Engineering 1953 Jul-Dec: Index: Literature

Note: This is a sub-section of Engineering 1953 Jul-Dec: Index
- ABRASION and Wear, Publication of Rubber Stichting, Delft, 287
- A. C. Networks and Transmission Lines, by Dr. T. F. Wall, 99
- Action, Facts and Files in Business and Public
- Afiairs, Part 2,’Filing, Indexing and Circulation, by Dr. J. E. Holmstrom, 484
- Admiralty Ship Welding Committee Publication. S.S. Ocean Vulcan Sea Trials: The Forces Acting on the Ship at Sea, 165 Advanced Mathematics in Physics and Engineering, by Prof. A. Bronwell, .613
- Advanced Mechanics of Materials, by Prof. F. B. Seely and Prof. J. 0. Smith, 607 Aerodynamics, Propeller and Helicopter,
- Elements of, by Prof. D. O. Dommasch, 387
- Aircraft Propulsion: Theory and Performance, by Dr. A. W. Morley, 134
- Airport Visitor, edited by Sqd. Ldr. | N. J. Freeman and G. D. H. Linton, 191 Alternating-Current Electrical Engineering, by P. Kemp, 480
- Alternating-Current Machines, Theory, Design and Application of, Including Fractional Horse-Power Motors: Induction Motor, by Dr. H. Vickers, 255
- American Society for Testing Materials Publication on Symposium on Continuous Analysis of Industrial Water and Industrial Waste
- Water, 416
- American Society for Testing‘Materials, Manual on Industrial Water, 672
- Analysis, Continuous, of Industrial Water and Industrial Waste Water. Publication of
- American Society for Testing Materials, 416
- Analysis, Dimensional, and Physical Similarity, by Prof. W. J. Duncan, 516
- Analysis, Spectrographic, of Low-Alloy Steels.
- Report of British Iron and Steel Research Association, 287
- Analysing Structural Frames, Hardy Cross Procedure of, by S. Zaytzeff, 384
- Annuals and Reference Books, 123, 191, 221, 253, 352, 511, 640
- Arctan x, Table of. United States National Bureau of Standards Applied Mathematics Series No. 26, 221
- Arid Zone Hydrology, Reviews of Research on, 319
- Astronomy for Surveyors, Elements of, by R. W. Chapman. Revised by J. B. Mackie, 387
- Atomisation of Liquid Fuels, by Prof. E. Giffen and Dr. A. Muraszew, 803
- BEAM Engines, Rotative, and Cornish Pumping Engines: An Illustrated Survey, 581
- Billings and Water Power in Brazil, by A. J. Ackerman, 803
- B.I.M.C.A.M. Handbook, 1953, 191 Blasting, Rock, Manual of, edited by K. H. Fraekel, 64
- Books, New, Notes on, 31, 64, 96,127,192, 255, 287, 319, 351, 384, 415, 448, 479, 576, 607, 672, 704, 736, 800, 831
- Books Received, 32, 64, 96, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 288, 320, 352, 384, 416, 448, 480, 544, 576, 608. 640, 672, 704, 736, 768, 832
- Boreholes and Wells for Water Supply, by J. E. Dumbleton, 192
- Brazil, Water Power in, and Billings, by A. J. Ackerman, 803
- Bridges, World’s Great, by H. S. Smith, 546 British Electrical and Allied Industries Research Association, Researches by: Circuit Breaking. Edited by H. Trencham, 644 British Industrial Measuring and Control Apparatus Manufacturers’ Association, Handbook, 1953,191
- British Motor Vehicles, Servicing Guide to, Vol. 2, by J. N. McHattle, 511
- British Products and Canadian Distributors, Cabma Register of, 253
- British Regional Geologv, Northern England, 448
- British Standards Institution Yearbook, 123, Building Fires, Investigations on. Part VI, Fire Resistance of Reinforced-Concrete Columns, by Dr. F. G. Thomas and C. T. Webster, 736
- Business and Public Affairs, Facts, Files and Action in. Part 2, Filing, Indexing and Circulation, by Dr. J. E. Holmstrom, 484
- CABLES, Power : Their Design and Installation, by C. C. Barnes, 4
- Cabma Register of British Products and Canadian Distributors, 253
- Calcul des Conduits d’Eau avec CheminGes d’Equilibre. Prepared under Direction of Prof. A. Ghizzetti, 517
- Calcul des Constructions Hyperstatiques: La Methode de Hardy Cross et des Simplifications, by S'. Zaytzeff, 384
- Canadian Distributors and British Products, Cabma Register of, 253
- Carbon, Active, by Prof. C. Courty, 4
- Carrier Current on Power Lines, by A. Cheval- lier, 607
- Catalogues, 31, 64, 96, 128, 159, 175, 213, 286, ’320, 384, 416, 480, 525, 576, 608, 640, 704, 768, 797, 831
- Cement and Concrete Association.' Prestressed-Concrete Statically Indeterminate Structures: Symposium Proceedings, edited by Dr. R. P. Andrew and-P. J. Witt, 64
- Charbons Actives (Adsorption des Gaz et des Vapeurs), by Prof. C. Courty, 4
- Chebyshev Polinomials Sn (x) and On (a;), Tables of. United States National Bureau of Applied Mathematics Publication, 352
- Circuit Breaking, Researches by British Electrical and Allied Industries Research Assoiciation, Edited by H. Trencham, 644
- Circuits and Machines: Introductory Electrical Engineering, by Prof. C. H. Wills and Asst. Prof. H. M. Chandler, Jr., 740
- Circulation, Filing and Indexing. Part 2 of Facts, Files and Action in Business and Public Affairs, by Dr. J. E. Holmstrom, 484
- Civilization and Engineering, by Prof. J. K. Finch, 195
- Colliery Year Book and Coal Trades Directory, 1953, 352
- Columns, Reinforced-Concrete, Fire Resistance of. Part VI of Investigations on Building Columns, by Dr. F. G. Thomas and C. T. Webster, 736
- Comet and Rocket Orbits, Tables for, by S. Herrick, 613
- Concrete, Prestressed, by Y. Guyon. Edited by W. M. Johns, 31
- Concrete, Prestressed, Statically Indeterminate Structures: Symposium Proceedings, edited by Dr. R. P. Andrew and P. J. Witt, 64
- Concrete, Reinforced, Columns, Fire Resistance of. Part VI of Investigations on Building Columns, by Dr. F. G. Thomas and C. T. Webster, 736
- Constructions Hyperstatiques, Calcul des: La Methods de Hardy Cross et des Simplifications, by S. Zaytzeff, 384
- Continuous Analysis of industrial Water and Industrial Waste Water, Symposium on. Publication of American Society for Testing Materials, 416
- Control of Electric Motors, by P. B. Harwood, 127
- Cornish Pumping Engines and Rotative Beam Engines: An DIustrated Survey, 581
- Counter, Luminescence and Scintillation, by Dr. S. C. Curran, 644
- Cours de Mecanique, Vol. I, Statique, by Prof. H. Faure, 800
- Current, Carrier, on Power Lines, by A. Chevallier, 607
- DECISION, Time for: An Industrialist Looks at Life, by F. B. Willmott, 256
- Department of Scientific and Industrial Research Publication. British Regional Geology, Northern England, 448
- Design of Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Pressure Vessels and Tanks, Manual of, by K. Siemon, 415
- Design, Simplified, of Roof Trusses for Architects and Builders, by Prof. H. Parker, 319
- Design of Valves and Fittings, by G. H. Pearson, 134
- Diagrammes Enthalpie-Entropie: Applications k l’Air et aux Gaz de Combustion, by Dr. P. Chambadal, 484
- Diamond Technology: Production Methods for Diamond and Gem Stones, by P. Grodzinski, 676
- Diesel Electrique et Traction Electrique, by P. Patin, 64
- Dimensional Analysis and Physical Similarity, by Prof. W. J. Duncan, 516
- Dimensioning of Engineering Drawings, by Dr. W. Abbott. 676
- Directory and Handbook, Metal Industry, 1953, 191
- Directory, Iron and Steel, 123
- Drawings, Engineering, Dimensioning of, by Dr. W. Abbott, 676
- ECONOMICS, Fifty Years of, by Prof. H. O. Meredith, 192
- Electric and Diesel Traction, by P. Patin, 64 Electric Motors, Control of, by P. B. Harwood, 127
- Electric Resistance Heating, 576
- Electrical Engineering, Alternating-Current, by P. Kemp, 480
- Electrical Engineering, Introductory: Circuits and Machines, by Prof. C. H. Wills and Asst. Prof. H. M. Chandler, Jr., 740
- Electrical Manufacturers, 1875-1900, by H. C. Passer, 484
- Electrical Power, Generation, Transmission and Utilisation of, by Dr. A. T. Starr, 127 Electricity Supply, Garcke’s Manual of, edited by F. C. Garrett, 253
- Electricity Undertakings of the World, Edited by S. G. Rattee, 640
- Electro-Magnetic Machines, by R. Langlois- Berthelot, 771
- Electron Tubes in Industry, by K. Henney and J. D. Farnestock, 32
- Electronics, Principles of, by Dr. E. Buckingham and E. M. Price, 800
- Elements of Astronomy for Surveyors, by R. W. Chapman. Revised by J. B. Mackie, 387
- Elements of Propeller and Helicopter Aerodynamics, by Prof. D. O. Dommasch, 387 Elliptic Functions, Introduction to, with Applications, by F. Bowman, 831
- Emission, Spectroscopy of; and Its Applications, by P. Michel, 415
- Engines, Cornish Pumping, and Rotative Beam Engines: An Illustrated Survey, 581
- Engineering and Civilization, by Prof. J. K. Finch, 195
- Engineering Drawings, Dimensioning of, by Dr. W. Abbott, 676
- Engineering, Electrical, Alternating-Current, by P. Kemp, 480,
- Engineering Materials, Technology of, by B. R. Hilton, 387
- Engineering and Physics, Advanced Mathematics in, by Prof. A. Bronwell, 613
- Engineering, Public Health, by P. C. G. Isaac, 13£
- Engineering, Railway, Introduction to, by R. A. Inglis, 672
- Enthalpy-Entropy Diagrams: Application to Air and Gas Combustion, by Dr. P. Chambadal, 484
- FACTS, Files and Action in Business and Public Affairs. Part 2, Filing, Indexing and Circulation, by Dr. J. E. Holmstrom, 484
- Farm Power, by Prof. B. D. Moses and Prof. K. R. Frost, 31
- Fens and Vermuyden, by L. E. Harris, 706 Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Pressure Vessels and Tanks, Manual for Design of, by K. Siemon, 415
- Fifty Years of Economics, by Prof. H. O. Meredith, 192
- Fighting Ships, Jane’s, 1953-54, Edited by R. V. B. Blackman, 740
- Files, Facts and Action in Business and Public Affairs. Part 2, Filing, Indexing and Circulation, by Dr. J. E. Holmstrom, 484 Fires, Building, Investigations on. Part VI; Fire Resistance of Reinforced-Concrete Columns, by Dr. F. G. Thomas and C; T. Webster, 736
- Fittings and Valves, Design of, by G. H. Pearson, 134
- Flames: Their Structure, Radiation and
- Temperature, by Dr. A. G. Gaydon and Dr. H. G. Wolfhard, 418
- Fluid Mechanics for Engineers, Survey of, by Prof. M. SGdille, 351
- Formulae, Physical, by Dr. T. S. E. Thomas, 255
- Foundations of Mathematics, Introduction to, by Prof. A. L. Wilder, 644
- Foundations and Trusts. Compiled by G. W. Keeling and edited by T. Landau, 227
- Fuels, Liquid, Atomisation of, by Prof. B. Giffen and Dr. A. Muraszew, 803
- Functions, Elliptic, Introduction- to, with Applications, by F. Bowman, 831
- GARCKE’S Manual of Electricity Supply, edited by F. C. Garrett, 253
- Gear Lubrication. Publication of C. C. Wakefield and Co., Ltd., 191
- Gem and Diamond Stones, Production Methods for: Diamond Technolgy, by P. Grodzinski, 676
- Generation, Transmission and Utilisation of Electrical Power, by Dr. A. T. Starr, 127 Geology, British Regional, Northern England, 448
- Guide to Coalfields, 1953, 221
- Guide, Servicing, to British Motor Vehicles, Vol. 2, by J. N. McHattie, 511
- HANDBOOK and Directory, Metal Industry, 1953, 191
- Hardy Cross Procedure for Analysing Structural Frames, by S. Zaytzeff, 384
- Heat Engines, Thermodynamics Applied to, by Dr. E. H. Lewitt, 771
- Heating, Electric Resistance, 576
- Helicopter and Propeller Aerodynamics, Elements of, by Prof. D. O. Dommasch, 387
- Hydrology, Arid Zone, Reviews of Research on, 319
- Hyperstatiques, Constructions, Calcul des: La Methode de Hardy Cross et des Simplifications, by S. Zaytzeff, 384
- INDEXING, Filing and Circulation. Part 2, of Facts, Files and Action in Business and Public Affairs, by Dr. J. E. Holmstrom, 484 Indian Railways: One Hundred Years, 1853- 1953, by J. N. Sahni, 704
- Induction Motor. Theory, Design and Application of Alternating-Current Machines, Including Fractional Horse-Power Motors, by Dr. H. Vickers, 255
- inductors and transformers, Small, by K. A. Macfadyen, 479
- Industrial Physics, by J. Izard, 253
- Industrial Water, Manual on, 672 Industrialist.Looks at Life: Time for Decision, by F. B. Willmott, 256
- Inspection, Mechanical, by Prof. W. H. Armstrong, 32
- Instrument Manual, 511
- Interviewing for. Selection, 831
- Introduction to Elliptic Functions, with Applications, by F. Bowman, 831
- Introduction to Foundations of Mathematics, by Prof. A. L. Wilder, 644
- Introduction to Railway Engineering, by R. A. Inglis, 672
- Introductory Electrical Engineering: Circuits and Machines, by Prof. C. H. Wills and Asst. Prof. H. M. Chandler, Jr., 740
- Investigations on Building Fires. Part VI, Fire Resistance, of Reinforced-Concrete Columns, by Dr. F. G. Thomas and C. T. Webster, 736
- Iron and Steel Directory, 123
- Iron and Steel, Manufacture of, by D. J. 6. Brandt, 740
- JANE’S FIGHTING SHIPS, 1953-54, Edited by R. V. B. Blackman, 740
- J. and P. Switchgear Book, by R. T. Lythall, 800
- KINEMATICS of Mechanisms, by Dr. Ing. N. Rosenauer, and Prof. A. H. Willis, 613
- LAUNDRIES and Laundry Requisites, 1953, 221
- Lenses, Photographic, Method for Determining Resolving Power of, by F. E. Washer and I. C. Gardner, 581
- Liquid Fuels, Atomisation of, by Prof. E. Giffen, and Dr. A. Muraszew, 803
- Liquid Fuels, Manufacture and Properties of, by Dr. Ing. F. Spausta, 96
- Literature, 4, 99, 134, 165, 195, 227, 387, 418, 453, 484, 516, 546, 581, 613, 644; 676, 706, 740, 771, 803
- Locomotive, Steam, in America, by A. W. Bruce, 273
- Low-Alloy Steels, Spectrographic Analysis of. Report of British Iron and Steel Research Association, 287
- Lubricant Testing, by E. G. Ellis, 165
- Lubrication, Gear. Publication of C. C. Wakefield and Co., Ltd., 191
- Luminescence and Scintillation Counter, by Dr. S. C. Curran, 644
- MACHINES and Circuits: Introductory Electrical Engineering, by Prof. C. H. Wills and Asst. Prof. H. M. Chandler, Jr., 740
- Machines, Electro-Magnetic, by R. Langlois- Berthelot, 771
- Magnets, Permanent, Publication of the Permanent Magnet Association, 64
- Management, Junior, Short Philosophy for, 136 Manual for Design of Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Pressure Vessels and Tanks, by K. Siemon, 415
- Manual of Electricity Supply, Garcke’s, edited by F. C. Garrett, 253
- Manual on Industrial Water, 672
- Manual, Instrument, 511
- Manual on Rock Blasting, edited by K. H. Fraenkel, 64
- Manufacture of Iron, and Steel, by D. J. O. Brandt, 740
- Manufacturers, Electrical, 1875-1900, by H. C. Passer, 484
- Mass Spectroscopy in Physics Research. United States National Bureau of Standards Circular, 448
- Materials, Advanced Mechanics of, .by Prof. F. B. Seely and Prof. J. O. Smith, 607
- Materials, Strength of, by Prof. G. Manuel, 704 Mathematics, Advanced, in Physics and Engineering, by Prof. A. Bronwell, 613
- Mathematics, Introduction to Foundations of, by Prof. A. L. Wilder, 644
- Mecanique Ondulatoire, by T. Kehan and B. Kwai, 228
- Mechanical Inspection, by Prof. W. H. Armstrong, 32
- Mechanics. Vol. I, Statics, by Prof. H. Faure, 800
- Mechanics, Advanced, of Materials, by Prof. F. B. Seely and Prof. J. O. Smith, 607
- Mechanics, Fluid, for Engineers, Survey of, by Prof. M. Sedille, 351
- Mechanisms, Kinematics of, by Dr. Ing. N. Rosenauer and Prof. A. H. Willis, 613 Metal Industry Handbook and Directory, 1953,191
- Metallic Surfaces, Properties of, 516
- Metals, Institute of, Publication on Properties of Metallic Surfaces, 516
- Method for Determining Resolving Power of Photographic Lenses, by F. E. Washer and I. C. Gardner, 581
- Motion and Time Study Applications, by Prof. R. M. Barnes, 479
- Motor, Induction. Theory, Design, and Application of Alternating-Current Machines, Including Fractional Horse-Power Motors, by Dr. H. Vickers, 255
- Motor Vehicles, British, Servicing Guide to, f Vol. 2, by J. N. McHattie, 511
- NATIONAL Institute of Industrial Psychology, Interviewing for Selection, 831
- New Books, Notes on, 31, 64, 96,127,192, 255, 287, 319, 351, 384, 415, 448, 479, 576, 607, 672, 704, 736, 800, 831
- Northern England, British Regional Geology, 448
- Notes on New Books, 31, 64, 96,127,192, 255, 287, 319, 351, 384, 415, 448, 479, 576, 607, 672, 704, 736, 800, 831
- OCEAN Vulcan, S.S., Sea Trials: The Forces Acting on the Ship at Sea. Report of Admiralty Ship Welding Committee, 165
- Orbits, Rocket and Comet, Tables for, by S. Herrick, 613
- PERMANENT Magnets. Publication of the Permanent Magnet Association, 64
- Petroleum, Science of, Vol. V, Part II. Synthetic Products of Petroleum. Edited by Dr. B. T. Brooks and Dr. A. E. Dunstan, 228
- Philosophy, Short, for Junior'Management, 136 Photographic Lenses, Method for Determining Resolving Power of, by F. E. Washer and I. C. Gardner/ 581
- Photometry, by Dr. J. W. T. Walsh, 227 Physical Formulae, by Dr. T. S. E. Thomas, 255
- Physical Similarity and Dimensional Analysis, by Prof. W. J. Duncan, 516
- Physics. Vol. I, Mechanics, Heat, Properties of Matter, and Sound, by L. S. Powell, 736
- Physics and Engineering, Advanced Mathe-
- . matics in, by Prof. A. Bronwell, 613
- Physics Research, Mass Spectroscopy in. United States National Bureau of Standards Circular, 448
- Physique Indus,trielle, by J. Izard, 253 Pipefitters’ Handbook, by F. R. Lindsey, 352 Plants, Power, for Aircraft, by Prof. J. Liston, 99
- Polinomials, Chebyshev, Sn(x) and Cn(x), Tables of. United States National Bureau of Applied Mathematics Publication, 352
- Power Cables: Their Design and Installation, by C. C. Barnes, 4
- Power, Farm, by Prof. B. D. Moses and Prof. K. R. Frost, 31
- Power Lines, Carrier Current on, by A. Chevallier, 607
- Power Plants for Aircraft, by Prof. J. Liston, 99
- Precis de Mecanique des Fluides and l’Usage des Ingenieurs, by Prof. M. S6dille, 351
- Presses and Presswork, by J. A. Grainger, 287 Pressure Vessels and Tanks, Ferrous and Non- Ferrous, Manual for Design of, by K. Siemon, 415
- Presswork and Presses, by J. A. Grainger, 287 Prestressed .Concrete, by Y. Guyon. Edited by W. M. Johns, 31
- Prestressed-Concrete Statically Indeterminate Structures: Symposium Proceedings. Edited by Dr. R. P. Andrew and P. J. Witt, 64
- Principles of Electronics, by Dr. E. Buckingham and E. M. Price, 800
- Propeller and Helicopter Aerodynamics, Elements of, by Prof. D. O. Dommasch, 387
- Properties of Metallic Surfaces, 516
- Public and Business Affairs, Facts, Files and Action in. Part 2, Filing, Indexing and Circulation, by Dr. J. E. Holmstrom, 484
- Public Health Engineering, by P. C. G. Isaac, 134
- Pumping Engines, Cornish, and Rotative Beam Engines: An Illustrated Survey, 581
- RADIO Engineering, Vol. II, by Dr. E. K. Sandeman, 352
- Railway Engineering, Introduction to, by R. A. Inglis, 672
- Railways, Indian: One Hundred Years, 1853-1953, by J. N. Sahni, 704
- Reference Books and Annuals, 123, 191, 221, 253, 352, 511, 640
- Register of British Products and Canadian Distributors, Cabma, 253
- Reinforced-Concrete Columns, Fire Resistance of. Part VI of Investigations on Building Fires, by Dr. F. G. Thomas and C. T. Webster, 736
- Research on Arid Zone Hydrology, Reviews of, 319
- Researches by British Electrical and Allied Industries Research Association: Circuit Breaking. Edited by H. Trencham, 644
- Resistance Heating, Electric, 576
- Resistance des Mat6riaux, by Prof. G. Manuel, 704
- Reviews of Research on Arid Zone Hydrology, 319
- Rock Blasting, Manual of, edited by K. H. Fraenkel, 64
- Rocket and Comet Orbits, Tables for, by S. Herrick, 613
- Roof Trusses, Simplified Design of, for Architects and Builders, by Prof. H. Parker, 319
- Rotative Beam Engines and Cornish Pumping Engines: An Illustrated Survey, 581
- SCIENCE of Petroleum, Vol. V, Part II.
- Synthetic Products of Petroleum. Edited by
- Dr. B. T. Brooks and Dr. A. E. Dunstan, 228 Scintillation and Luminescence Counter, by
- Dr. S. 0. Curran, 644
- Sea Trials, S.S. Ocean Vulcan: The Forces Acting on the Ship at Sea. Report of Admiralty Ship Welding Committee, 165
- Selection, Interviewing for, 831
- Servicing Guide to British Motor Vehicles, Vol. 2, by J. N. McHattie, 511
- Short Philosophy for Junior Management, 136 Simplified Design of Roof Trusses for Archi
- tects and Builders, by Prof. H. Parker, 319 Slide Rtfle, by Prof. J. E.1 Thompson, 256 Small Transformers and Inductors, by K. A.
- Macfadyen, 479
- Sound Barrier, by N. Duke and E. Lanch- bery, 576
- Sound: A Physical Text-Book, by Dr. E. G.
- Richardson, 384
- Spectrographic Analysis of Low-Alloy Steels, Report of British Iron and Steel Research Association, 287
- Spectroscopie d’Emission et ses Applications, by P. Michel, 415
- Spectroscopy, Mass, in Physics Research. United States National Bureau of Standards Circular, 448
- Stahldraht: Seine Herst.ellung und Eigen- schaften, by Prof. A. Pomp, 453
- Standards Institution, British, Yearbook, 123 Standards, Tyre and Wheel: Car, Commercial
- Vehicle, Cycle and Motor Cycle, 1953, 640
- Statically Indeterminate Structures, Prestressed-Concrete : Symposium Proceedings. Edited by Dr. R. P. Andrew and P. J. Witt, 64
- Statics. Vol. I, of Mechanics, by Prof. H. Faure, 800
- Steam Locomotive in America, by A. W. Bruce, 273
- Steel and Iron Directory, 123
- Steel and Iron, Manufacture of, by D. J. O. Brandt, 740
- Steels, Low-Alloy, Spectrographic Analysis of.
- Report of British Iron and Steel Research Association, 287
- Strength of Materials, by Prof. G. Manuel, 704 Structural Frames, Hardy Cross Procedure of
- Analysing, by S. Zaytzeff, 384
- Structures, Statically Indeterminate, Prestressed-Concrete: Symposium Proceedings. Edited by Dr. R. P. Andrew and P. J. Witt, 64
- Surfaces, Metallic, Properties of, 516
- Survey of Fluid Mechanics for Engineers, by Prof. M. SGdille, 351
- Surveyors, Elements of Astronomy for, by R. W. Chapman. Revised by J. B. Mackie, 387
- Switchgear Book, J. and P., by R. T. Lythall, 800
- Symposium on Continuous Analysis of Industrial Water and Industrial Waste Water. Publication of American Society for Testing Materials, 416
- TABLE of Arctan x. United States National Bureau of Standards, Applied Mathematics Publication, 221
- Tables of Chebyshev Polinomials Sn (x) and Cn (x). United States National Bureau of Standards, Applied Mathematics Publication, 352
- Tables for Rocket and Comet Orbits, by S. Herrick. United States National Bureau of Standards, Applied Mathematics Publication, 613
- Tanks and Pressure Vessels, Ferrous and Non-Ferrous, Manual for Design of, by K. Siemon, 415
- Technology, Diamond: Production Methods for Diamond and Gem Stones, by P. Grod- zinski, 676
- Technology of Engineering Materials, by B. R. Hilton, 387
- Thermodynamics, by Prof. Y. Rocard, 195
- Thermodynamics Applied to Heat Engines, by Dr. E. H. Lewitt, 771
- Time for Decision: An Industrialist Looks at Life, by F. B. Willmott, 256
- Time Study and Motion Applications, by Prof. R. M. Barnes, 479
- Traction Electrique et Diesel Electrique, by P. Patin, 64
- Trade Publications, 31, 64, 96, 128, 159, 175, 213, 286, 320, 384, 416, 480, 525, 576, 608, 640, 704, 768, 797, 831
- Transformers and Inductors, Small, by K. A. Macfadyen, 479
- Transmission Lines and A. C. Networks, by Dr. T. F. Wall, 99
- Transmission, Utilisation and Generation of Electrical Power, by Dr. A. T. Starr, 127
- Treibstoffe fur Verbrennungsmotoren, by Dr. Ing. F. Spausta, 96
- Trusses, Roof, Simplified Design of, for Architects and Builders, by Prof. H. Parker, 319
- Trusts and Foundations, Compiled by G. W. Keeling and edited by T. Landau, 227
- Tubes, Electron, in Industry, by K. Henney and J. D. Fahnestock, 32
- Tyre and Wheel Standards: Car, Commercial Vehicle, Cycle and Motor Cycle, 1953, 640
- UNDERTAKINGS, Electricity, of the World, Edited by S. G. Rattee, 640
- United States National Bureau of Standards, Applied Mathematics Series No. 9. Tables of Chebyshev Polinomials Sn (x) and Cn (x), 352
- United States National Bureau of Standards, Applied Mathematics Series No. 20. Tables for Rocket and Comet Orbits, by S. Herrick, 613
- United States National Bureau of Standards, Applied Mathematics Series No. 26. Table of Aretan x, 221
- United States National'Bureau of Standards, Circular on Mass Spectroscopy in Physics' Research, 448
- Utilisation, Generation and Transmission of Electrical Power, by Dr. A. T. Starr, 127
- VALVES and Fittings, Design of,, by G. H. Pearson, 134
- Verbrennungsmotoren, Treibstoffe fiir, by Dr. Ing. F. Spausta, 96
- Vermuyden and the Fens, by L. E. Harris, 706
- Visitor, Airport, edited by Sqd.-Ldr. N. J. Freeman and G. D. H. Linton, 191
- WATER, Industrial, and Industrial Waste Water, Continuous Analysis of Publication of American Society for Testing Materials, 416
- Water, Industrial, Manual on, 672
- Water Oscillations, Calculation of. Prepared under Direction of Prof. A. Ghizzetti, 517
- Water Power in Brazil and Billings, by A. J. Ackerman, 803
- Water Supply, Wells and Boreholes for, by J. E. Dumbleton, 192
- Wave Mechanics, by T. Kehan and B. Kwai, 228
- Wear and Abrasion, Publication of Rubber Stichting, Delft, 287
- Wells and Boreholes for Water Supply, by J. E. Dumbleton, 192
- Wheel and Tyre Standards: Car, Commercial Vehicle, Cycle and Motor Cycle, 1953, 640
- Wire Drawing, by Prof. A. Pomp, 453
- World’s Great Bridges, by H. S. Smith, 546
- YEARBOOK, British Standards Institution, 123
- Year Book, Colliery, and Coal Trades Directory, 1953, 352
See Also
Sources of Information