Engineering 1953 Jan-Jun: Index: Literature

Note: This is a sub-section of Engineering 1953 Jan-Jun: Index
- ACTIVITIES and Growth of British Electrical and Allied Manufacturers Association, 384
- Advertising and Press Annual, African, 1952-53, 64
- Aerodynamics, Principles of, by Prof. D. O. Dommasch, 581
- Aeronautics, Hydraulics, Meteorology and Other Subjects ; Essentials of Fluid Dynamics, by L. Prandtl, 227
- African Press and Advertising Annual, 1952-53, 64
- Agricultural Tractor, by P. H. Southwell, 291
- Aircraft Structures, Weight-Strength Analysis of, by F. R. Shanley, 548
- Almanacs and Calendars, 31, 36, 99,203, 729
- Almanack, Whitaker’s, 1953, 64
- Aluminium Development Association Directory of Members, 170
- American Enterprise, Autobiography of an: Du Pont, 52
- American Society for Testing Materials, Fifty- Year Index to Technical Papers and Reports (1898-1950), 160
- Analysis, Weight-Strength, of Aircraft Structures, by F. R. Shanley, 548
- Annuaire pour l’An 1953, 832
- Annual, Advertising and Press, African, 1952-53, 64
- Annual Review, “ Ship and Boat Builder,” 1953, 831
- Annuals and Reference Books, 64, 160, 255, 352, 831
- Applied Heat for Engineers, by Dr. J.-B. O. Sneeden, 191
- Applied Hydraulics, Handbook of, Edited by C. V. Davis, 515
- Approvals System, Canadian Standards Association, 82
- Association of Supervising Electrical Engineers’ Year Book, 1952-53, 255
- Autobiography of an American Enterprise: Du Pont, 52
- BASIS of Mine Surveying, by M. H. Haddock, 128
- Biology, Mechanical: Announcing Discovery of Twelve Biological Rules of Laws, by Rev. P. H. Francis, 35
- Blue Book, Electrical Journal (Electrical Trades Directory), 1953. Edited by S. G. Rattee, 352
- Boat and Ship Builder, Annual Review, 1953, 831
- Boiler' Availability Committee. Technical Paper No. 3, Relationship Between Chlorine Content of Coal Burned and Availability of a Stoker Fired Boiler, 800
- Boiler-House Practice, by E. Pull, 127
- Boiler Plant, External Deposits and Corrosion in, Second Interim Report on (1946-1951), 561
- Books, New, Notes on, 32, 127, 192, 223, 256, 320, 383, 416, 640, 672, 800
- Books Received, 32, 64, 96,128,160,192, 224, 256, 288, 320, 352, 384, 416, 448, 480, 512, 544, 576, 608, 640, 672, 704, 736, 768, 800
- Bridge, Callender-Hamilton, Handbook : Highway Bridges, Type “ B,” by G. D. White- Parsons, 128
- British Chemical Plant, 1953, 831
- British Directories, Current, 1953. Compiled by G. P. Henderson, 160
- British Electrical and Allied Manufacturers’ Association, Growth and Activities of, 384
- British Electricity System, British Productivity Council Report, 562
- British Engineers’ Association (Incorporated), Classified Handbook of Members, 1953, 831
- British Exporters’ Register and Sell’s National Directory, 1952, 255
- British Express Locomotive Development, 1896-1948, by E. C. Poultney, 209
- British Industry, Pioneers of, by F. G. Kay, 192
- British Journal Photographic Almanac, 1953.
- 831
- British Petroleum Equipment. 1953 Edition,
- 832
- British Productivity Council Report, British Electricity System, 562
- British Transport Commission, Fifth Annual Report, Statement of Accounts and Statistics, 1952, 817
- Brush Aboe Group, Technical Journal of, First Issue of, 723
- Buckling Strength of Metal Structures, by F. Bleich, 483
- Building Research Board and Fire Officers’ Committee, Joint Committee of. Publication on Fire Grading of Buildings, 127
- Buildings, Fire Grading of. Publication of Joint Committee of Fire Officers’ Committee and Building Research Board, 127
- Buildings and Works: History of Second World War, by 0. M. Kohan, 419
- Bureau des Longitudes : Annuaire pour l’An 1953, 832
- CALCULATING Machinery, Large-Scale Digital, Second Symposium on, Proceedings, 35
- Calculus, Practical, by C. I. Palmer and C. E. Stout, 223
- Calculus of Variations, with Applications to Physics and Engineering, by Prof. R. Weinstock, 803
- Calendars and Almanacs, 31, 36, 99, 203, 729
- Callender-Hamilton Bridge Handbook : Highway Bridges, Type “ B,” by G. D. White- Parsons, 128
- Canadian Standards Association Approvals System, 82
- Castings, Investment, for Engineers, by R. L. Wood and D. Von Ludwig, 706
- Cathode-Ray Oscillograph in Industry, by Dr. W. Wilson, 640
- Charts, Hose and Nozzle, for Fire Brigades, 32
- Chemical Kinetics, Tables of: Homogeneous Reactions, Circular No. 10 of United States National Bureau of Standards, 35
- Chemical Plant, British, 1953, 831
- Chief Inspector of Factories, Annual Report for 1951, 433
- Chlorine Content of Coal Burned and Availability of a Stoker Fired Boiler, Relationship Between, 800
- Civil Engineering, History of: Outline from Ancient to Modern Times, by H. Straub. English Translation by E. Rockwell, 196
- Classical Electrodynamics, Lessons on Principles of, by Prof. A. Mercier, 515
- Classified Handbook of Members, British Engineers’ Association (Incorporated), 1953, 831
- Coal Board, National, Report and Accounts, 1952, 657
- Coal Burned, Chlorine Content of, and Availability of a Stoker Fired Boiler, Relationship Between, 800
- Coal-Tar Fuels, Edited by J. S. Sach, 383
- Commande filectromagnetique et Electronique des Machines-Outils, by Prof. A. FouillS and J. Canuel, 803
- Concrete, Prestressed, Principles and Practices of, Vol. I, by Dr. P. W. Abeles, 228
- Concrete, Prestressed, Structures, by Dr. A. E. Komendant, 164
- Control Systems, Direct Current Machines for, by Prof. A. Tustin, 320
- Corrosion Testing Procedures, by Dr. F. A. Champion, 223
- Coulomb Wave Functions, Tables of, Vol. 1. Applied Mathematics Series No. 17 of United States National Bureau of Standards. 99
- Creative Processes : A Symposium. Compiled and Edited by B. Ghiselin, 49
- Croning Shell Moulding Process, or “ C ” Process, 299
- Current British Directories, 1953. Compiled by G. P. Henderson, 160
- DESIGN, Technique of, by P. J. Wallace, 370
- Designing by. Photoelasticity, by Dr. R. B. Heywood, 290
- Diamond, Industrial, Trade Names Index and Yearbook for 1953, 352
- Digital Calculating Machinery, Large-Scale, Second Symposium on, Proceedings, 35
- Direct Current Machines for Control Systems, by Prof. A. Tustin, 320
- Directories, British, Current, 1953. Compiled by G. P. Henderson, 160
- Directory, Electrical Trades (The Electrical Journal Blue Book), 1953. Edited by S. G. Rattee, 352
- Directory, London, Post Office, for 1953, 352
- Directory of Members, Aluminium Development Association, 170
- Directory, National, Sell’s, and British Exporters’ Register, 1952, 255
- Directory and Reference Year Book, Wire, 1952-53, Compiled by D. J. Blashill and N. Lindsay, 255
- Discovery of Twelve Biological Rules or Laws : Mechanical Biology, by Rev. P. H. Francis, 35
- Discussion, General, on Heat Transfer, 1951, 163
- Docks, etc., Particulars of, and Handbook of Tide Tables, 64
- Drawing, Pictorial, for Engineers, by A. C. Parkinson, 800
- Du Pont: Autobiography of an American Enterprise, 52
- Dynamics, Fluid, Essentials of, with Applications to Hydraulics, Aeronautics, Meteorology and Other Subjects, by L. Prandtl, 227
- EASTERN Hemisphere: World’s Oilfields, Edited by V. C. Illing, 259
- Economic Survey for 1953, 434
- Economic Surveys, Overseas : Libya, by H. J. Legg, 128
- Electric Lamps, Modern, by D. A. Clarke, 192
- Electric Motors for Driving Machine Tools, by Prof. A. Fouille and J. Canuel, 803
- Electric Motors, Rewinding and Repair of, by K. Wilkinson, 256
- Electrical Engineers, Supervising,-Association of, Year Book, 1952-53, 255
- Electrical Journal Blue Book (Electrical Trades Directory), 1953, Edited by S. G. Rattee, 352
- Electrical Measurements, by Dr. F. K. Harris, 228
- Electrical Measuring Instruments, Part I, General Principles and Electrical Indicating Instruments, by Dr. C. V. Drysdale and A. C. Jolley, 259
- “ Electrical Review,” Electricity Tariff Handbook. Compiled by V. A. H. Clements, 384
- Electrical Trades Directory (The Electrical Journal Blue Book), 1953, Edited by S. G. Rattee, 352
- Electrical Year Book, Mechanical World, 1953, 160
- Electricity, Higher Industrial Production with, 259
- Electricity System, British, British Productivity Council Report, 562
- Electricity Tariff Handbook. Compiled by V. A. H. Clements, 384
- Electrodynamics, Classical, Lessons on Principles of, by Prof. A. Mercier, 515
- Elements of Food Engineering, Vol. 1, by Prof. M. E. Parker, with Collaboration of Prof. E. H. Harvey and E. S. Stateler, 672
- Empirical Equations and Nomography, by' Prof. L. H. Johnson, 291
- Engineering, Civil, History of: Outline from Ancient to Modern Times, by H. Straub. English Translation by E. Rockwell, 196
- Engineering, Food, Elements of, Vol. I, by Prof. M. E. Parker, with Collaboration of Prof. E. H. Harvey and E. S. Stateler, 672
- Engineering Fundamentals, Handbook of, Edited by O. W. Eshbach, 160
- Engineering and Physics, Applications to: Calculus of Variations, by Prof. R. Weinstock, 803
- Engineering, Road, by E. L. Leeming, 99 Engineering Science, Foundations of, by L. E.
- Pilborough, 674
- Engineers, Applied Heat for, by Dr. J.-B. O. Sneeden, 191
- Engineers, Investment Castings for, by R. L. Wood and D. Von Ludwig, 706
- Engineers, Pictorial Drawing for, by A. C. Parkinson, 800.
- Equations, Empirical, and Nomography, by Prof. L. H. Johnson, 291
- Essentials of Fluid Dynamics, with Applications to Hydraulics, Aeronautics, Meteorology and Other Subjects, by L. Prandtl, 227 Evershed News, Journal of Evershed and Vig- noles, Ltd., First Issue of, 355
- Express Locomotive Development, British, 1896-1948, by E. C. Poultney, 209
- Exporters’ Register, British, and Sell’s National Directory, 1952, 255
- Exporter’s Year Book, 1953, Edited by A. J. Day, 255
- FACTORIES, Chief Inspector of, Annual Report for 1951, 433
- Farmers’ Tools; 1500-1900, by G. E. Fussell, 163 Field Work and Surveying, by J. Williamson, 191
- Fifty-Year Index to A.S.T.M. Technical Papers and Reports (1898-1950), 160
- Fire Brigades, Hose and Nozzle Charts for, 32 Fire Grading of Buildings, Publication by
- Joint Committee of Fire Officers’ Committee and Building Research Board, 127
- Fire Officers’ Committee and Building Research Board, Joint Committee of. Publication on Fire Grading of Buildings, 127
- Fluid Dynamics, Essentials of, with Applications to Hydraulics, Aeronautics, Meteorology and Other Subjects, by L. Prandtl, 227
- Fluides, MGcanique des, Guide 5, travers, by L. Prandtl, 227
- Food Engineering, Elements of, Vol. 1, by Prof. M. E. Parker, with Collaboration of Prof. E. H. Harvey and E. S. Stateler, 672
- Foundations of Engineering Science, by L. Pilborough, 674
- Fuels, Coal-Tar, Edited by J. S. Sach, 383 Fuels and Combustion, by Prof. M. L. Smith and Prof. K. W. Stinson, 416
- GENERAL Discussion on Heat Transfer, 1951, 163
- Geometrischen Verhaltnisse bei der Herstellung unregelmassiger Flachen, by Dr. Ing. W. H. Gres, 772
- Government Information and the Research Worker, Edited by R. Staveley, 32
- Government Research Reports, Selected, Vol.
- 6. Strength and Testing of Materials, Parts I and II, 388
- Growth and Activities of British Electrical and Allied Manufacturers Association, 384
- Guide and travers la MGcanique des Fluides, by L. Prandtl, 227
- HAMILTON-CALLENDER Bridge Handbook : Highway Bridges, Type “ B,” by G. D. White-Parsons, 128
- Handbook of Applied Hydraulics, Edited by C. V. Davis, 515
- Handbook, Classified, of Members, British Engineers’ Association (Incorporated), 1953, 831
- Handbook, Electricity Tariff, Compiled by V. A. H. Clements, 384
- Handbook of Engineering Fundamentals, Edited by O. W. Eshbach, 160
- Handbook of Tide Tables, Particulars of Docks, etc., 1953, 64
- Hardwoods, Identification of: A Lens Key, 127 Heat, Applied, for Engineers, by Dr. J.-B. O. Sneeden, 191
- Heat Transfer, General Discussion on, 1951,163 Heat Transfer Phenomena, by Dr. R. C. L. Bosworth, 612
- High-Speed Photography, by G. A. Jones, 195 Higher Industrial Production 'with Electricity, 259
- Historical Metrology, by A. E. Berriman, 228 See LETTER, 308
- History of Civil Engineering: Outline from Ancient to Modern Times, by H. Straub. English Translation by E. Rockwell, 196
- History of Second World War: Works and Buildings, by C. M. Kohan, 419
- History, Transport, Journal,of, First Issue of, 723
- Homogeneous Reactions of Chemical Kinetics, Tables of. Circular No. 10 of United States National Bureau of Standards, 35
- Hose and Nozzle Charts for Fire Brigades, 32 Hydraulics, Aeronautics, Meteorology and Other Subjects : Essentials of Fluid Dynamics, by L. Prandtl, 227
- Hydraulics and Its Applications, by Prof. A. H. Gibson, 35
- Hydraulics, Applied, Handbook of, Edited by C. V. Davis, 515
- Hydro-Electric Board, North of Scotland, Annual Report and Statement of Accounts, 1952, 402
- IDENTIFICATION of Hardwoods: A Lens Key, 127
- Index, Fifty-Year, to A.S.T.M. Technical Papers and Reports (1898-1950), 160
- Index and Yearbook, Industrial Diamond Trade Names, for 1953, 352
- India, Economic and Commercial Conditions, 658
- Indicating Instruments, Electrical, and General Principles. Part I of Electrical Measuring Instrumerts, by Dr. C. V. Drvsdale and A. O. Jolley, 259
- Industrial Diamond Trade Names Index and Yearbook for 1953, 352
- Industrial Production, Higher, with Electricity, 259
- Industrial and Scientific Research, Department of, Report for 1951-52, 465
- Industry, British, Pioneers of, by F. G. Kay, 192
- Industry, Cathode-Ray Oscillograph in, by Dr. W. Wilson, 640
- Information, Government, and the Research Worker, Edited by R. Staveley, 32
- Instruments, Measuring, Electrical. Part I, General Principles and Electrical Indicating Instruments, by Dr. C. V. Drysdale and A. C. Jolley, 259
- Introduction to Scientific Research, by Prof. E. B. Wilson, Jr., 581
- Investment Castings for Engineers, by R. L. Wood and D. Von Ludwig, 706
- Irregular Surfaces, Geometrical Considerations in Production by Metal-Cutting Machines, by Dr. Ing. W. H. Gres, 772
- Irrigation, Treatise on, by V. Bauzil, 131
- JOURNAL, Technical, of Brush Aboe Group, First Issue of, 723
- Journal of Transport History, First Issue of, 723
- KINETICS, Chemical, Tables of: Homogeneous Reactions, Circular No. 10 of United States National Bureau of Standards, 35
- LAMPS, Electric, Modern, by D. A. Clarke, 192
- Large-Scale Digital Calculating Machinery, Second Symposium on, Proceedings, 35
- Lemons surles Principes de l’lSlectrodynamique Classique, by Prof. A. Mercier, 515
- Libya: Overseas Economic Survey, by H. J. Legg, 128
- Light, by Prof. R. W. Ditchburn, 354
- Lighting in Industry, 32
- Lines, Visual, for Spectroscopic Analysis, by
- D. M. Smith, 320
- Literature, 5, 35, 99, 131, 163, 195, 227, 259, 291, 354, 388, 419, 483, 515, 548, 581, 612, 674, 706, 772, 803, 832
- Locomotives, Express, Development, British, 1896-1948, by E. C. Poultney, 209
- Locomotive and Train Working in Latter Part of Nineteenth Century, by late E. L. Ahrons, Edited by L. L. Asher, 209
- London Directory, Post Office, for 1953, 352
- Lubricants and Lubrication. Selected Government Research Reports, Vol. II, 223
- MACHINE Tools, Electric Motors for Driving, by Prof. A. Fouille and J. Canuel, 803
- Machinery, Mining, by T. Bryson, 416 Machines, Direct Current, for Control Systems, by Prof. A. Tustin, 320
- Materials, Strength of, by I r. A. Morley, 640
- Materials, Strength of, Solutions of Problems in, by S. A. Urry, 383
- Materials, Strength and Testing of, Parts I and II. Vol. 6 of Selected Government Research Reports, 388
- Mathematics, Practical, by Prof. C. I. Palmer and S. F. Bibb, 256
- Mathematics, Practical, Vol. II, by L. Toft and A. D. D. McKay, 191
- Matter, Structure of, Part IV of Introduction to General Physics, by Prof. E. Stahel, 773
- Measurements, Electrical, by Dr. F. K. Harris, 228
- Measuring Instruments, Electrical. Part I, General Principles and Electrical Indicating Instruments, by Dr. C. V. Drysdale and A. C. Jolley, 259
- MGcanique des Fluides, Guide and travers, by L. Prandtl, 227
- Mechanical Biology : Announcing Discovery of Twelve Biological Rules or Laws, by Rev. P. H. Francis, 35
- Mechanical Engineers, Institution of; General
- Discussion on Heat Transfer, 1951, 163
- Mechanical World Electrical Year Book, 1953, 160
- Members, Directory of, Aluminium Development Association, 170
- Metal-Cutting Machines, Geometrical Considerations in Production, of Irregular Surfaces by, by Dr. Ing. W. H. Gres, 772
- Metal Structures, Buckling Strength of, by F. Bleich, 483
- Meteorology, Hydraulics, Aeronautics and Other Subjects: Essentials of Fluid Dynamics, by L. Prandtl, 227
- Metrology, Historical, by A. E. Berriman, 228.
- See LETTER, 308
- Midland Junction and Stratford-upon-Avon Railway, 256
- Mild Steel, Structure and Properties of, by Dr. C. A. Edwards, 320
- Mine Surveying, Basis of, by M. H. Haddock, 128
- Mining Machinery, by T. Bryson, 416
- Modern Electric Lamps, by D. A. Clarke, 192 Motors, Electric, for Driving Machine Tools, by Prof. A. Fouille and J. Canuel, 803
- Motors, Electric, Rewinding and Repair of, by K. Wilkinson, 256
- Moulding, Shell, Process: (Croning), or “ C ” Process, 299
- NAMES, Trade, Index and Yearbook, Industrial Diamond, for 1953, 352
- National Bureau of Standards, United States,
- Applied Mathematics Series, No. 17. Tables of Coulomb Wave Functions, 99.
- National Bureau of Standards, United States, Tables of Chemical Kinetics: Homogeneous Reactions, 35
- National Coal Board Report and Accounts, 1952, 657
- National Directory, Sell’s, and British Exporters’ Register, 1952, 255
- New Books, Notes on, 32, 127, 192, 223, 256, 320, 383, 416, 640, 672, 800
- Nineteenth Century, Locomotive and Train Working in Latter Part of, by late E. L. Ahrons, Edeitd by L. L. Asher, 209
- Nomography and Empirical Equations, by Prof. L. H. Johnson, 291
- North of Scotland Hydro-Electric Board Annual Report and Statement of Accounts, 1952, 402
- Notes on New Books, 32, 127, 192, 223, 256, 320, 383, 416, 640, 672, 800
- Nozzle and Hose Charts for Fire Brigades, 32
- OILFIELDS, World’s : Eastern Hemisphere, Edited by Prof. V. C. Illing„259
- Oscillograph, Cathode-Ray, in Industry, by Dr. W. Wilson, 640
- Overseas Economic Surveys : Libya, by H. J. Legg, 128
- PETROLEUM Equipment, British, 1953 Edition, 832
- Phenomena, Heat Transfer, by Dr. R. C. L. Bosworth, 612
- Photoelasticity, Designing by, by Dr. R. B. Heywood, 290
- Photographic Almanac, British Journal, 1953, 831
- Photography, High-Speed, by G. A. Jones, 195
- Physics and Engineering, Applications to: Calculus of Variations, by Prof. R. Weinstock, 803
- Physics, General, Introduction to. IV, Structure of Matter, by Prof. E. Stahel, 773 '
- Pictorial Drawing for Engineers, by A. C. Parkinson, 800
- Pioneers of British Industry, by F. G. Kay, 192
- Plant, Chemical, British, 1953, 831
- Post Office London Directory for 1953, 352
- Power Stations, Steam, by Dr. G. A. Gaffert, 383
- Practical Calculus, by C. I. Palmer and C. E. Stout, 223
- Practical Mathematics, by Prof. C. I. Palmer and S. F. Bibb, 256
- Practical Mathematics, Vol. II, by L. Toft and A. D. D. McKay, 191
- Practice, Boiler-House, by E. Pull, 127
- Practices and Principles of Prestressed Concrete, Vol. I, by Dr. P. W. Abeles, 228
- Precis de Physique Gendrale. IV, Structure de la Matidre, by Prof. E. Stahel, 773
- Press and Advertising Annual, African, 1952-53, 64
- Prestressed Concrete, Principles and Practices of, Vol. I, by Dr. P. W. Abeles, 228
- Prestressed Concrete Structures, by Dr. A. E. Komendant, 164
- Principles cf Aerodynamics, by Prof. D. O. Dommasch, 581
- Principles of Classical Electrodynamics, Lessons on, by Prof. A. Mercier, 515
- Principles and Practices of Prestressed Concrete, Vol. I, by Dr. P. W. Abeles, 228 .
- Problems in Strength of Materials, Solutions of, by S. A. Urry, 383
- Proceedings of Second Symposium on Large- Scale Digital Calculating Machinery, 35
- Process, Shell Moulding (Croning), or “ C ” Process, 299
- Processes, Creative : A Symposium. Compiled and Edited by B. Ghiselin, 49
- Production, Industrial, Higher, with Electricity, 259
- Properties and Structure of Mild Steel, by Dr. C. A. Edwards, 320
- REFERENCE Bobks and Annuals, 64, 160, 255, 352, 831
- Reference Year Book and Directory, Wire, 1952-53, Compiled by D. J. Blashill and N. Lindsay, 255
- Relationship Between Chlorine Content of Coal Burned and Availability of a Stoker Fired Boiler, 800
- Repair and Rewinding of Electric Motors, by K. Wilkinson, 256
- Reports and Accounts, National Coal Board,
- 1952, 657
- Report, Annual, Chief Inspector of Factories for 1951, 433
- Report, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, for 1951-52, 465
- Reports, Government Research, Selected, Vol. 6. Strength and Testing of Materials, Parts I and II, 388
- Research, Scientific, Introduction to, by Prof. E. B. Wilson, Jr., 581
- Research Worker and Government Information, Edited by R. Staveley, 32
- Rewinding and Repair of Electric Motors, by K. Wilkinson, 256
- Road Engineering, by E. L. Leeming, 99
- Rules or Laws, Biological, Discovery of Twelve : Mechanical Biology, by Rev. P. H. Francis, 35
- SCIENCE, Engineering, Foundations of, by L. E. Pilborough, 674
- Scientific and Industrial Research, Department of, Report for 1951-52, 465
- Scientific Research, Introduction to, by Prof. E. B. Wilson, Jr., 581
- Second Symposium on Large-scale Digital Calculating Machinery, Proceedings of, 35.
- Second World War, History of: Works and Buildings, by C. M. Kohan, 419
- Selected Government Research Reports, Vol. 6, Strength and Testing of Materials, Parts I and II, 388
- Sell’s National Directory and British Exporters’ Register, 1952, 255
- Shell Moulding Process (Croning), or “ C ” Process, 299
- “ Ship and Boat Builder ” Annual Review, 1953, 831
- Shock Isolation and Vibration, by C. E. Orede, 5
- Solutions of Problems in Strength of Materials, by S. A. Urry, 383
- Spectroscopic Analysis, Visual Lines for, by D. M. Smith, 320
- Standards Association, Canadian, Approvals System, 82
- Stations, Power, Steam, by Dr. G. A. Gaffert, 383
- Statistical Year Book of World Power Conference No. 6, Annual Statistics for 1948-50,18 Steam Power Stations, by Dr. G. A. Gaffert, 383 Stoker Fired Boiler, Availability of, and Chlorine Content of Coal Burned, Relationship Between, 800
- Stratford-upon-Avon and Midland Junction Railway, by J. M. Dunn, 256
- Strength, Buckling, of Metal Structures, by F. Bleich, 483
- Strength of Materials, by Dr. A. Morley/640
- Strength of Materials, Solutions of Problems in, by S. A. Urry, 383
- Strength and Testing of Materials, Parts I and II. Vol. 6 of Selected Government Research Reports, 388
- Strength-Weight Analysis of Aircraft Structures, by F. R. Shanley, 548
- Strengthening and Underpinning of Structures, by L. E. Hunter, 195
- Structure of Matter. Part IV of Introduction to General Physics, by Prof. E. Stahel, 773
- Structure and Properties of Mild Steel, by Dr. 0. A. Edwards, 320
- Structures, Aircraft, Weight-Strength Analysis of, by F. R. Shanley, 548
- Structures, Metal, Buckling Strength of, by F. Bleich, 483
- Structures, Prestressed Concrete, by Dr. A. E. Komendant, 164
- Surfaces, Irregular, Production by Metal- Cutting Machines, Geometrical Considerations in, by Dr. Ing. W. H. Gres, 772
- Survey, Economic, for 1953, 434
- Surveying and Field Work, bv J. Williamson, 191
- Surveying, Mine, Basis of, by M. H. Haddock, 128
- Supervising Electrical Engineers, Association of, Year Book, 1952-53, 255
- Symposium on Large-Scale Digital Calculating Machinery, Proceedings, 35
- Systems, Control, Direct Current Machines for, by Prof. A. Tustin, 320
- TABLES of Chemical Kinetics: Homogeneous Reactions, Circular No. 10 of National Bureau of Standards, 35
- Tables of Coulomb Wave Functions, Vol. 1. Applied Mathematics Series, No. 17 of United States National Bureau of Standards, 99
- Tables, Tide, Handbook of, and Particulars of Docks, etc., 64
- Tar, Coal, Fuels, Edited by J. S. Sach, 383
- Tariff, Electricity, Handbook. Compiled by V. A. H. Clements, 384
- Technical Journal of Brush Aboe Group, First Issue of, 723
- Technical Papers and Reports, A.S.T.M., Fifty-Year Index to (1898-1950), 160
- Technique of Design, by P. J. Wallace, 370
- Testing, Corrosion, Procedures, by Dr. F. A. Champion, 223
- Testing and Strength of Materials, Parts I and II. Vol. 6 of Selected Government Research Reports, 388
- Tide Tables, Handbook of, Particulars of Docks, etc., 1953, 64
- Tools, Farmer’s, 1500-1900, by G. E. Fussell, 163
- Tractor, Agricultural, by P. H. Southwell, 291
- Trade Names Index and Yearbook, Industrial Diamond, for 1953, 352.
- Trades, Electrical, Directory (The Electrical Journal Blue Book), 1953, Edited by S. G. Rattee, 352
- Train and Locomotive Working in Latter Part of Nineteenth Century, by late E. L. 'Ahrons, Edited by L. L. Asher, 209
- Traite d’Irrigation, by V. Bauzil, 131
- Transfer, Heat, General Discussion on, 1951, 163
- Transfer, Heat, Phenomena, by Dr. R. C. L. Bosworth, 612
- Transport History, Journal of, First Issue of, 723
- Tunnel, Wind, Technique, by R. C. Pankhurst and D. W. Holder, 5
- Twelve Biological Rules or Laws, Discovery of: Mechanical Biology, by Rev. P. H. Francis, 35
- UNDERPINNING and Strengthening of
- Structures, by L. E. Hunter, 195
- VARIATIONS, Calculus of, with Applications to Physics and Engineering, by Prof. R. Weinstock, 803
- Vibration and Shock Isolation, by C. E. Crede, 5
- Visual Lines for Spectroscopic Analysis, by D. M. Smith, 320
- WAR, Second World, History of: Works and Buildings, by C. M. Kohan, 419
- Wave Functions, Coulomb, Tables of, Vol. 1.
- Applied Mathematics Series, No. 17 of United States National Bureau of Standards, 99
- Weight-Strength Analysis of Aircraft Structures, by F. R. Shanley, 548
- Whitaker’s Almanack, 1953, 64
- Wind-Tunnel Technique, by R. C. Pankhprst and D. W. Holder, 5.
- Wire Reference Year Book and Directory, 1952-53, Compiled by D. J. Blashill and N. Lindsay, 255
- Works and Buildings: History of Second World War, by C. M. Kohan, 419
- World Power Conference No. 6,-Statistical Year
- Book of, Annual Statistics for 1948-50, 18 World War, Second, History of: Works and Buildings, by C. M. Kohan, 419
- World’s Oilfields: Eastern Hemisphere, Edited by Prof. V. C. Illing, 259
- YEAR Book, Association of Supervising Electrical Engineers, 1952-53, 255
- Year Book and Directory, Reference, Wire, 1952-53, Compiled by D. J. Blashill and N. Lindsay, 255
- Year Book, Electrical, Mechanical World, 1953, 160
- Year Book, Exporter’s, 1953, Edited by A. J. Day, 255
- Year Book, Statistical, of World Power Conference No. 6, Annual Statistics for 1948-50, 18
- Yearbook and Index, Industrial Diamond Trade Names, for 1953, 352
See Also
Sources of Information