gases, by B. Lewis and G. von Elbe, 260
- Commerce and Industry, Volume VII of Oxford
- Junior Encyclopaedia. Edited by L. E. Salt and R. Sinclair, 151
- Commonwealth, Industrial, Brochure on
- History of Rubery, Owen and Co., Ltd., 11
- Concealed Coalfield of Yorkshire and Nottinghamshire, by W. Edwards, 448
- Control, Automatic, Fundamentals of, by G. H. Farrington, 451
- Control in Mechanical Engineering, Introduction to Theory of, by R. H. Macmillan, 388 Cornish Engine : A Chapter in History of
- Steam Power, by Dr. H. W. Dickinson, 448 Current Developments in Ocean Transportation, Report of European Co-operation Administration, 352
- “ Current, Direct,” First Issue of New Quarterly Journal, 792
- Cyclotron to Stone-Age Hearth: Man and
- Chemical Elements, by Dr. J. N. Friend, 260
- DAMS, Earth, by C. Mallet and J. Pacquant, 508
- Data, Technical, on Fuel, Edited by H. M. Spiers, 320
- Developments, Current, in Ocean Transportation, Report of European Co-operation Administration, 352
- Diesel, Electric and Gas Turbine Locomotives: Locomotives and Their Working, by C. R. H. Simpson and F. B. Roberts, 511
- Dimensional Analysis and Theory of Models, by Prof. H. L. Langhaar, 322
- “ Direct Current,” First Issue of New Quarterly Journal, 792
- Directory, Aeroplane, of British Aviation, 19.52, 604
- Directory, Classified, and Buyers’ Guide, Engineering Industries Association, 807
- Directory, Electrical Trades: Electrician Blue Book, 1952, Edited by S. G. Rattee, 416
- Directory of Shipowners, Shipbuilders and Marine Engineers, 540
- Displacement Method of Frame Analysis, by G. P. Manning, 736
- Displacement Pumps and Motors, by R. Hadekel, 703
- Displacement Pumps, Positive, and Fluid Motors, by W. E. Wilson, 703
- EARTH Dams, by C. Mallet and J. Pacquant, 508
- Effect of Brake Shoe Action on Thermal Cracking and on Failure of Wrought Steel Railway Car Wheels, by H. R. Wetenkamp, O. M. Sidebottom and. H. J. Schrader, 32
- Elasticity, Theory of, by Profs. S. Timoshenko and J. N. Goodier, 352
- Electric Circuits Using Heaviside Operational Calculus, Transients in, by W. B. Coulthard, 67
- Electric, Diesel and Gas Turbine Locomotives: Locomotives and Their Working, by C. R. H. Simpson and F. B. Roberts, 511
- Electrical Engineers, Institution of, A.S.E.E. Guide to Regulations for the Electrical Equipment of Buildings, 448
- Electrical Trades Directory : Electrician Blue Book, 1952, Edited by S. G. Rattee, 416
- Electrician Blue Book: Electrical Trades Directory, 1952, Edited by S. G. Rattee, 416
- Electron Optics, Elements of, by Prof. G. Dupouy, 418
- Elements d’Optique Electronique, by Prof. G. Dupouy, 418
- Embrittlement, Hydrogen, of Steel: Review of Literature, by R. W. Buzzard and H. E. Cleaves. National Bureau of Standards Circular No. 511, 636
- Encyclopaedia, Oxford Junior, Volume VII, Industry and Commerce. Edited by L. B. Salt and R. Sinclair, 151
- Encyclopaedic Handbook, Wire Industry, 1952, 540
- Engine, Cornish: A Chapter in History of Steam Power, by Dr. H. W. Dickinson, 448
- Engineer in the Chemical Works, by F. Jahne, 451
- Engineers, Army, and the Nation’s Rivers: Muddy Waters, by A. Maass, 579
- Engineers, Soil Testing for, by Prof. T. W. Lambe, 356
- Engineering Industries Association Classified Directory and Buyers’ Guide, 807
- Engineering Materials Manual, Edited by T. C. Du Mond, 763
- Engineering Tolerances, New Approach to, bv J. Gilson, 192
- European Co-operation Administration, Report on Current Developments in Ocean Transportation, 352
- Explosions of Gases, Flames, and Combustion, by B. Lewis and G. von Elbe, 260
- Exponential 2®, Tables of: Applied Mathematics Series No. 14, National Bureau of Standards, 355
- FACTORIES Acts, 1937 and 1948, Guide to Principal Safety Requirements of: Publication on Royal Society for Prevention of Accidents, 320
- Failure of Wrought Steel Railway Car Wheels and Thermal Cracking, Effect of Brake Shoe Action on, by H. R. Wetenkamp; O. M. Sidebottom and H. J. Schrader, 32
- Fighting Ships, Jane’s, Edited by R. V. B. Blackman, 241
- Flames, Combustion and Explosions of Gases, by B. Lewis and G. von Elbe, 260
- Flames and Furnaces, Science of, by M. W. Thring, 579
- Flow Measurement with Orifice Meters, by R. F. Stearns, R. R. Johnson, R. M. Jackson and C. A. Larson, 322
- Flow Through Orifices and Parallel-Throated Nozzles, Biographical Survey of, by T. H. Redding, 483
- Fluid Mechanics, by Prof. V. L. Streeter, 768
- Frame Analysis, Displacement Method of, by G. P. Manning, 736
- France, British Chamber of Commerce : Year Book, 1951, 64
- Fuel, Hydraulic and Lubricating Oils and Other Non-Aqueous Liquids,. Pipe Resistance for by T. E. Beacham, 228
- Fuel, Technical Data on. Edited by H. M. Spiers, 320
- Functions, Bessel, of First Kind of Orders Seventy-Nine Through One Hundred and Thirty-Five, Tables of, Annals of Computation Laboratory, Harvard University, 388 .
- Fundamentals of Automatic Control, by G. H. Farrington, 451
- Furnaces and Flames, Science of, by M. W. Thring, 579
- Furnaces, Open-Hearth, Instrumentation of, by British Iron and Steel Research Association, 195
- GAS Turbine, Diesel and Electric Locomotives: Locomotives and Their Working, by C. R. H. Simpson and F. B. Roberts, 511
- Gas Turbine Theory, by H. Cohen and G. F. C. Rogers, 388
- Gases, Explosions of, Flames and Combustion, by B. Lewis and G. von Elbe, 260
- Gauges, Strain, Resistance, by J. Yarnell, 192
- German Railway Bridges and Bridge Builders, Schwedler, Zimmermann, Labes, Schaper, by Prof. A. Hertwig, 292
- Glassworkers, Optical, Textbook for: Lens and Prism Making, by F. Twyman, 292
- Gluing with Synthetic Resins, Theory and Practice of : Structural Adhesives, 285
- Government Research Reports, Selected, Volume 5 : Servomechanisms, 607
- Grundlagen, Hydraulik und Wasserbau auf, by A. Schafer, 163
- Guide to Coalfields. Edited by R. H. Walker- dine and C. T. Jones, 64
- Guide to Institution of Electrical Engineers Regulations for the Electrical Equipment of Buildings, 448
- Guide to Principal Safety Requirements of Factories Acts, 1937 and 1948, Publication of Royal Society for Prevention of Accidents, 320
- Guide, Servicing, to British Motor Vehicles, by J. N. McHattie, 32
- Guns, Interior Ballistics of, Theory of, by Dr. J. Corner, 98
- HANDBOOK, Encyclopaedic, Wire Industry, 1952, 540
- Handbook, Mechanical Engineers’. Edited by Prof. L. S. Marks, 64
- Handbook of Ventilation, 483
- Heat, Industrial, Transfer, by Prof. F. W. Hutchinson, 767
- Heat and Thermodynamics, by Prof. M. W. Zemansky, 384
- Heat Transfer, Instrduction to, by Profs. A. I. Brown and S. M. Marco, 152
- Heaviside Operational Calculus, Transients in Electric Circuits Using, by W. B. Coulthard, 67
- History, Short, of Firm of Thomas Walker and Son, Ltd., by J. E. Willmott, 508
- History of Steam Power, Chapter in : Cornish Engine, by Dr. H. W. Dickinson, 448
- Hutchinson’s Pocket Technical Encyclopaedia, Compiled by Dr. L. E. C. Hughes and J. P. Bremner, 223
- Hydraulic, Lubricating and Fuel Oils and Other Non-Aqueous Liquids, Pipe Resistance for, by T. E. Beacham, 228
- Hydraulics and Hydraulic Engineering, by A. Schafer, 163
- Hydraulik und Wasserbau auf Grundlagen, by A. Schafer, 163
- Hydrogen Embrittlement of Steel: Review of Literature, by R. W. Buzzard and H. E. Cleaves. National Bureau of Standards Circular No. 511, 636
- INDUSTRIAL Commonwealth, Brochure on History of Rubery, Owen and Co., Ltd., 11
- Industrial Heat Transfer, by Prof. F. W. Hutchinson, 767
- Industry and Commerce, Volume VII of Oxford Junior Encyclopaedia. Edited by L. E. Salt and R. Sinclair, 151
- Industry, Modern, Steels in, by W. E. Benbow, General Editor, 285
- Tngenieur im Chemiebetrieb, by F. Jahne, 451
- Instrumentation of Open-Hearth Furnaces, by British Iron and Steel Research Association, 195
- Insulation, Sound, and Room Acoustics, by Dr. Per V. Briiel, 228
- Interior Ballistics, Ministry of Supply Publication, 98
- Interior Ballistics of Guns, Theory of, by Dr. J. Comer, 98
- Introduction to Heat Transfer, by Profs. A. I. Brown and S. M. Marco, 152
- Introduction to Mathematical Physics, by Dr. R. A. Houstoun, 703
- Introduction to Theory of Control in Mechanical Engineering, by R. H. Macmillan, 388
- Iron and Steel, Manufacture of, Volume II, Steel Production, by G. R. Bashfort h, 152
- Iron and Steel Research Association, Publication on Instrumentation of Open-Hearth Furnaces, 195
- JANE’S Fighting Ships. Edited by R. V. B. Blackman, 241
- Junior Encyclopaedia, Oxford, Volume VII, Industry and Commerce. Edited by L. E. Salt and R. Sinclair, 151
- LABES, Schwedler, Zimmermann and Schaper, and German Railway Bridges, by Prof. A. Hertwig, 292
- Leben und Schaffen der Reichsbahn : Briicken- bauer Schwedler, Zimmermann, Labes, Schaper, by Prof. A. Hertwig, 292
- Lens and Prism Making; Textbook for Optical Glassworkers, by F. Twyman, 292
- Liquids, Non-Aqueous, and Hydraulic, Lubricating and Fuel Oils, Pipe Resistance for, by
- T. E. Beacham. 228
- Literature, 4, 67, 98, 163, 195, 228, 260, 292, 322, 355, 388, 418, 451, 482, 511, 540, 579, 607, 703, 736, 767
- Locomotives and Their Working, by C. R. H. Simpson and F. B. Roberts, 511
- London Directory, Post Office, 1952, 540 London Tramcar, 1861-1951, bv R. W. Kidner, 224
- London’s Tramways : Large-Scale Plans, 224 Lubricating, Hydraulic and Fuel Oils, and
- Other Non-Aqueous Liquids, Pipe Resistance for, by T. E. Beacham, 228
- MAGNETRON, by Dr. R. Latham, A. H. King and L. Rushforth, 703
- Man and Chemical Elements : from Stone-Age Hearth to Cyclotron, by Dr. J. N. Friend, 260 Manual, Engineering Materials. Edited by T. C. DuMond, 763
- Manuel de Ventilation, 483
- Manufacture of Iron and Steel, Volume II, Steel Production, by G. R. Bashforth, 152
- Manufacturing Processes, by Prof. M. L. Begemen, 763
- Marine Engineers, Shipownersand Shipbuilders, Directory of, 540
- Maritime et Aeronautique, Association Technique, Bulletin de, No. 50, 1951, 807
- Mathematical Physics, Introduction to, by Dr. R. A. Houstoun, 703
- Mathematics, Practical, Volume I, by L. Toft and A. D. D. McKay, 68. See Errata, 139
- Mathematics, Tables of Bessel Functions of the First Kind of Orders Seventy-Nine Through One Hundred and Thirty-Five, Annals of Computation Laboratory, Harvard University, 388
- Mathematics, Tables of Exponential : Applied Mathematics Series No. 14, National Bureau of Standards, 355
- Mechanical Engineering, Introduction to Theory of Control in, by R. H. Macmillan, 388
- Mechanical Engineers’ Handbook. Edited by Prof. L. S. Marks, 64
- Mechanical World Year Book, 1952, 223 Mechanics, Fluid, by Prof. V. L. Streeter, 768 Metals, Non-Ferrous, Welding of, by Dr. E. G.
- West, 572
- Meters, Orifice, Flow Measurement with, by R. F. Stearns, R. R. Johnson, R. M. Jackson and C. A. Larson, 322
- Millikan, Robert A., Autobiography of, 145 Modern Industry, Steels in, by W. E. Benbow,
- General Editor, 285
- Modern Naval Architecture, by W. Muckle, 228 Motion and Time Study: Principles and Practice, by Prof. M. E. Mundel, 4
- Motive Power, Railway, by H. Webster, 763 Motors, Fluid, and Positive Displacement
- Pumps, by W. E. Wilson, 703
- Motors and Pumps, Displacement, by R. Hadekel, 703
- Motor Vehicles, British, Servicing Guide to, by J. N. McHattie, 32
- Muddy Waters: Army Engineers and the Nation’s Rivers, by A. Maass, 579
- NATION’S Rivers and Army Engineers: Muddy Waters, by A. Maass, 579
- National Bureau of Standards Applied Mathematics Series No. 14 : Tables of Exponential ex, 355
- National Bureau of Standards Circular No. 511: Hydrogen Embrittlement of Steel, by R. W. Buzzard and H. E. Cleaves, 636
- Naval Architecture, Modern, by W. Muckle, 228 Navies, World’s: Jane’s Fighting Ships. Edited by R. V. B. Blackman, 241
- New Approach to Engineering Tolerances, by J. Gilson, 192
- New Books, Notes on, 32, 96,152,192, 224, 285, 320, 352, 384, 416, 448, 508, 572, 763
- Non-Aqueous Liquids and Hydraulic, Lubricating and Fuel Oils, Pipe Resistance for, by T. E. Beacham, 228
- Non-Ferrous Metals, Welding of, by Dr. E. G. West, 572
- Notes on New Books, 32, 96,152,192, 224, 285, 320, 352, 384, 416, 448, 508, 572, 763
- Nottinghamshire and Yorkshire, Concealed Coalfield of, by W. Edwards, 448
- Nozzles, Parallel-Throated, and Orifices, Flow Through, Biographical Survey of, by T. H. Redding, 483
- OCEAN Transportation, Current Developments in, Report of European Co-operation Administration, 352
- Oils, Hydraulic, Lubricating and Fuel, and Other Non-Aqueous Liquids, Pipe Resistance for, by T. E. Beacham, 228
- Open-Hearth Furnaces, Instrumentation of, by British Iron and Steel Research Association, 195
- Operational Calculus, Heaviside, Transients in Electric Circuits Using, by W. B. Coulthard, 67
- Optical Glassworkers, Textbook for : Lens and Prism Making, by F. Twyman, 292
- Optics, Electron, Elements of, by Prof. G. Dupouy, 418
- Orifice Meters, Flow Measurement with, by R. F. Stearns, R. R. Johnson, R. M. Jackson and C. A. Larson, 322
- Orifices and Parallel-Throated Nozzles, Flow Through, Biographical Survey of, by T. H. Redding, 483
- Oxford Junior Encyclopaedia, Volume VII. Industry and Commerce. Edited by L. E. Salt and R. Sinclair, 151
- PARALLEL-THROATED Nozzles and Orifices, Flow Through, Biographical Survey of by T. H. Redding, 483
- Photographic Almanac, British Journal, 1952. Edited by A. J. Dalladay, 636
- Photographic Study of Rapid Events, by W. D. Chesterman, 195
- Physics, Mathematical, Introduction to, by Dr. R. A. Houstoun, 703
- Pipe Resistance for Hydraulic, Lubricating and Fuel Oils, and Other Non-Aqueous Liquids, by T. E. Beacham, 228
- P.L.A. Railways, by T. B. Peacock, 285
- Plant Lay-Out: Planning and Practice, by R. W. Maffick and A. T. Gaudreau, 228
- Plasticsand Synthetic Resins. Edited by K. M. Langton,384
- Pocket Book, Practical Engineer. Edited by
- N. P. W. Moore, 416
- Pocket Technical Encyclopaedia, Hutchinson’s, Compiled by Dr. L. E. C. Hughes and J. P. Bremner, 223
- Positive Displacement Pumps and Fluid Motors, by W. E. Wilson, 703
- Post Office London Directory, 1952, 540
- Practical Engineer Pocket Book. Edited by N. P. W. Moore, 416
- Practical Mathematics, Volume I, by L. Toft and A. D. D. McKay, 68. See Errata, 139
- Press and Advertising Annual, African, 1951. Edited by C. R. Pask and Baron V. M. Fredericksz, 151
- Principal Safety Requirements of Factories Acts, 1937 and 1948, Guide to, Publication of Royal Society for Prevention of Accidents, 320
- Prism and Lens Making: Textbook for Optical Glassworkers, by F. Twyman, 292
- Processes, Manufacturing, by Prof. M. L. Begement, 763
- Pumps and Motors, Displacement, by R. Hadekel, 703
- Pumps, Positive Displacement, and Fluid Motors, by W. E. Wilson, 703
- RAILWAY Bridges, German, and Bridge Builders, Schwedler, Zimmermann, Labes, Schaper, by Prof. A. Hertwig, 292
- Railway Car Wheels, Wrought Steel, Failure of, and Thermal Cracking, Effect of Brake Shoe Action on, by H. R. Wetenkamp, O. M. Sidebottom and H. J. Schrader, 32
- Railway Motive Power, by H. Webster, 763
- Railways, P.L.A., by T. B. Peacock, 285
- Rapid Events, Photographic Study of, by W. D. Chesterman, 195
- Reference Books and Annuals, 64, 151, 223, 540, 604, 636, 807
- Refrigeration Engineering, by Profs. H. J. Macintyre and F. W. Hutchinson, 96
- Regulating System Design, Servomechanisms and, Volume I, by H. Chestnut and R. W. Mayer, 482
- Research Association, British Iron ard Steel, Publication on Instrumentation of Open- Hearth Furnaces, 195
- Research Reports, Selected Government, Volume 5 : Servomechanisms, 607
- Resins, Synthetic, and Allied Plastics. Edited by H. M. Langton, 384
- Resins, Synthetic, Theory and Practice of Gluing with : Structural Adhesives,- 285
- Resistance Strain Gauges, by J. Yarnell, 192 Rivers, Nation’s, and Army Engineers: Muddy
- Waters, by A. Maass, 579
- Riveting and Welding Larger Aluminium Structures, Symposium on : Publication of Aluminium Development Association, 572
- Road Accident Prevention and Traffic Control, by Capt. A. Popkess, 96
- Room Acoustics and Sound Insulation, by Dr. Per V. Briiel, 228
- Royal Society for Prevention of Accidents: Guide to Principal Safety Requirements of Factories Acts, 1937 and 1948, 320
- Rubery, Owen and Co., Ltd., Brochure on History of, 11
- SAFETY Requirements of Factories Acts, 1937 and 1948, Guide to Principal: Publication of Royal Society for Prevention of Accidents, 320
- Schaper, Schwedler, Zimmermann and Labes, and German Railway Bridges, by Prof. A. Hertwig, 292
- Schwedler, Zimmermann, Labes and Schaper, and German Railway Bridges, by Prof. A. Hertwig, 292
- Science of Flames and Furnaces, by M. W. Thring, 579
- Selected Government Research Reports, Volume 5 : Servomechanisms, 607
- Servicing Guide to British Motor Vehicles, by J. N. McHattie, 32
- Servomechanisms and Regulating System Design, Volume I, by H. Chestnut and R. W. Mayer, 482
- Servomechanisms: Selected Government
- Research Reports, Volume 5, 607
- Ships, Fighting, Jane’s. Edited by R. V. B. Blackman, 241
- Shipowners, Shipbuilders and Marine Engineers, Directory of, 540
- Shipyard, Working of Aluminium in the: Aluminium Development Association Bulletin No. 18, 224 .
- Short History of Firm of Thomas Walker and Son, Ltd., by J. E. Willmott, 508
- Soils and Bituminous Mixtures, Triaxial Testing of: Special Technical Publication No. 106 of American Society for Testing Materials, 607
- Soil Testing for Engineers, by Prof. T. W. Lambe, 356
- Sound Insulation and Room Acoustics, by Dr. Per V. Brtiel, 228
- Spring Design and Calculations, Compiled by J. A. Roberts, 508
- “ Statistics, Applied,” New Publication of Royal Statistical Society, 784
- Steam Power, Chapter in History of : Cornish Engine, by Dr. H. W. Dickinson, 448
- Steel, Hydrogen Embrittlement of Steel: Review of Literature, by R. W. Buzzard and H. E. Cleaves. National Bureau of Standards Circular No. 511, 636
- Steel and Iron, Manufacture of, Volume II, Steel Production, by G. R. Bashforth, 152 Steels in Modern Industry, by W. E. Benbow, General Editor, 285
- Strain Gauges, Resistance, by J. Yarnell, 192 Structural Adhesives : Theory and Practice of
- Gluing with Synthetic Resins, 285
- Study, Photographic, of Rapid Events, by W. D. Chesterman, 195
- Sulphur and Sulphuric Acid Position, Survey of, by R. Ashton, A. L. Thorogood and
- D. Neville-Jones, 435
- Supervising Electrical Engineers, Association of, Guide to Institution of Electrical Engineers Regulations for the Electrical Equipment of Buildings, 448
- Survey, Biographical, of Flow Through Orifices and Parallel-Throated Nozzles, by T. H. Redding, 483
- Survey of Sulphur and Sulphuric Acid Position, by R. Ashton, A. L. Thorogood and D. Neville-Jones, 435
- Symposium on Welding and Riveting Larger Aluminium Structures, Publication of Aluminium Development Association, 572
- Synthetic Resins and Allied Plastics. Edited by H. M. Langton, 384
- Synthetic Resins, Theory and Practice of Gluing with : Structural Adhesives, 285
- TABLES of Bessel Functions of the First Kind of Orders Seventy-Nine Through One Hundred and Thirty-Five, Annals of Computation Laboratory, Harvard University, 388
- Tables of Exponential ex: Applied Mathematics Series No. 14, National Bureau of Standards, 355
- Technical Data on Fuel. Edited by H. M. Spiers, 320
- Technical Encyclopaedia, Pocket, Hutchinson’s, Compiled by Dr. L. E. C. Hughes and J. P. Bremner, 223
- Testing, Triaxial, of Soils and Bituminous Mixtures; Special Technical Publication No. 106 of American Society for Testing Materials, 607
- Textbook for Optical Glassworkers : Lens and Prism Making, by F. Twyman?, 292
- Theory of Control in Mechanical Engineering, Introduction to, by R. H. Macmillan, 388
- Theory of Elasticity, by Profs. S. Timoshenko and J. N. Goodier, 352
- Theory of Interior Ballistics of Guns, by Dr. J. Corner, 98
- Thermal Cracking, and Failure of Wrought- Steel' Railway-Car Wheels, Effect of Brake Shoe Action on, by H. R. Wetenkamp,
- O. M. Sidebottom and H. J. Schrader, 32 Thermal Properties of Buildings, by N. S.
- Billington, 737
- Thermodynamics and Heat, by Prof. M. W. Zemansky, 384
- Time and Motion Study: Principles and Practice, by Prof. M. E. Mundel, 4
- Times, Tract for: Autobiography cd Robert A. Millikan, 145
- Tolerances, Engineering, New Approach to, by J. Gilson, 192
- Tract for the Times: Autobiography of Robert A. Millikan, 145
- Traffic Control and Road Accident Prevention, by Capt. A. Popkess, 96
- Tramcar, London, 1861-1951, by R. W. Kidner, 224
- Tramways, London’s: Large-Scale Plans, 224
- Transients in Electric Circuits Using Heaviside
- Operational Calculus, by W. B. Coulthard, 67
- Transportation, Ocean, Current Developments in, Report of European Co-operation Administration, 352
- Triaxial Testing of Soils and Bituminous Mixtures: Special Technical Publication No. 106 of American Society for Testing Materials, 607
- Turbine, Gas, Theory, by H. Cohen and G. F. C. Rogers, 388
- VENTILATION, Handbook of, 483
- WALKER, Thomas, and Son, Ltd., Short History of, by J. E. Willmott, 508
- Wasserbau und Hydraulik auf Grundlagen, by A. Schafer, 163
- Waters, Muddy: Army Engineers and the Nation’s Rivers, by A. Maass, 579
- Welding of Non-Ferrous Metals, by Dr. E. G. West, 572
- Welding and Riveting Larger Aluminium Structures, Symposium on; Publication of Aluminium Development Association, 572
- Wheels, Wrought-Steel Railway-Car, Failure of, and Thermal Cracking, Effect of Brake Shoe Action on, by H. R. Wetenkamp, O. M. Sidebottom and H. J. Schrader, 32
- Whitaker’s Almanack, 1952, 151
- Wilson, C. R. T., and Cloud Chamber, by S. L. Barron, 451
- Wire Industry Encyclopaedic Handbook, 1952, 540
- World’s Navies: Jane’s Fighting Ships. Edited by R. V. B. Blackman, 241
- Working of Aluminium in the Shipyard: Aluminium Development Association Bulletin No. 18, 224
- Works, Chemical, Engineer in, by F. Jahne, 451 Workshop, In the, Voltfme III, by “ DUPLEX,’’ 224
- Wrought-Steel Railway-Car Wheels, Failure of, and Thermal Cracking, Effect of Brake Shoe Action on, by H. R. Wetenkamp, O. M. Sidebottom and H. J. Schrader, 32
- YEAR Book, Anglo-American, 1952. Edited by P. Hamlin, 807
- Year Book, British Chamber cf Commerce, France, 1951, 64
- Year Book, Mechanical World, 1952, 223
- Yorkshire and Nottinghamshire, Concealed Coalfield of, by W. Edwards, 448
- ZIMMERMANN, Schwedler, Labes and Schaper, and German Railway Bridges, by Prof. A. Hertwig, 292
See Also
Sources of Information