Engineering 1953 Jul-Dec: Index: Paragraphs

Note: This is a sub-section of Engineering 1953 Jul-Dec: Index
Accidents and Safety Arrangements:
- Goggles, Safety (Trade Publication), 525 Mine Rescue Work, Radio for, 782
- Protective Clothing (Trade Publication), 31 Safety Gates in Pit Shafts, 173
- Speech Diaphragms for Oxygen Masks, 418
- Wood and Its Relation to Fires, Bibliography on, 455
- Aerial Survey of Reclamation Site, 430
- Air Cargo Depot, 471
- Aircraft, British Exports of, 205
- Aircraft Engineering, Apprentices for, 825
- Aircraft Industry, Facilities for (Trade Publication), 831
- Aircraft Production, Conference on, 550
- Anglo-American Aeronautical Conference, 234
- Atmosphere Control in Aircraft Cabins (Trade Publication), 797
- “ Avon ” Engine, Rolls-Royce, 216
- “ Avon ” Jet Engines (Trade Publication), 128
- “ Avro 504 ” for Science Museum, 34 Boldon Airport Scheme, 820
- Bristol Helicopter for Passenger Services, 61
- Britannia Air Liners, Second Production Line for, 822
- Britannia Unit of British Overseas Airways Corporation, 254
- Casting, Precision, for Use on Aircraft, 782 Civil Airport for Silver City Airways, 648 “ Constellation ” Aircraft, Charter Service with, 219
- de Havilland Propellers, Ltd., Factory for, 631
- Delta-Wing Aircraft, 79
- Electric Cables for Aircraft, 629
- Fairwood Common Aerodrome, Future of, 238
- “ Firefly ” Training Aircraft, Australian, 694
- Flying-Boat Charter Services, 205
- Flying Display and Exhibition at Farnborough, 271
- Fuelling Equipment for Aircraft (Trade Publication), 704
- Fuelling Vehicles, Radio-Controlled, for London Airport, 655
- Fuselages, Aircraft, Manufacture at Paisley, 494
- “ Ghost ” Jet Engines, Overhaul Life of, 139 Glass, Gilded, for Aircraft Windows, 654 Greatham Airport, Maintenance of, 142 Helicopter, Fairey “ Rotodyne,” 151 Helicopter Trials on Shipboard, 825 Helicopters, Use in Oil Survey, 682 India, Air Service to, 218
- London Airport, Radio-Controlled Fuelling Vehicles at, 655
- Powered Flight, 50th Anniversary of, 585 Prestwick Airport, New Runway for, 142 Propeller-Turbine Engines, Test Plant for, 149
- Radio Control of High-Speed Aircraft, 149 “ Sea Hawk ” Aircraft Handed to Royal Navy, 46
- Silver City Airways, Airport for, 648
- “ Stratocruiser ” Aircraft, Charter Service with, 219
- Supermarine Aviation Works, Anniversary of, 613
- Swansea, Airport at, 782
- Venezuela, Light Aircraft for, 270
- “ Viscount ” Air Liners, 250
- Wind Tunnel for Sir W. G. Armstrong Whitworth and Co., Ltd., 759
- Wright Flyer, Development of, Errata, 791
- Compressed-Air Equipment for Farms (Trade Publication), 480
- Farms, Electricity on, 14
- Feeding Stuffs, Plant for, 494
- Fluorine Poisoning of Animals, 46
- Soya Beans for Feeding Stuffs, Mill for, 750
- Tractors, Agricultural (Trade Publication), 797
- Alloys. See Mining and Metallurgy
Appointments, Awards and Honours:
- British Institution of Radio Engineers, Awards by, 314
- Brush Scholarship Award, 78
- City and Guilds of London Institute, Fellowship Awards by, 252
- Civil Engineers; Institution of, Awards by, 224, 771
- Cooper’s Hill Prize and Medal, Award of, 141
- Electrical Engineers, Institution of, Premium Awards of, 70; Appointment,of Council, 73
- Glasgow University, Appointments at, 782 Guided Weapons, Ministry of Supply, Appointments for, 471
- Production Engineers, Institution of, Awards by, 218
- Royal Society, Research Appointments of, 139
- Royal Society of Edinburgh, Awards by, 78 Shipyard Apprentices, Awards to, 183 Transport, Institute of, Award of Merit, 471
- Aircraft Constructors, British, Society of, 79, 271
- Aluminium Development Association, 213, 271
- Aslib, 76, 149
- British Association for Commercial and Industrial Education, 271
- British Chemical Plant Manufacturers’ Association, 158
- British Electrical and Allied Industries Research Association, 447
- British Electrical and Allied Manufacturers’ Association, 203, 532
- British Electrical Development Association, 589
- British Electricity Authority, 614
- British Employers’ Confederation, 189
- British European Airways, 250, 471
- British Gear Manufacturers’ Association, 235
- British Iron and Steel Federation, 14, 127, -238, 286, 391
- British Overseas Airways .Corporation, 219, 254
- British Plastics Federation, 668
- British Road Federation, 523
- British Welding Research Association, 5
- Building Research, International Council for, 53
- Building Technicians, Association of, 678'
- Cardiff Port Development Association, 398 Cargo-Handling Co-ordination Association, International, 365
- Cement and Concrete Association, 108
- City Display Organisation, 639
- Copper Development Association, 213
- European Federation of Chemical Engineering, 37
- Federation of British Industries, 189
- Gas Council, 475
- Gauge and Tool Makers’ Association, 102, 239, 286
- Hydraulic Research, International Association for, 211
- Inland Waterways Association, 622
- Iron and Steel Federation, 398
- Jute Trade Research Association, British, 398
- Kiln Owners’ Association, 5
- National Smoke Abatement Society, 663
- North East Development Association, 654 Office Appliance and Business Efficiency Trades Association, 195
- Old N’lons Association, 525
- Pametrada, 430
- Prestressed Concrete Group, 27
- Prestressing, International Federation of, 27 Radio Industry Council, 546
- Refrigeration, International Institute of, 76
- Regional Planning Association, 638
- Scientific Film Association, 317
- Scottish Motor Trade Association, 558
- Scrap Iron, Steel and Metal Merchants, National Federation of, 398
- Supervising Electrical Engineers, Association of, 34
- Vermiculite Exfoliators, Association of, 775
- Wear Shipbuilders’ Association, 398
- Automobiles. See Motor Gars, Etc.
- Boilers. See Engines and Boilers
Bridges and Viaducts:.
- Aberdeen, Aluminium Bridge at, 366
- Barrow-in-Furness, Jubilee Bridge at, 526
- Cleaning and Painting Plant for Bridging Material, 110
- Conway, New Bridge at, 398
- Footbridge Over Clyde at Glasgow, 398
- Forth Road Bridge, Case for, 142
- International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering, 203
- Mersey, New Bridge Across, 302
- Newcastle Swing Bridge, Traffic Over, 110
- Peebles, Bridge Over Tweed at, 590
- Port Talbot Road Bridge, Scheme for, 558
- Shifnal Railway Bridge, Demolition of, 627 South Bank-on-Tees, Bridge at, 174 Tagus, Proposed Bridge Over, 484 Widnes-Runcorn Bridge, Work on,'206 Wolverhampton-Shrewsbury Line, Railway Bridge on, 430
Buildings and Building Construction:
- Air Conditioning of Office Building in Toronto, 586
- Aluminium Units for School Building, 718
- Armstrong Whitworth’s Works at North Shields, 654
- Birmingham, Building By-Laws in, 526
- Birmingham, Road Widening at, 206, 718 Black Country, Motor-Road Plan for, 206 Brick-Making Industry in Wales, 622 Bricks, Perforated, Use of, 366
- Builders’ Machines, Advice on Care of, 318
- Building Research in India, 586
- Building Research, International Council for, 53 x
- Building Research Station, Films from, 439
- Building Technicians’. Diary, 678
- Bulldozers (Trade Publication), 384
- Civil Engineers’ Diary, 768
- Contractors’ Equipment (Trade Publication), 797
- “ Crofter Counties,” Road Scheme for, 110 Cumberhauld-Condorrat Area, New Town in, 270
- Buildings and Building Construction —continued.
- Derelict Land, Reclamation of, 78, 814
- Earth-Moving Equipment (Trade Publication), 286
- England and Wales, Road Construction Between, 526
- Exhibition Stands Built from Standard Units, 639
- “ Flatted ” Factory, Construction at Walsall, 142
- “ Flying Arches ” at Chorley, 469
- Houses, Glasgow, Rapid Construction of, 452
- Houses, Prefabricated,-590
- House Transport in Desert, 680
- Howden-Jarrow Road Tunnel, 366
- Light Alloys for Structural Work (Trade Publication), 159
- Loch Lomond, Roads Along, 334
- Method Study in Building, 238
- Midlands Roads, Condition of, 750
- Plastic Panelling, Use for School Construc- . tion, 558
- Power-Transmission Factory, Construction of, 558
- Regional Planning and Development, 638 Road Construction in Scotland, 110, 739 Road-Making Machines, Films on, 589 Rotherham Development Plan, Objections to, 462
- Scottish Roads, Need for Improvements to, 590
- Scrapers (Trade Publication), 384
- Sheffield Works, Extensions to, 270
- Shropshire, Landslip in, 174
- Skyscraper, Aluminium Facing Panels for, 383
- Staffordshire, Roads in, 46
- Standard Motor Co., Ltd., Factory for, 302
- Swansea to Birmingham Highway, 14
- Tobacco Factory at Glasgow, 462
- Tyne Road Tunnels, Plans for, 654, 670, 782
- Victoria Road Tunnel, Improvements to, 270
- Whiteinch and Linthouse, Tunnel Connecting, 814 ,
Canals, Rivers and Waterworks:
- Aberdeen, Water Supplies to, 302
- Bevere Lock, Worcestershire, Silting of, 142
- Calder, River, Discharges from Power Station into, 79
- Canal Level Restored by Fire Pump, 238
- Canal Reservoir as Refuse Tip, 462
- Cardiff Reservoir Scheme, Approval of, 142 Cardiff, Water Supplies to, 398
- Cheadle Waterworks, Failure of, 110
- Clyde Navigation Trust, Report of, 334
- Detergents, Discharge into Rivers, 653
- Edinburgh, Proposals to Drain Union Canal at, 142
- Flooding of Glasgow Underground Railway, 46
- Glasgow, Water Supply for, 653
- Kirkcaldy, Water Supplies to, 302
- Lower Avon, Navigation on, 206, 782
- North Sea Floods, Conference on, 127
- Parkhead, Covered Reservoir at, 14
- Prescelly, Reservoir at, 206
- River Pollution, Prevention of, 398, 558
- River Tees, Traffic on, 398
- River Wear, Widening of, 430
- Sand-Asphalt, Use for Repair of Dykes, 781
- Severn Barrage Scheme, Position Regarding, 46
- Sheffield, Water Supply to, 366
- Transportation of Large Pipes for Use at Waterworks, 526
- Water Shortage in Airdrie and Coatbridge, 46
- Water Tank Constructed of Prestressed Concrete, 174
- Worcestershire, Borehole Construction in, 206
- Catalogues. See Trade Publications
Cement and Concrete:
- Blast-Furnace Slag Cement Plant, Erratum, 640
- Cement Work for Harbours (Trade Publication), 286
- Cement Works, Construction of, 799
- Dykes Repaired with Sand-Asphalt, 781
- Factory for Making Concrete Products, 718
- Jointing Compound for Concrete Pavements, 756
- Mix Design and Quality Control of Concrete, Symposium on, 108
- Prestressed. Concrete, Canadian Conference on, 102
- Prestressed Concrete, Film Strips on, 459
- Prestressing, International Congress on, 27
- Transport, Storage and Mixing Equipment (Trade Publication), 31
- Water Tank Constructed of Prestressed Concrete, 174
- Chemistry. See Physics and Chemistry
- Bishop Auckland, Coal Industry at, 686
- Blyth, Coal Exports from, 686
- Boring in Residential District, 78
- Briquetting Plant at Brora Colliery, 142, Camborne Pithead Gear, Collapse of, 430 Cannock Chase Pits, Underground Connection Between, 718
- Cardowan, Boring for Coal at, 718
- Cleaning and Sorting Equipment, Coal (Trade Publication), 512
- Coke and Coal Exports, 750
- Coke, Large Shipment to Buenos Aires, 238
- Coke-Oven Plants, Smoke and Grit from, 110, 238
- Collieries, Modernisation of, 270
- Colliery Waste, Disposal of, 206
- Control of Coal Distribution, End of, 750
- Cynheidre Colliery, Sinking of, 270
- Douglas Colliery, Atmospheric Tests at, 174
- Durham Collieries, Closure of, 142
- Durham, Mid-East, Record Production in, 462
- Durham Mines, Closure of, 430, 462, 558
- Dust Control in Coal Seams, 334, 526
- Garesfield Colliery, Closure Deferred, 270 Gasification, Underground, Experiments on, 270
- German Firms Employed for Sinking Pits, 14
- Hoist, Improved, for Coal Conveying, 302
- Holidays, Effect on Coal Production, 142, 206
- Home Consumption, Influence on Exports, 622
- Horden Colliery, Future of, 782
- Hydraulic Transport for Anthracite, 398
- Industrial Coal Consumers’ Council, 269
- Industry, Coal Stocks for Use of, 430
- Lancashire and Yorkshire, Coal Situation in, 14
- Leith Dock Area, Factories in, 718
- Monkton, Coke Works at, 174, 366
- Monktonhall Colliery, Construction and Inauguration of, 686, 750
- New Brancepath Colliery, Closure of, 206
- Northumberland, New Seams in, 750
- Nunnery Colliery, Closure of, 302
- Opencast Mining at Brynmawr, 270
- Opencast Mining, Exploratory Shafts for, 654
- Pidwellt Colliery, Threatened Closure of, 654
- Pit Props, Imports from France, 558
- Pre-Christmas Coal Production, 654
- Prices Scheme for Coal, 398
- Production in 1953, 228, 352
- Purchases from Abroad, 141
- Research Workshops for Coal Industry, 216
- Rhondda Colliery, Developments at, 398
- Rhondda Valley,. Pithead Baths in, 334
- Rhymney Valley Colliery, Closure of, 814 Rotherham Main Colliery, 718, 750
- Salvage of Coal from Wreck, 270
- Scotland, Coal Trade of, 302, 814
- Shropshire Coalfield, Reconstruction of, 174
- Smoke and Grit from Coke-Oven Plants, 110, 238
- South Wales Colliery, Developments at, 750
- South Yorkshire, Record Production in, 782
- Spoil Tip, Construction Refused, 520
- Stocks of Coal, 622
- Wallsend Colliery, Reorganisation at, 398
- Walsall Wood Colliery, Pithead Baths at, 302 Waste-Coal, Power Station Using, 32 Watergate Colliery, Underground Railway at, 526
- Welsh Coal, Exports of, 494, 654
- Welsh Coal Exports, Slump in, 78
- Welsh Coal Industry, Production of, 23S, 526, 718, 814
- Welsh Coal Trade, Effect of Coal Imports on, 110,174
- Westoe Colliery, Developments at, 654
- Yorkshire, Colliery Reorganisation in, 334
- Colleges. See Education
- Abboflex, Ltd., 428
- Aims of Industry, Ltd., 750
- Allen, E., and Co., Ltd., 240
- Aluminium Co. of Canada, 221
- Aluminium Wire and Cable Co., Ltd., 526
- Ambrose, Shardlow and Co., Ltd., 110
- Anglo-Iranian Oil Co., Ltd., 99, 718
- Aquila Airways, Ltd., 205
- Arabol Manufacturing Co., Ltd., 425
- Armstrong, Sir W. G., Whitworth (Aircraft), Ltd., 759
- Armstrong Whitworth and Co. (Pneumatic Tools), Ltd., 462, 654
- Arnott, W. H., Young and Co., Ltd., 142
- Associated Portland Cement Manufacturers, Ltd., 799
- Atlantic Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., 238, 718 Austin Motor Co., Ltd., 302, 750
- A.V.P., Ltd., 334
- Ayrshire Navigation Co., Ltd., 718
- Bagnall, W. G„ Ltd., 206
- Bakelite, Ltd., 148
- Baldwin-Lima-Hamilton Corporation, 444 Berwick Shipbuilding and Engineering Co., 174, 462
- Birkett, F. W., and Sons, Ltd., 558
- Birlec, Ltd., 110
- Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd., 142, 494
- Blyth Dry Docks and Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., 366
- Bonallack and Sons, Ltd., 827
- Bridges, S. N., and CQ., Ltd., 735
- Brigham and Cowan Ltd., 174, 654
- Brightside Foundry and Engineering Co., Ltd., 558
- Companies—continued.
- Bristol Aeroplane Co., Ltd., 61, 686, 822 825
- Bristol Aeroplane (Weston), Ltd., 718 British Aluminium Co., Ltd., 265
- British Insulated Callender’s Cables, Ltd., 416, 558, 6.29
- British Motor Corporation Ltd., 686
- British Oil and Cake Mills, Ltd., 494
- British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., 141, 331, 557
- British Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd., 143 Brook Motors, Ltd., 233, 425
- Brown, D., Tractors (Engineering), Ltd., 489 Brown, J., and Co., Ltd., 622
- Brown, J., and Co. (Clydebank), Ltd., 430 Brown-Jackson, D., Ltd., 494
- Brown Lenox and Co., Ltd.; 718
- Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd., 78 Bryce Burger, Ltd., 736
- Burgess, G. H., and Co., Ltd., 680
- Burmah-Shell Refiners, Ltd., 224
- Burntisland Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., 654 Cambridge Instrument Co., Ltd., 760 Canadair, Ltd., 822
- Cape Asbestos Co., Ltd., 622
- Cathodic Corrosion Control, Ltd., 760
- Chamberlain Industries, Ltd., 59
- Chamberlin and Hill, Ltd., 270
- Change Brothers, Ltd., 142, 526
- Clarke, Chapman and Co., Ltd., 366
- Clyde Alloy Steels Co., Ltd., 654
- Coltness Iron Co., Ltd., 558
- Consett Iron Co., Ltd., 238, 75Q
- Coventry Victor Co., Ltd., 334
- Craven Bros. (Manchester), Ltd., 366
- Crown, J., and Sons, Ltd., 622
- Daimler Co., Ltd., 174
- de Havilland Propellers, Ltd., 631
- Denny, W., and Bros., Ltd., 174
- Detroit Edison Co., 692
- Dorman, Long and Co., Ltd., 110, 238, 366, 453, 526, 782
- Dowty Equipment of Canada, Ltd., 489 Doxford, W., and Sons, Ltd., 14, 142, 302, 494 Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., 182
- Eastwoods, Ltd., 718
- Electro Methods, Ltd., 149
- E.M.I. Factories, Ltd., 330
- Enfield Cables, Ltd., 756
- Engineering Diamonds, Ltd., 557
- English Electric Co., Ltd., 201, 730
- English' Steel Corporation, Ltd., 142, 430, 821
- Equipment and Engineering Co., Ltd.. 412 Esso Petroleum Co., Ltd., 716
- Fairey Aviation Co., Ltd., 151
- Fairey Aviation Co. of Australia Pty., Ltd., 694
- Fairfield Shipbuilding and Engineering Co., Ltd., 142
- Fairmile Construction Co., 174
- Ferguson, H., Ltd., 14
- Fielding and Platt, Ltd., 73
- Fox, S., and Co., Ltd., 142, 462, 782
- Fusarc, Ltd., 600
- General Electric Co., Ltd., 70, 73, 96, 149, 212, 237, 333, 447, 621, 676, 756, 771, 813, 828
- Glamorgan Alkali and Acid Co., Ltd., 654 Gray, W., and Co., Ltd., 622
- Greenock Dockyard Co., Ltd., 46
- Greenway Brothers, Ltd., 654
- Guest, Keen and Nettlefolds (South Wales), Ltd., 494
- Guy Motors, Ltd., 46
- Habershon, J. J., and Sons, Ltd.7 142
- Hadfields, Ltd., 782
- Hale and Hale (Tipton), Ltd., 169
- Hall, A., and Co., Ltd., 654
- Hall, Russell and Co., Ltd., 654
- Harland and Wolff, Ltd., 252
- Hawker Siddeley Group, 477
- Hawthorn, R. and W., Leslie and Co., Ltd., 46, 671
- Hayward Taylor and Co., 14
- Hayward-Tiler Co., Ltd., 621
- Hayward, Tyler and Co., Ltd., 238
- Head, Wrightson and Co., Ltd., 302, 366
- Hedley, T., and Co., Ltd., 302
- Heenan and Froude, Ltd., 149
- Herbert, A., Ltd., 270, 493, 622
- Holland and Hannen and Cubitts, Ltd., 573
- Holroyd, J., and Co., Ltd., 206
- Holt and Co., 46
- Hope, H., and Sons', Ltd., 396
- Horsehay Co., Ltd., 430
- Howard, J., and Co., Ltd., 14
- Hunslet Engine Co., Ltd., 360
- Ibberson, G., and Co., Ltd., 622
- Ilford, Ltd., 830
- Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd.; 494, 558,. 600, 814
- International Furnace Equipment Co., Ltd., 821
- International Harvester Co., Ltd., 174
- International Nickel Co. of Canada, 190 Jaguar Cars, Ltd., 334, 750
- Jenolite, Ltd., 271
- Kincaid, J. G., and Co., Ltd., 46, 366
- Laurence, Scott and Electromotors, Ltd., 724 Lee, A., and Sons, Ltd., 174
- _ Leech, W., Ltd., 366
- Lewis and Taylor, Ltd., 14
- Lucas, J., Ltd., 142
- Marconi’s Wireless Telegraph Co., Ltd., 13, 605
- Massey-Harris-Ferguson, Ltd., 750
- McLean, J., and Sons, Ltd., 238
- Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co.' Ltd., 78, 110, 664
- Middle Docks and Engineering Co., Ltd., 302
- Midland Sheet Co., Ltd., 654
- Midland Silicones, Ltd., 143, 640, 716
- Mine Safety Appliances Co., 418
- Mitchell Construction Co., Ltd., 640
- Modern Machine Tools, Ltd., 782
- Modern Wheel Drives, Ltd., 638
- Morel, Ltd., 302
- Motherwell Bridge and Engineering, Ltd., 750 Mountstuart Dry Docks, Ltd., 174
- Munro, R. W., Ltd.. 160
- Companies—continued.
- National Gas and Oil Engine Co., Ltd., 373 New Era Industries (Tottenham), Ltd., 254 Newton Chambers and Co., Ltd., 430, 686 Noble and Lund, Ltd., 174
- North Eastern Marine Engineering Co. (1938), Ltd., 270
- Northern Aluminium Co., Ltd., 279
- Norton Grinding Wheel Co., Ltd., 13
- Nuffield Metal Products, Ltd., 110
- Orient Steam Navigation Co., Ltd., 191
- Osborn Foundry and Engineering Co., Ltd., 110
- Osborn, S., and Co., Ltd., 654
- Pacific Steam Navigation Co., 46
- Palmers (Hebburn) Co., Ltd., 46, 270, 607
- Parion Products, Ltd., 454
- Parmiter, Hope and Sugden, Ltd., 195
- Parsons, C. A., and Co., Ltd., 302, 558
- Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co., Ltd., 174 Partridge Jones and John Paton, Ltd., 782 Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co., 27
- Perkins, F., Ltd., 196
- Philips Electrical Ltd., 616
- Plessey Co., Ltd., 629
- Powell Duffryn, Ltd., 494
- Power Jets (Research and Developments), Ltd., 237
- Preload (Great Britain), Ltd., 174
- Pressed Steel Co., Ltd., 494
- Pugh, C. H., Ltd., 78
- Quasi-Arc Co., Ltd., 366
- Radiovisor Parent, Ltd., 30
- Ransome and Maries, Ltd., 494
- Ratcliffs (Great Britain), Ltd., 622
- Readhead, J., and Sons, Ltd., 174
- Reyrolle, A., and Co., Ltd., 78
- Road Machines (Drayton), Ltd., 589
- Roadless Traction, Ltd., 672
- Roe, A. V., Canada, Ltd., 477 -
- Roe, A. V., and Co., Ltd., 34, 79, 825
- Rolls-Royce, Ltd., 216
- Rotherham Forge and Rolling Co., Ltd., 462
- Roto-Finish, Ltd., 175
- Rubery Owen and Co., Ltd., 14
- Sanderson Bros. and Newbould, 240
- Schori Metallising Process, Ltd., 526
- Scottish Diatomite, Ltd., 270
- Scottish Industrial Estates, Ltd., 14
- Scottish and Mercantile Investment Co., Ltd., 654
- Scrivener, A., Ltd., 668
- Semtex, Ltd., 756
- Shay Products, Ltd., 602
- Shell D’Arcy Petroleum Co. of Nigeria, Ltd., 700
- Shell-Mex and B.P., Ltd., 655
- Short Bros. and Harland, Ltd., 822
- Silver City Airways, Ltd., 648
- Smith’s Dock Co., Ltd., 174
- South Durham Steel and Iron Co., Ltd., 526
- Spillers, Ltd., 750
- Stainless Plating Ltd., 430
- Standard Motor Co., Ltd., 14, 302, 643, 750, 782
- Stanley Tool Works (Great Britain), Ltd.,
- . 270
- Stanton Iron Works Co., Ltd., 46
- Steel Co. of Wales, Ltd., 238, 462, 686
- Steel, Peech and Tozer, Ltd., 206, 270
- Stewarts and Lloyds, Ltd., 686, 718
- Stubbs, P., Ltd., 586
- Summers, J., and Co., Ltd., 142
- Super Oil Seals and Gaskets, Ltd., 381
- Swan, Hunter, and Wigham Richardson, Ltd., 46, 78, 536, 607, 671
- Swift, Levick and Sons, Ltd., 622
- Symons, H. D., and Co., Ltd., 716
- Talbot-Stead Tube Co., Ltd., 686
- Tattersalls, Ltd., 526
- Telegraph Construction and Maintenance Co., Ltd., 735
- Texas Co., 14
- Thomas, R., and Baldwins, Ltd., 110, 462, 558, 672, 750, 782
- Thompson, J., Ltd., 302
- Thompson, J. L., and Sons, Ltd., 142, 430 Thor Power Tool Co., 654
- Tinsley Rolling Mills Co., Ltd., 590
- Triplex Group, 136, 629, 654
- Turner and Newall, Ltd., 169
- Ultra Electric, Ltd., 158
- United Steel Companies, Ltd., 270, 302, 526, 581, 686
- Vauxhall Motors, Ltd., 814
- Vickers-Armstrongs Ltd., 613, 671, 750 Victor Products, Ltd., 302
- Villiers Engineering Co., Ltd., 78 Weatherhead, W., and Sons, 174, 462
- Weir, G. and J., Ltd., 558
- Weldall and Assembly, Ltd., 46
- Wiggin, H., and Co:, Ltd., 298
- Wild-Barfield Electric Furnaces, Ltd., 128. Wills, W. D. and H. O., Ltd., 462
- Winston Electronics, 380 Woodall-Duckham Construction Co., Ltd., 366
- Wolverhampton Aviation, Ltd., 270 Wolverhampton Metal Co., Ltd., 494 Yarrow and Co., Ltd., 686
- Concrete. See Cement and Concrete
- 15, 47, 79, 111, 143, 175, 207, 239, 271, 303, 335, 399, 480, 511, 669, 702, 728, 800, 832
- Aiton and Co., Ltd., 239
- Aluminium Wire and Cable Co., Ltd., 832
- Arrol, Sir W., and Co;, Ltd., 800
- Austin Motor Co., Ltd., 175
- Babcock and Wilcox, Ltd., 480, 800
- Bagnall, W. G., Ltd., 47
- Bewley and Scott, Ltd., 175
- Brand, C., and Son, Ltd., 143
- Bristol Aeroplane Co., Ltd., 728
- British General Electric Co. (Pty.), Ltd., 143
- British Insulated: Cables (South Africa), Ltd., 511
- British Insulated Callender’s Cables, Ltd., 47, 207
- Contracts—continued.
- British Insulated Callender’s Construction Co., Ltd., 47, 239, 800 (2)
- British Straddle Carrier CO., Ltd., 728
- British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., 79, 239, 480, 800 (3)
- Brown, G., and Co. (Marine), Ltd., 239
- Brush Bagnall Traction, Ltd., 47
- Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd., 47, 271
- Brush Group, 335
- Caledon Shipbuilding and Engineering Co., Ltd., 511
- Canadian Marconi Co., 175 Cementation Co., Ltd., 399 Colville Constructional Co., Ltd., 480 Cowans, Sheldon and Co., Ltd., 702 Croad, J., Ltd., 480
- Crompton Parkinson, Ltd., 239, 271 Crossley Bros., Ltd., 15
- Davie Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., Ill Davis, E. (Fixers), Ltd., 143,175 (2) Davy and United Engineering Co., Ltd., 511 de Havilland Aircraft Co., Ltd., 207, 728 Decca Radar, Ltd., 207, 335 Denny, W., and Bros., Ltd., 239 Distington Engineering Co., Ltd., 702 Dobson and Barlow, Ltd., 143 Dorman, Long and Co., Ltd., 480 Electric and Musical Industries, Ltd., 669, 832 E.M.I. Sales and Service, Ltd., 399 Enfield Cables, Ltd., 175, 800
- English Electric Co., Ltd., 15, 47, 175, 239 (2), 480, 800
- English Electric Export and Trading Co., Ltd., 399
- Eve, J. L., Construction Co., Ltd., 480 Express Lift Co., Ltd., 239, 669 Ferguson Bros. (Port Glasgow), Ltd., 15 Film Cooling Towers (1925), Ltd., 239 Foster Wheeler, Ltd., 47
- Fowler, J., and Co. (Leeds), Ltd., 239, 832 Fraser and Chalmers Engineering Works of General Electric Co., Ltd., 143, 303
- French, W. and C., Ltd., 143
- Fuller Electrical and Manufacturing Co., Ltd., 480
- General Electric Co., Ltd., 47 (2), 669, 728, 800
- Gerrard, J., and Sons, Ltd., 480 Gilkes, G., and Gordon, Ltd., 669 Glover, W. T., and Co., Ltd., 239, 800 Goole Shipbuilding and Repairing Co., Ltd., 702
- Harrison, M., and Co. (Leeds), Ltd., 480 Head, Wrightson and Co., Ltd., 832 Hick, Hargreaves and Co., Ltd., 47 (2) Holloway Brothers (London), Ltd., 480 Hunting Aerosurveys, Ltd., 239 Hunting Geophysics, Ltd., 669 International Combustion Co., Ltd., 480 Jarvis, J., and Sons, Ltd., 239 Keir, J. L., and Co., Ltd., 47 (2) Kilpatrick, J., and Son, Ltd., 832 Laing, J., and Sons, Ltd., 239 Lewis, J., and Sons, Ltd., 15
- Leyland Motors, Ltd., 239, 303, 335, 399 Lobnitz and Co., Ltd., 15 Lucas Furnaces, Ltd., Ill
- Marconi’s Wireless Telegraph Co., Ltd., 47, 175, 511, 669
- Marples, Ridgeway and Partners, Ltd., 832 Materials Handling Equipment (G.B.), Ltd., 728
- Melville, Dundas and Whitson, Ltd., 239 Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co., Ltd., 47 (3), 207, 271, 480 (2)
- Miller, J., and Partners, 669 Mirrlees, Bickerton and Day, Ltd., 47, 271, 702 Mitchell Construction Co., 800 (2) Mitchell Engineering, Ltd., 239 (2) Mitchell, F., and Sons, Ltd., 47 Modern Wheel Drive, Ltd., Ill
- National Gas and Oil Engine Co., Ltd., 47, 207 National Oil Engines (Export), Ltd., 143 North British Locomotive Co., Ltd., 702 Nuttall, E., Sons and Co. (London), Ltd., 669 Palmers Hebburn Co., Ltd., 16, 832 Parsons, C. A., and Co., Ltd., 239 (3), 480, 800 Pilgrim Mobile Units, Ltd., 669 Pirelli-General Cable Works, Ltd., 239 Reyrolle, A., and Co., Ltd., 480 (2), 800 Richardsons, Westgarth and Co., Ltd., 47 Richardsons Westgarth (Hartlepool), Ltd., 47 Robb, H., Ltd., 511
- Scott Electric Vehicles, Ltd., Ill
- Scottish Machine Tool Corporation, Ltd., 832 Siemens and General Electric Railway Signal Co., Ltd., 669
- Smith, A. and W., and Co., Ltd., 15 Solus-Schall, Ltd., 702
- Steel, Peech and Tozer Branch of United Steel Companies, Ltd., 143
- Stephen, A., and Sons, Ltd., Ill Stewarts and Lloyds, Ltd., 239, 728 Stirling Boiler Co., Ltd., 800
- Taylor Woodrow Construction Ltd., Ill, 480 (2)
- Tersons, Ltd., 143
- Thompson Water Tube Boilers, Ltd., 239 Vickers-Armstrongs Ltd., 15, 47, 207, 480, 728
- Watkinson, F. and J., 143 Weir, G. and J., Ltd., 800 Wellerman Brothers, Ltd., 143 Westinghouse Brake and Signal Co., Ltd., 207 Yarrow and Co., Ltd., 303
Cranes and Conveyors:
- Chain Hoists (Trade Publication), 243 Cranes and Auxiliary Equipment (Trade Publication^ 159
- Cranes, Overhead (Trade Publication), 384 Hoists (Trade Publication), 525 Material-Handling Equipment (Trade Publication), 797
- Mechanical-Handling Equipment (Trade Publications), 213, 511
- Mobile Cranes (Trade Publication), 128 Pulley Blocks (Trade Publication), 213 Switches for Belt Conveyors (Trade Publication), 480
- Apprentices Advisory Scheme, 760
- Apprentices to Aircraft Engineering, 825 Apprentices at Fraser and Chalmers’ Works, 771
- Apprentices, Parents’ Day for, 110 Apprenticed for Wagon Works, 14 Apprenticeship, Courses Prior to, 238 Atomic Power Study at Birmingham University, 686
- Bayliss Prize, Award of, 771
- Birmingham College of Technology, Report on, 270
- Birmingham Technical Colleges, New Branches for, 302
- Birmingham University, Appeal for Funds, 718
- Cambridge University, Presentation to, 532 Chemical Industry, Training for, 334 City and Guilds of London Institute, Fellowships, 252; Progress of, 271
- Competitions, Inventions, 235; Craftsmanship and Draughtsmanship, 239; W. E. Highfield, 250
- Conferences, Civil Engineering in Colonies, 87; Prestressed Concrete, Canadian, 102; North Sea Floods, 127; European Television, 151; Anglo-American Aeronauts cal, 234; Industrial Staff Photographers, 360; Commonwealth, on Aeronautical Research, 428; Aircraft Production, 550; Steel Managers, 622
- Congresses, Royal Sanitary Institute, 169; International Engineers’, 198; World Petroleum, 831
- Coopers Hill War Memorial Prize and Medal, 141
- Course, Graduate, in Technical Subjects, 159
- Courses, Steel Executives, 110; Industrial Executives, 142; Electronics, 198; Higher Technology, 217, 366; Before Apprenticeship, 238; Work Simplification, 271; Photoelasticity, 299; Electric-Arc, 301; Iron and Steel Making, 302; Northampton Polytechnic, 320; Works and Plant Engineers, 349; Welding, 366, 558; Electrical! Engineering 428; Power-System Plant, 1 494; Soil Mechanics, 686; Electrical Units, 686; Science, 814
- Crewe Pupils and Premium Apprentices, Dinner for, 235
- Engineering Design, Teaching of, 372 Engineering Education in Manchester, 238 Esk Valley College, Opening of, 494 Examinations, Water and Drainage Inspectors, 119; Agricultural Engineering, 271; Radio-Servicing Certificate, 301; Institute of Marine Engineers, 418
- Fellowship on Biosynthesis, 182
- Forest Training School at Pitlochry, 302 Glasgow University, Extensions to, 590 Horology, National College of, Prospectus, 160
- Indian Institute of Technology, Opening of, 60
- Industrial Administration, Professorship of, 782
- Inter-Factory Visits, 302
- Inventions Competition, Association of Supervising Electrical Engineers, 235
- Iron and Steel Industry, Information Course for, 430
- Junior Management, Philosophy for, 136
- King’s College, Newcastle, Appeal of, 558 Lectures on Gas Turbines, 237; Christmas, 798, 800, 828; Juvenile, 830
- Lehigh University, Universal Testing Machine at, 444
- London Evening Classes, Guide to, 265 Management, Training in, 302 Managerial Posts, Training for, 750 Middlesex, Further Education in, 287 National Foundry Craft Training Centre, 718 Nigerians, Visit to Manchester, 494 Northampton Polytechnic, Courses at, 320 .Nottingham University, Endowment for, 814 Part-Time Day Releases for Education, 782 Public Schoolboys, Interest in Industry, 398
- Regional Advisory Councils for Further Education, 459
- Royal Society of Arts, Prizes of, 797 Scholarships, Aeronautical Research, 201 Science, Post-Graduate Courses on, 814 Sheffield, New College of Technology at, 398 Sheffield University, Appeal for, 814 Sheffield University, Associateship in Metallurgy, 750
- Sheffield University, Re-Equipment of Mining Department, 366
- Shipyard Apprentices, Prizes for, 183 Stornoway, New College at, 462
- Summer Schools, Productivity Methods, 121; Foremen, 156; Cost Accountancy, 278
- Technical College, Smethwick, Extensions to, 14
- Technical Writing, Symposium on, 439
- Technical Writing on Wireless, 546 Toolmaking as a Career, 102
- Training for Management, 302
- Training, Practical, for University Students, 556
- Training Young Men for Managerial Posts, 750
- West Hartlepool Technical College, Report of, 334
- Wolverhampton and Staffordshire Technical College, Prospectus, 317
- Work Study in Industry, 462 Works Visits for Students, 128
- Amplitude Measuring Set (Trade Publication), 480
- Barony Power Station, 14, 32
- Battery-Charging Control Unit (Trade Publication), 96
- Belfast, Supply in, 143
- Breakdown Repair, Urgent Call for, 78 Broadcasting Transmitting Station in Wales, 27
- Cables, Electric, for Aircraft, 629
- Cable Factory, Visit of Minister to, 558
- Cables, Light-Weight, Telephone and Signalling (Trade Publication), 31
- Cable, Polythene-Insulated, at Manchester, 735
- Cables, Power, Aluminium (Trade Publication), 525
- Cables, Sealing Sleeves for, 416
- Canadian and American Electric Power Systems, Connection of, 692
- Carmarthen Bay Power Station, 46
- Cathode-Ray Tubes (Trade Publications),' 128,159
- Charges for Electricity; 494
- Circuit-Breakers (Trade Publication), 670
- Circuit-Breakers, Oil, Outdoor (Trade Publication), 320
- Contactor-Starter, Direct-on-Line, 141
- Crystal Palace Television Station, 605 Cuan Sound, Transmission Line Over, 590 Definitions of Electrical Power Terms, 447 Doncaster, Power Station at, 462
- Dunfermline Power Station, Extensions to, 423
- Dust Precipitation, Electro-Static (Trade Publication), 320
- Electric Arc, Extension Course on, 301
- Electric Hand Tools, 735
- Electric' Motor and Control Gear Manufacture, 724
- Energy Regulators (Trade Publication), 831
- Farms, Electricity in, 14
- Fluorescent Lamp Fittings, 254
- General Electric Co., Ltd., History of, 813
- Generation Statistics, 27, 151, 352, 429, 706, 822
- Generators, Alternating-Current (Trade Publication), 670
- Germanium Diodes, Developments in, 212 Giant Power Booklet, 614
- Girvan Electricity Substation, 14
- Grid, Electricity, New, 159
- Grit Nuisance from Power Stations, 78
- Highland Railway Lines, Electrification of, 814
- Hydro-Electric Developments in Scotland, 740
- Immersion Heater, 237
- Inspection Projector (Trade Publication), 545
- Inspection Room for Brooks Motors Ltd., 435 Junction Boxes for .Underfloor Systems, 96 Lamps, Bulbs and Tubes (Trade Publications), 670, 831
- Lamp, Mercury-Discharge, without Colour Distortion, 331
- Lighting, Dual, in Brass Foundry, 621
- Lighting Equipment J( Trade Publications), 159, 320, 512
- Lighting, Interior, Automatic Control of, 30
- Lighting, Street, Fluorescent, at Liverpool, 447
- Lime Grove Television Studios, 301 Lincoln Power Station, Extension to, 822 Load Spreading in Midlands, 590
- London - Southend - Chelmsford Railway, Electrification of, 550
- Magnetic Materials (Trade Publication), 320
- Mecca, Electricity Supply in, 670 Mexborough Power Station, Extensions to, . 822
- Microphones (Trade Publication), 286
- Mine Rescue Work, Radio for, 782
- Motors, Electric (Trade Publication), 704
- Motors, Electric, Care of (Trade Publication), 670
- Motors, Flameproof (Trade Publication), 480
- Motors with High-Inertia Loads, Protection of, 828
- Mounting Plates for Switches (Trade Publication), 31
- Mouswald Radio Transmitter, 814
- New Zealand, Electricity Supply in, 616
- New Zealand, Hydro-Electric Development in, 384
- Nigeria, Radio Communication in, 93
- North East, Electricity Supply in, 270 Oven, Electric, for Heat Treatment, 676 Overhead Electrical Equipment for Mines (Trade Publication), 31
- Penrith, Electricity Substations for, 430
- Photo-Electric Level-Controlling Apparatus (Trade Publication), 159
- Power-Factor Correction Regulator (Trade Publication), 96
- Power Factor Meter, 70
- Power Line from Hams Hall, Inquiry into Objections Against, 686
- Power Plants, Corrosion in (Trade Publication), 480
- Power Terms, Electrical,. Definitions of, 447
- Plugs and Switches, Domestic (Trade Publication), 608
- Psychromatics, Study of, 573
- Radar for Cargo Vessels (Trade Publication), 159
- Radio Control of Public Service Vehicles, 814 Radio-Controlled Fuelling Vehicles, 655 Radio-Servicing Certificate, 301
- Radio Telephones for Locomotive Crews, 814 Rectifiers (Trade Publication), 670
- Relay for Aerial Circuits, 149
- Relays for Remote-Control Systems (Trade Publication), 159
- Rural Electricity Arrangements in Midlands, 398
- Rural Electricity Undertakings, Finance for, 430, 622
- Rural Electrification; International, 825
- Rye House Power Station, Extensions to, 437 Scottish Electricity Generation in Winter, 398
- Siemens, Sir W., Letters to, 730
- Signalling System for Mines (Trade Publication), 64
- Singapore, Power Station at, Erratum, 384 Sleeves for Cables and Conduits, 416, 428 Sodium Street Lighting in Greenock, 206 Soldering Iron, Electric (Trade Publication), 128
- South Wales, Generation in, 270
- Electricity—continued.
- Spark-Control Unit (Trade Publication), 608
- Stator, Long Railway Journey of, 558
- Steelworks, Electrical Equipment for (Trade Publication), 480
- Switches for Belt Conveyors (Trade Publication), 480
- Switches, Mounting Plates for (Trade Publication), 31
- Switch, 660-Volt Limit, 233
- Telegraph Distortion, Measuring Set for (Trade Publication), 320
- Telegraph System, Amplitude-Modulated Voice-Frequency (Trade Publication), 64
- Telemetering Systems (Trade Publications), 128, 159
- Telephone, Loud-Speaking, 380
- Television Cameras, Optical System for, 13
- Television Conference, European, 151
- Television Station at Crystal. Palace, 605
- Television Station at Dartmoor, 238
- Television Station at Sutton Coldfield, 206
- Television Studios at Lime Grove, 301
- Tiree, Electricity for, 430
- Transformers for Canada, 221
- Transmission Line, Abergavenny-Brecon, 14
- Transmitter, Third-Programme, at Daven- try, 384
- Transmitting Station, Broadcast, 828
- Valves, Receiving and Industrial (Trade Publications), 128, 159
- Voltage Regulating Equipment (Trade Publication), 525
- Wakefield Power Station, 79
- Waste Coal, Power Station to Use, 32
- Weaving, Electricity in (Trade Publication), 797
- Willington Power Station, 575
- Wireless, Premiums for Articles on, 546
- Wool Industry, Electric Plant for (Trade Publication), 640
- Works Radio System, 206
- Works Traffic Control by Radio, 334
- X-Ray Difiraction Equipment, 616
- X-Ray Fluoroscopy (Trade Publication), 797
- X-Ray Testing Service (Trade Publication), 320
- Yarmouth, Power Station at, 237
- Yorkshire, Electricity Supply in, 302
Engines and Boilers:
- Accumulators, Steam (Trade Publication), 545
- Central Heating Boilers, Efficient Operation of, 347
- Closed-Feed System for Boilers (Trade Publication), 768
- Process Steam, Power from (Trade Publication), 797
- Steam Generators, Construction Engineering for (Trade Publication), 320
- Stokers, Mechanical (Trade Publication), 512
- Stokers, Travelling-Grate (Trade Publication), 159
- Turbine Gears (Trade Publication), 286
- Turbines, Historic, for Glasgow Museum, 174
- Turbine Research Station, Open Days at, 430 Turbo-Alternator Construction in Northern Ireland, 730
- Water-Tube Boilers (Trade Publication), 320
Errata and Addenda:
- Blast-Furnace Slag Cement Plant, 640
- Cathodic Protection of Buried or Submerged Structures, 299
- Development for the Wright Flyer, 791
- Diesel Electric Locomotive for New South Wales, 212
- Economic Nuclear Power, 375
- Engineering Industries of Sheffield, 240 Fifty Years of Economics, 522
- Gear Shaving, 235
- Oil Engines for Automobiles, 519
- Plunger Pressure Gauge, 736
- Power Station at Singapore, 384
- Press, 50-ton, 361
- Training for Production, 813
- Tramway Car at Leeds, 199
- Ultrasonic Detector for Flaws in Rails, 412
- Aeronautical Jubilee, 756
- Architecture and Building, in Australia, 350 “Ardoloy ” Tooling, 270
- British Industries Fair, 124, 347, 686
- British Radio Components, Sweden, 175
- Business Efficiency, 195
- Clock and Watch, Birmingham, 605
- Cycle and Motor-Cycle Show, 798
- Electrical Engineers, 1954, 34, 285
- Engineering Model, 622
- Factory Equipment, 218
- Flying Display and Exhibition, 271
- Harwell Atomic Techniques, 686
- Liege International Fair, 218
- London on Wheels, 298
- Low-Cost Housing, 190
- Machine Tools in Operation, 493
- Map, 62
- Model Engine, 398
- National Packaging, 1955, 797
- Platinum Metals, 269, 461
- Printing Machinery and Allied Trades, 175
- Road Safety, 471
- Royal Rail Cars, 270
- Scottish Industries, 234
- Scottish Motor Show, 558
- Silicone Rubber, 640, 716
- Television, 685
- Vienna Spring Trade Fair, 175
- Welsh Industries Fair, 171, 270, 366
- Works, 686
- Explosions. See Accidents
- Explosives. See Guns and Explosives
Gas and Gasworks:
- Alnwick Gasworks, Extensions to, 110
- Calor Gas for Stroma Island, 494
- East Midlands, Gas Supplies in, 78
- Gas Grids in Wales, 142
- Gas-Heated Plant, Ancillary Equipment for, 475 z
- Gas Prices in Midlands, 814
- Gas Producers, Developments in, 821
- Industrial Gases (Trade Publication), _ 159
- Lighting Equipment (Trade Publication), 159
- ?Methane from Collieries, Household Use of, 334
- Natural Gas Exploration in Yorkshire, 718
- Natural Gas Production in North Wales, 590
- Northern Gas Board, Work of, 590 Residual Oil, Gas from, 782
- Shotts Gasworks, Closure of, 302
- Water-Gas Plant for Sunderland, 143
- West Bromwich Gasworks, Extensions to, 526
Gas and Oil Engines:
- Aero Engine, Coventry Victor Lightweight, , 334
- Automobiles, Oil Engine for, Erratum, 519 “Avon ” Jet Engines (Trade Publication). 128
- Boat Engine, Improved, 78
- British Polar Engines, Nine-Cylinder, 366 Canadian Jet-Engine Factory, 477
- Diesel Engines for Industrial Use (Trade Publication), 416
- Diesel Engines for Oil-Well Drilling (Trade Publication), 640
- Doxford Engine, Large, 142
- Gas Engine, Supercharged, 373
- Gas Turbines, Lectures on, 237
- Gas Turbines for Sewage Power Station, 777
- Motor Car, Diesel-Engined, 643
- Motor Cars, Gas Turbines for, 686
- Napier Del tic Engines, 567
- Taxicabs with Diesel Engines, 196
Guns and Explosives:
- Guided Weapons Department, Ministry of Supply, Reorganisation at, 829
- New Explosives Depot, 600
Harbours, Docks and Piers:
- Armadale Pier, Reconstruction of, 814
- Cardiff Docks, Approaches to, 142
- Cardiff, Proposed Dry Dock at, 174
- Carradale, Harbour at, 526
- Cement Work for Harbours (Trade Publication), 286
- Gardenstown, Harbour at, 782
- Glasgow Harbour, Improvement Scheme for, 78
- Graving Dock for the Clyde, 142
- Greenock, Graving Dock at, 686
- Hartlepool Old Harbour, Reconstruction at, 14
- Kyle of Lochalsh, Fishery Pier at, 110
- Leith Docks, Improvements at, 110
- Leith, Port of, Handbook on, 238
- Lynmouth Harbour, Improvements at, 95
- Regent’s Canal Dock, Gates for, 302
- Rothesay Pier, Extension to, 750
- South Shields, Dry Docks at, 174, 302
- Stroma Island, Harbour at, 494
- Swansea Docks, Improvements to, 142
- Jarbert Pier, Improvements to, 622
Industries and Commerce:
- Admiralty Contracts for Wales, 366
- Aircraft Exports, British, 205
- Argentina, Trade with, 398
- Australia, Difficulties of Exports to, 302'
- Australian Import Quotas, 14
- Australians, Visit to Rugby Works, 557 Ball-Bearings Factory at Greencroft, 494 Brick-Making Industry in Wales, 622 Bridgend Furniture Factories, Closure of, 334 Bristol Channel, Overseas Trade of, 174 Bullth Wells, Industrial Activity in, 14 Canada, Export Order for, 782
- Canada, Scottish Trade with, 142
- Canadian Factory for Midland Firm, 622 Canteens, Unprofitable, 590
- Cardiff, Developments at, 398
- Cardiff, Industrial Sites in, 622
- Census of Production, 1950, 477, 532, 686
- Commercial and Industrial Information Service, 644
- Company Shares for Employees, 750 Competition, Development of, 654 Conditions of Sale of Tools, 286 Cumberland, Industrial Development of, 206 Cutlery, Imported, Restrictions on, 334 Cycle Trade, British, 288
- Defence Programme Orders for Wales, 334 Diatomite Industry in Skye, 270
- Dollar Aid for Research Publications, 124
- East Scotland, Industrial Development of, 686
- Engineering Industries of Sheffield, 240 Exports, Coal and Coke, 750
- Factory, Canadian Jet-Engine, 477
- Factory for de Havilland Propellers, Ltd., 631
- Factory for Dowty Equipment of Canada Ltd., 489
- Factory Equipment Exhibition, 218
- Factory Extension for International Harvester Co., Ltd., 174
- Factory Extensions on Tees-Side, 334
- Factory Health Centre, Construction of, 14
- Factories for Letting, 590
- Factory for Light Engineering Parts, 14
- Factory, Machine-Tool, Transfer of, 782
- Factory for Making Insulating Material, 622
- Factory Removal to East Kilbride, 238
- Factory, Spring, at West Bromwich, 14
- Fair Copying Agreement, 199
- Ferguson Tractors, Exports of, 14
- Industries and Commerce—continued.
- Ferodo Brake Lining, Manufacture in Brazil; 169
- Finance for Exports (Trade Publication), 608
- German Competition for Tools, 526
- German Productivity Team, Visit to Sheffield, 581
- Highlands, Industrial Development of, 206
- Industrial Injuries Act, 237
- Industrial Population, Movement in Midlands, 46
- Information Course for Iron and Stee Industry, 430
- Junior Management, Philosophy for, 136
- Long-Service Awards, 686, 814
- Magnesium, Private Trading in, 469
- Molybdenum, Removal of Restrictions on, 475
- Motor Vehicles, Production of, 318, 685 Newcastle, Industrial Sites in, 622
- North East Engineering Bureau, 149
- North East, ??Industrial Developments in, 494, 654
- North East, Publicity Committee for, 46
- Occupational Disabilities, Compensation for, 102
- Personal Contact in Overseas Trade, 586
- Pewter, Orders for, 14
- Prices, Calculator for, 454
- Prices of Coal, Effect on Wages, 686
- Prices of Coal, New Scheme for, 398
- Prices of Gas in Midlands, 814
- Price of Steel Products, 174
- Prices of Tinplate, 192, 454
- Prices of Tungsten Ores, 692
- Productivity Committee in Edinburgh, 46
- Productivity Councils in Wales, 558
- Productivity Drives in Wales, 110
- Productivity for Glasgow, 78
- Productivity in Industry, 398, 750, 782
- Productivity in Industry, Films on, 317
- Productivity Methods, Summer School on, 121
- Public Schoolboys for Industry, 398 Rehabilitation of Rural Wales, 110 Seaham, Industrial Scheme for, 174
- Seaweed Collection in Deep Water, 366
- Sheffield, Industrial Development of, 174
- Sheffield, Lighter Industries in, 718
- Sheffield Works, Civic Week at, 430
- Sheffield Works, Extensions to, 430
- Shuttles for Jute Industry, 78
- Small Manufacturers, Exports by, 750
- South Africa, Trade with, 622
- South Wales Ports, Trade of, 46, 462, 814
- Steel Tubes, Orders for, 686
- Tobacco Factory at Glasgow, 462
- Trade Mission to North America, 512
- Tyneside, Industrial Developments of, 558 Wales, Projected New Industries for, 302 Welsh Industrial Productivity, Improvement to, 462, 494
- West Cumberland, Industrial Development in, 206
- Work Study, Use in Industry, 462
- Institutions. See Technical Societies
- Internal-Combustion Engines. See Gas and Oil Engines
Iron and Steel:
- Angle-Plates (Trade Publication), 797
- Austria, Steel Plates from, 334
- Castings, Large, for Export to United States, 142
- Consett Ironworks, Ore Imports to, 750
- Course for Boys on Iron and Steel Making, 302
- Ebbw Vale, Steel Output at, 110, 782
- Electrode Comparator for Mild Steel, 5
- Film, Malleable-Iron Foundry, 169
- Floor Panels, Steel (Trade Publication), 286
- Fluorine Poisoning Due to Proximity of Iron Works, 46
- Foundry Training Committee, to be Wound up,590
- Germany, Steel Plates from, 366
- Hammer Forge at Ickles Works, 520
- Iron Foundry, Rebuilding of, 270
- Lackenby Steelworks, Construction of, 366, 453, 782
- Managers, Steel, Conference of, 622 National Foundry Craft Training Centre, 718 Newmains Foundry, Closure of, 558
- Pipes, Spun-Iron, Manufacture of, 46
- Pipes, Steel, for Alaska, 718
- Pressure Vessels, Steel (Trade Publication), 175
- Private Ownership of Steelworks, 174 Production in Sheffield, 238, 270, 366 Production in United Kingdom," 127, 286, 391
- Record Output of Steel, 750
- Rolling Mill at Bilston, Sale of, 654
- Rolling-Mill Equipment, Contract for, 462
- Rolling Mills, Modernisation of, 590
- Rolling Mill, New, at Sheffield, 622
- Rolling-Mill Plant, Output of, 558, 622
- Scotland, Iron and Steel Production in, 526 654, 814
- Scrap, Iron and Steel, Need for, 398
- Shears, Hot Bloom and Slab (Trade Publication), 175
- Shipbuilders, Steel Supplies for, 827
- Shipbuilding Industry, Steel Plate for, 252 Shortage of Steel, Complaints about, 270 Smoke from Steelworks, 206
- South Durham Steelworks, Extensions to, 526
- Stainless Steel Handbook (Trade Publication), 213
- Steel Company of Wales, Ltd., High Production of, 686
- Steel Executives, Courses for, 110
- Steel Industry, Statistics of, 494
- Steel-Melting Practice, Developments in, 462
- Steel-Melting Plant, Excavations for, 142 Steel Mill, Closure of, 142
- Iron and Steel—continued.
- Steel and Pig Iron Production, 771
- Steel Plate, Fabrications in (Trade Publication), 831
- Steel Products, Price of, 174
- Steel Products, Welsh, Export of, 494
- Steelworks, Electrical Equipment for (Trade Publication), 480
- Tubes, Steel, Orders for, 686
- Labour Questions. See Trade Societies, etc.
- Lighting. See Electricity and Gas
- Literature. See LITERATURE INDEX
- Locomotives. See Railways and Locomotives
Machine and Other Tools:
- “ Ardoloy ” Tooling, Demonstrations of, 270
- Barrel-Finishing Machine, 175
- Boring and Turning Machine, Vertical, 366
- Drilling Heads (Trade Publication), 384
- Exhibition of Machine Tools, 493
- Factory, Machine-Tool, Transfer of, 782
- Gear-Cutting Machines (Trade Publication), 525
- German Competition for Tool Supplies, 526
- Gluing, Edge, Machine for, 73
- Grinding Brake-Shoes, Machine for, 668
- Grinding-Wheel Dressing Tool, 557
- Guillotines for Slate and Asbestos (Trade
- Publication), 416
- Hand Tools, Electric, 735
- Lathes, V.D.L. Type (Trade Publication), 21'3
- Machine Tools (Trade Publication), 831
- Micrometers, Manufacture of, 110
- Noble and Lund, Ltd., Extensions to
- Machine Shops of, 174
- Pillar Drill (Trade Publication), 320
- Saw Bench for Timber (Trade Publication),
- 545
- Shaping Machine (Trade Publication), 831
- Shears for High-Tensile Wire (Trade Publication), 511
- Small Components, Finishing of, 175
- Testing Machine, Universal; 444
- Threading Machines (Trade Publication),
- 286
- Toolmaking as a Career, 102
- Tools, Conditions of Sale for, 286
- Veneering Machinery, (Trade Publication),
- 608
- Vice, Machine-Tool (Trade Publication),
- 831
- Woodworking Machines (Trade Publications), 511, 608
- Marine Engineering. See Engines and
- Boilers; and Ships and Shipbuilding
Mining and Metallurgy:
- Aluminium Alloys (Trade Publication), 213
- Aluminium Alloys, Heat Treatment of, 279
- Aluminium-Alloy Scaffolding (Trade Publication), 213
- Aluminium-Alloy Sheet Products (Trade Publication), 175
- Aluminium Alloys, Wrought (Trade Publication), 175
- Aluminium Development Association, List of Members, 271
- Aluminium Facing Panels for Skyscraper, 383
- Aluminium Production (Trade Publication), 797
- Aluminium Sheet, Embossed, 265
- Aluminium-Wire Factory, Swansea, 526
- Asbestos, Guillotines for (Trade Publication), 416
- Asbestos Sheet with Metallic Insertion (Trade
- Publication), 96
- Boring in Residential District, 78
- Brass Foundry, Dual Lighting in, 621
- Brass Pressings (Trade Publication), 213
- Brazing Alloys (Trade Publication), 175
- Copper Alloy, Creep and Scale-Resistant
- (Trade Publication), 175
- Copper Pressings (Trade Publication), 213
- Corrosion’in Power Plants (Trade Publication), 480
- Corrosion, Underground, Meter for, 760
- Dust in Mines, Research on, 526
- Electrical Equipment, Overhead, for Mines (Trade Publication), 31
- Electro-Plating Equipment (Trade Publication), 525
- Facing Alloys (Trade Publication), 175
- Furnaces, Blast, at Margam, 110
- Furnaces, Blast, at Redcar, 526
- Furnaces, Electric (Trade Publication), 768
- Furnace, Electric-Arc, at Sheffield, 110
- Furnaces. Electric Heat-Treatment (Trade
- Publication), 175
- Graphite Deposits Found in Inverness- shire, 366
- Heat Treatment, Electric Oven for, 676
- Light Alloys for Structural Work (Trade
- Publication), 159
- Magnesium, Private Trading in, 469
- Malvern, Quarrying at, 494
- Manganese Ore, Imports from Russia, 7.50
- Metal-Working Machinery (Trade Publication), 175
- Metallurgy, Associateship in, Sheffield University, 750
- Molybdenum, Removal of Restrictions on, 475
- Nickel Ore, Large Crushers for, 190
- Nickel Trading, Freeing of, 654
- Nimonic 75 Alloy, 298
- Ore Cargo, Arrival on the Tyne, 718
- Ore Imports to Consett Ironworks, 750
- Ore Quay at Newcastle, 494
- Over-Age Miners, Employment of, 206
- Petroleum, Prospecting for, 494
- Pits, Sinking by German Firms, 14
- Mining and Metallurgy—continued.
- Platinum Metals Exhibition, 269, 461
- Plumbago Crucibles (Trade Publication), 175
- Potash Developments at Whitby, 110
- Pyrites Cinders, Transfer to Middlesbrough, 558
- Quarry Outputs, Raising of, 430
- Research Workshop for Coal-Mining Industry, 216
- Safety Gates in Pit Shafts, 173
- Sheet Alloy Material for High-Temperatuie Uses, 298
- Signalling System for Mines (Tr^de Publications), 64,159
- Slate, Guillotines for (Trade Publication), 416
- Suspenders, Insulated Cathode (Trade Publication), 670
- Tin-Plate and Hot-Strip Mills, Outputs of, 558
- Tin-Plate Industry, Improvement of, 462
- Tin-Plate Industry, Labour Situation in, 622
- Tin Plate, Prices of, 192, 454
- Tin-Plate Production in United States, 92
- Tin-Plate Works, Closure of, 78
- Tin-Plate Works, Old Type, Re-opening of, 238
- Tungsten Ore, Cheapening of, 654
- Tungsten Ores, Prices of, 692
- Uranium Deposits, 192
- Volta River Bauxite Project, 455 \
- Wolverhampton Metal Co., Ltd., Jubilee of, 494
- Abrasives Manufacture in Belfast, 13
- Adhesives, Bakelite (Trade Publication),- 213
- Adhesives for Lagging, 425
- Air Compressed, Equipment, for Farms (Trade Publication), 480
- Air Compressors (Trade Publications), 159, 768
- Air Heaters (Trade Publication), 159
- Air Pollution in Sheffield, 494 Anemometer, Wind-Velocity Signal, 160
- Bakelite Adhesives (Trade Publication), 213 Ball Bearings, Manufacture in Italy, 203 Birmingham Museum, Engineering Hall at, 46
- British Plastics Federation Information Service, 668
- Calculator for Prices, 454
- Ceramic Ware (Trade Publication), 175
- Chuck and Coupling, Automatic (Trade Publication), 175
- Cinematograph Group, Formation of, 303
- Cleanser for Dirty Hands (Trade Publication), 831
- Cobb Memorial at Loch Ness, 352
- “ Colcrete ” Concrete (Trade Publication), 286
- “ Colgrout ” Concrete (Trade Publication), 286
- Control Equipment, Automatic (Trade Publication), 511
- Controller, Recording (Trade Publication), 704
- Couplings for Conduits, 428
- Couplings for Oil Refinery, 716
- Couplings, Shaft (Trade Publication), 320
- Crompton, Samuel, Commemoration of, 814
- De-Superheating Equipment (Trade Publication), 128
- Detergents, Investigation of, 119
- Detergents, Synthetic (Trade Publication), 286
- Diagrams, Mosaic, for Control Boards (Trade Publication), 416
- Diaries, 678, 768
- Doors, Flexible (Trade Publication), 511 Dust-Collecting Apparatus (Trade Publication), 768
- Dust, Nuisances Caused by, 110, 206, 238, 270, 334, 526
- Emulsion-Type Degreasing Agent, 271 Enfield Review, First Issue of, 756
- Engraving Machines (Trade Publication), 31
- Fans, Centrifugal (Trade Publication), 64
- Fans, Marine, Aerofoil (Trade Publication), 480
- Fan, Window, Draught-Proof, 333
- Ferodo Brake Linings, 169
- Film, Air-Sea Rescue, 158
- Films, Building Research Station, 439
- Film, Malleable-Iron Foundry, 169
- Films on Productivity in Industry, 317
- Film on Road Making Machines, 586
- Film on Shipbuilding, 46
- Filmstrips on Prestressed Concrete, 459 Filter Cloths (Trade Publication), 480 Fish-Meal and Oil' Plant (Trade Publication), 525
- Fish Processing, Machinery for, 654
- Fuel Efficiency Services in Scotland, 238 Fuel, Notes for Speakers on, 589
- Fuel Outlook in Sheffield, 430
- Gears, British, in American River Bank, 638
- Gear Shaving, Errata, 235
- Gear Shaving Machines (Trade Publication), 213
- Gears, Worm-Reduction (Trade Publication), 608
- Gear, Worm, Reduction Units (Trade Publication), 320
- Glass with Electrically-Conducting Film, 629
- Glass, Gilded, Production of, 654
- Glass Works, Reorganisation of, 526 Government Offices, Merger of, 750 Grain Driers (Trade Publication), 159 Grease-Gun Filler (Trade Publication), 96 Grinding Machinery (Trade Publication), 159 “ Gunite ” Concrete (Trade Publication), 286 Hand Cleanser (Trade Publication), 831 Horological Mechanisms (Trade Publication), 525
- Hose, Flexible, Fittings for, 381
- Miscellaneous—continued.
- Indexers, Specialist, 76
- Jute Bags, Action of Sea Water on, 398
- “ Kynal ” Aluminium Alloys (Trade Publication), 175
- Ladders and Steps (Trade Publication), 159
- Lagging, Adhesives for, 425
- Lantern, Viewing, X-Ray, 830
- Liebert, H., Relics of, 206
- Liquid-Fuel Pumping Equipment (Trade Publication), 286
- London Transport Executive, Inquiry into Affairs of, 108
- Lubricants, Molybdenum Disulphide (Trade Publication), 831
- Lubricants for Textile Machinery (Trade
- Publication), 831
- AfecfeznisecZ Welding News, 600
- Memorial Service to Sir Johnstone Wright, 213
- “ Motogear ” Gear-Reduction Units (Trade Publication), 31
- Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences, Sydney, 288
- Newcomen Anniversary Celebration, 174
- Nuts, Self-Locking (Trade Publication), 797
- Nylon Driving Belts, 314
- Oil Filtration in Modern Engineering, 360 Oil, Lubricating (Trade Publication), 31 Oil-Mill Machinery (Trade Publication), 31 Oil Prospecting in Nigeria, 700
- Oil Prospecting in Nottinghamshire, 99 ,
- Oil Refinery, Bombay, 224
- Oil Refinery, Couplings for, 716
- Oil,'Residual, Gas from, 782
- Oil Survey, Use of Helicopters in, 682
- Oily-Water Separators (Trade Publication), 213
- Packaging Equipment (Trade Publication), 410
- Paint-Spraying Equipment (Trade Publication), 831
- Petroleum in Iraq (Trade Publication), 797
- Petroleum Plant Manufacture in Midlands, 622
- Photography, High-Speed (Trade Publication), 704
- Pipes, Copper, Fittings for (Trade Publication), 831
- Pipes, Oil, Plastic (Trade Publication), 128
- Pipe Unions, Socket-Welded, 602
- Pipes, Welded, Fittings for (Trade Publication), 525
- Pitch Pine (Trade Publication), 608
- Plastic Pumps and Valves (Trade Publication), 286
- Plastic Sheeting, 148
- Plastics (Trade Publications), 64, 128, 511, 797
- Pneumatic Equipment (Trade Publication), 797
- Polyester Reinforced Plastic (Trade Publication), 213
- Pressure-Reduction Equipment (Trade Publication), 128
- Printing Machine, Ticket (Trade Publication), 704
- Protective Clothing (Trade Publication), 31 Pump, General-Purpose (Trade Publication), . 608
- Pumps, Plastic (Trade Publication), 286
- Pumps, Portable Self-Priming (Trade Publication), 96
- Pumps, Vacuum (Trade Publication), 831
- Putty, Bouncing, 143’
- “ Radicon ” Worm Reduction Gears (Trade Publication), 608
- Recorders, Graphical (Trade Publication), 608, 831
- Recorder for Machine Operations (Trade Publication), 768
- R.E.M.E. Officers’ Dinner, 247
- Review on A.S.T.M. Research, 475
- Ropes, Locked-Coil (Trade Publication), 511
- Scaffolding, Aluminium-Alloy (Trade Publication), 213
- Seals, Oil (Trade Publication), 670
- Sealing Rings, Synthetic-Rubber (Trade Publication), 608
- Sealing Sleeves for Cables, 416
- Shops, Electric Vehicles Fitted as (Trade Publication), 31
- Shredders, Swing-Hammer (Trade Publication), 831
- Shuttles for Jute Industry, 78
- Smoke Abatement Booklets, 663
- Smokeless Zones in Scotland, 782
- Soldering Iron, Electric (Trade Publication), 128
- Specialised Information, Directory of Sources of, 149
- “ Speedivac ” Rotary Pumps (Trade Publication), 286
- Springs, Leaf, Design of (Trade Publication), 416
- Still, Large, for New Refinery, 46
- Sweepers, Electric (Trade Publication), 213
- Technical Books (Trade Publication), 670
- Thermometers, Dial (Trade Publication), 608
- Timber, Moisture Contents of, 5
- Time Recorders (Trade Publications), 175, 213, 286
- Traffic Problems, 523
- Transportation of Large Pipes, 526
- Tray, Storage, for Benches (Trade- Publication), 670
- Tube Expanders (Trade Publication), 416
- Tubes and Hoses, Flexible (Trade Publication), 545
- Universal Testing Machine, Large, 444
- V-Belts (Trade Publication), 128
- Vacuum Coating Plants (Trade Publication), 286
- Valves, Control, Automatic (Trade Publication), 384
- Valve Cotters, Removal of (Trade Publication), 545
- Valves, Hot-Water (Trade Publication), 64
- Valves, Plastic (Trade Publication), 286 Valve Regulator (Trade Publication), 175 Variable-Speed Units (Trade Publication), 384
- Miscellaneous—continued.
- Ventilating Plant (Trade Publication), 128
- Ventilation, Operating Gear for, 396
- War Memorial, Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co., Ltd., 78
- Washers, Lock, Safety (Trade Publication), 831
- Waste Materials, Disposal of, 558
- Water, Oily, Separators for (Trade Publication), 213
- Welding, Courses on, 366, 558
- Welding, Use in Shipbuilding, 14
- Welding Terms, Dictionary of, 669
- Windows, Operating Gear for, 396
- “ Wizard ” Pressure Controllers (Trade Publication), 175
- Wood and Its Relation to Fire, Bibliography on, 455
- Works Gateway, Historic, 586
- Works Servicing Tackle, 59
- X-Ray Films, Screens and Chemicals (Trade Publication), 512
- X-Ray Viewing Lantern, 830
Motor Cars, Etc.:
- Austin Motor Co., Ltd., Exports of, 302
- Austin Motor Vehicle, Two-Millionth, 750
- Autobahnen, German, Extensions to, 361 Commercial Vehicles (Trade Publication), 831
- Commercial Vehicles, Bodywork for, 827 Daimler Motor Works, Rebuilding of, 174 Diesel-Engined Motor Car, 643
- Fuelling Vehicles at London Airport, Radio- Controlled, 655
- Gas Turbines for Motor Cars, 686
- Gear Reduction Motor Units (Trade Publication), 31
- Gearboxes for Commercial Vehicles (Trade Publication), 640
- Girdles for Tractor Wheels, 672
- Guy Motor Car of 1919, Search for, 46
- Motor-Car Works, Full Time at, 750
- Motor Industry, Employment in, 174
- Motor-Vehicle Production, 318, 685
- Oil Engine for Automobiles, Erratum, 519 Omnibus Building in Midlands, 558 Omnibus, New Design, for Birmingham, 142, 494
- Omnibus, New Type, for Sheffield, 462
- Parking Meters, 654
- Public-Service Vehicles, Radio Control of, 814
- Road Vehicles, Effect of Gradient on Fuel Consumption of, 44
- Shops, Electric Vehicles Fitted as (Trade Publication), 31
- Spring, Motor-Vehicle, Factory for Making, 14
- Standard Motor Co., Ltd., Factory at Kirkby, 302
- Taxicabs with Diesel Engines, 196
- Tractors (Trade Publications), 286, 797
- Tractors, David Brown, Assembly in India, 489
- Tractor, Ferguson, Production of, 750
- Transport Undertakings, Co-operation Between, 14
- Trolleybus Building in Midlands, 558 Trolleybuses, Rheostatic Braking for, 756 Vauxhall Motors, Ltd., 100,000th Car, 814 Vehicle Bodies, Light-Weight (Trade Publication), 31
- Wheels of Public-Service Vehicles, Stresses in, 121
Naval :
- Admiralty Contracts in South Wales, 46 Frigate, New Type, Launch of, 13 Mauritius, H.M. Cruiser, Placed on Reserve, 607
- Royal Naval College, Change of Names of, 37 Salvage of French War Wreck, 608 “ Sea Hawk ” Aircraft for Royal Navy, 46 Tyne Shipyards, Naval Construction at, 671
- Naval. See also Aeronautics
- Obituary. See GENERAL INDEX
- Oil. See Miscellaneous
- Oil Engines. See Gas and Oil Engines
Physics and Chemistry :
- Ammonia Plant, Billingham, Extensions to, 558
- Atmospheric Dust Research, 475
- Australian Engineering Research, Survey of, 247
- Betatron for Therapeutical Work, 664
- “ Bouncing Putty,” 143
- Cathode-Ray Tube Manufacture, 142
- Cathodic Protection, Symposium on, 411
- Chemical Engineering, European Federation of, 37
- Chemical Research Laboratory, Teddington, 127
- Chemical Society’s Research Fund, 269
- Hydraulic Research, International Association for, 211
- Hydrochloric-Acid Plant at Pontypridd, 654
- Laboratory Equipment (Trade Publication), 175
- Photo-Elasticity, Courses on, 299
- Photo-Elasticity, Photo-Stress Phenomenon in, 25
- Photogrammetric Research, Experimental, 536
- Psychromatics, Study of, 573
- Research Apparatus (Trade Publication), 768
- Research Laboratory in Sheffield, 238
- Research Publications, Dollar Aid for, 124 Silicone Rubber Exhibition, 640, 716 Synchrotron at Birmingham University, 110 Vermiculite, Exfoliated, as Heat Insulator, 775
- Yarrow and Co., Ltd., Research Department at, 686
- Power Plants. See Electricity
- Prestressed Concrete. See Cement and Concrete
Railways and Locomotives :
- Ballast Cleaning, Mechanical, 310
- Birmingham, Suburban Rail Transport in, 462
- Carlisle Station, New Roof for, 814 Centenaries, Railway, 718 Coal Engines, Last of, 682 Connel-Ballachulish Tunnel, 270
- Damaged Railway Halt in Severn Valley, Closure of, 334
- Derailment of Goods Train, 622
- Detector, Ultrasonic, for Flaws in Rails, 412
- Diesel-Engined Train, Tests of, 238
- Diesel Railcars for Lake District, 398 Drains, Installation in Railway Tunnel, 430 Electric Train Service in Lancashire, 270 “ Flying Arches ” at Chorley, 469
- Glasgow Underground Railway, Flooding of, 46.
- Goods-Train Services in Scotland, Withdrawal of, 334
- Heaton Locomotive Sheds, Extensions to, 14
- Highland Railway Lines, Electrification of, 814
- Irish Railways, Public Ownership of, 98, 239 Jugoslav Railway Wagons, Springs for, 430 Kilsby Tunnel, Closure of, 238
- Locomotive Crews, Radio Telephones for, 814
- Locomotives, Diesel-Electric (Trade Publication), 384
- Locomotives, Diesel-Electric, on British Railways, 558
- Locomotives, Diesel-Electric, for New South Wales, 212
- Locomotives, Maintenance Record for, 398 Locomotive, Narrow-Gauge, Industrial, 360 Locomotive, Old, for Science Museum, 526
- Locomotives, Steam (Trade Publication), 640
- Locomotive Works, Extensions to, 206
- London- Southend- Chelmsford Railway,
- Electrification of, 550
- “ London on Wheels ” Exhibition, 298
- Motive-Power Depot, Thomaby, 46
- Northern Ireland Branch Railways, Abandonment of, 158
- Passenger Services in Midlands, Withdrawal of, 782
- Port Talbot, Level Crossing at, 366
- Rail Production at Workington, 686 Scunthorpe, Marshalling Yards at, 814 Sheffield-Manchester Railway Electrification Scheme, 686
- Shtfnal Railway Bridge, Demolition of, 627
- Shropshire, Derailment in, 653
- Signalling System, Colour-Light, at Newcastle, 78
- Signalling System for Mine Locomotives (Trade Publication), 159
- Talyllyn Railway, Report on, 462
- Train Services, Call for Improvement in, 430
- Transport Undertakings, Co-operation Between, 14
- Wagons, Railway, Manufacture at Paisley, 494
- Wagon Works, Apprentices for, 14
- Watergate Colliery, Underground Railway at, 526
- Woodhead Tunnel, Construction of; 46 Woodhead Tunnel, Track Laying at, 469 Woodhorn-Lynemouth Mineral Railway, 206
- Reinforced Concrete. See Cement and Concrete
- Schools. See Education
Sewerage and Drainage:
- Canal Reservoir as Refuse Tip, 462
- Detergent Troubles at Sewage Works] 526
- Drainage and Water Inspectors, Examination of, 119
- Sewage Power Station, Gas Turbines for, 777
- Sludge Heaters (Trade Publication), 525
- Union Canal, Sewer-Laying under, 238
Ships and Shipbuilding:
- Aberdeen Shipyard, Purchase of, 654
- Admiralty Contracts for Wales, 366
- “ Albion,” H.M.S., Flight Deck of, 536
- Berwick, Shipbuilding at, 174, 462
- Berwick Shipyard, Sale of, 78
- Blyth, Shipbuilding Developments at, 366 Boat Engine, Improved, 78
- Collier, Rapid Loading of, 602
- Damaged Ship Equipment, Rapid Replacement of, 270
- Depreciation Allowance on Ships, 302
- Dirty Diving Work, Extra Pay for, 302
- Dry Docks for Large Tankers, 78
- “ Duchess of Fife,” S.S., Demolition of, 398
- “ Duke of York,” S.S., New Fore Part for, 270
- “ Empress of Canada,” Loss of, 718 Eyemouth Shipyard, Sale of, 78
- Fans, Marine (Trade Publication), 480
- Ferry for Luing and Seil Islands, 238
- Frame for Testing Ships’ Structures, 78
- Gray, W., and Co., Ltd., Development of Works of, 622
- Helicopter Trials on Shipboard, 825
- Instruments for Marine Use (Trade Publication), 768
- “ King Edward,” Turbines of, 174 Lighthouse, Clyde, Rating of, 782 Lightship, Wooden, Damage to, 383 Load-Distribution Indicator (Trade Publication), 704
- “ Maill6 Br6z6,” Salvage of, 366
- “ Mauritius,” H.M.S., Refit of, 398
- Mooring Equipment at Rangoon, 718 Newport, New Shipyard at, 718
- Newport, Shipbuilding at, 238
- Ships and Shipbuilding—continued.
- North-East Coast Shipbuilding Industry, Employment in, 238
- “ Orontes,” Conversion to One Class1; 191
- “ Princess Victoria,” Loss of, 128
- Propellers, Ships’ (Trade Publication), 670 Radar for Cargo Vessels (Trade Publication), 159
- Radar, Marine (Trade Publication), 768
- " Raeburn,” M.S., Repairs to, 654
- Riverboat, American, British Gears in, 638 Royal Yacht, Building of, 430, 622
- Scotland, Shipbuilding in, 78, 206, 334, 750 Shipbuilding Contracts, Cancellation of, 46 Shipbuilding, Film of, 46
- Shipbuilding, High Cost of, 430 ? Shipbuilding Orders, Changes in, 46 Shipyard Apprentices, Prizes for,, 183 South Shields, Dry Dock Scheme for, 654 South Wales Ports, Traffic of, 462, 686; 814 Steel Plates for Shipbuilding Industry, 252, 827
- “ Strathaird ” and “ Strathnaver,” Conversion to One Class, 27
- Tankers, American, for Demolition, 14 Tanker, Construction in Two Parts, 622 Tees, Shipping Statistics of, 782
- Tyne, Ship Launches on] 110
- Tyne, Shipbuilding Activities on, 46, 334, 622, 750
- Tyne, Shipbuilding Order for, 174
- Tyne Shipyards, Unemployment in, 750 War Cargoes, Salvage of, 366
- Wear Shipbuilders’ Association, Centenary of, 206, 398, 718
- Wear; Shipbuilding on; 782, 814 Welding, Use in Shipbuilding, 14 Whale-Factory Ship Refit for Rotterdam, 46
- Societies. See Technical Societies; and Trade Societies, Etc.
- Strikes. See Trade Societies, Etc. •
Technical Societies:
- American Society for Testing Materials, 475 Australia, Institution of Engineers; 247 Birmingham Metallurgical Society, 590 British Agricultural Engineers, Institution of; 271
- British Photographers, Institute of, 303, 360 Chemical industry, Society of, 411 Chemical Society, 269
- Civil Engineers, Institution Of, 87, 108, 127, 224, 771, 828
- Cost and Works Accountants, Institute of, 278
- Electrical Association for Women, 437 Electrical Engineers, Institution of, 70, 73, 156, 730, 733;, 798 ?
- Engineers’ Guild, 206
- English Electric and Napier Engineering Society, 567
- Glasgow Society of Model Engineers, 622
- Glasgow University Engineering Society, 556
- Iron and Steel Institute, West of Scotland, 21 Manchester Association of Engineers, 542 Marine Engineers, Institute of, 143, 418 Mechanical Engineers, Institution of, 25, 44, 240
- Metallurgists, Institution of, 269, 461 Old N’lons Association, 523 Petroleum, Institute of, 287, 831 Plant Engineers, Incorporated, 750 Production Engineers, Institution of, 77,218, 33®
- Radio Engineers, British Institution of, 314 Refrigeration, International Institute of, 76 Royal Aeronautical Society, 585, 830 Royal Institution, 800
- Royal Society, 139,199
- Royal Society of Arts, 797
- Royal Society of Edinburgh, 78
- Sanitary Institute, Royal, 119,169 South Wales Institute of Engineers, 590 Supervising Electrical Engineers, Association of, 34, 235, 285
- Surveyors, Chartered, Royal Institution of, 62
- Television Society, 685
- Transport, Institute of, 471
- Welding, Institute of, 669
- Telegraphy. See Electricity
- Telephony. See Electricity
- Tools. See Afac^ine and, Other Tools
- Trade. See Coal; Electricity ; Industries and Commerce; Iron and Steel; and Ships and Shipbuilding
Trade Publications:
- 31, 64, 96, 128, 159, 175, 213, 286, 320, 384, 416, 480, 511, 525, 545, 608, 640, 670, 704, 768, 797, 831
- Aero Controls, Ltd.
- Airscrew Co. and Jicwood, Ltd., 64 Alexander, G. H., Machinery, Ltd., 768 Allspeeds, Ltd., 384
- Aluminium Development Association, 213 Aluminium, Ltd., 797
- Ames Crosta Mills and Co., Ltd., 525
- Angel Truck Co., Ltd., 159 Ashton, N. C., Ltd., 175 Ashworth and Parker, Ltd., 797 Austin Crompton Parkinson Electric
- Vehicles, Ltd., 31
- Automatic Telephone and Electric Co., Ltd., 64, 159, 320, 416
- Bagnall, W. G., Ltd., 640 Bakelite, Ltd., 213, 797 Baldwin-Lima-Hamilton Corp., 384 B.B.N. Patents, Ltd., 480, 831 Benjamin Electric, Ltd., 159, 512 Berry, R., and Son, Ltd., 416 Bigwood, J., and Sons, Ltd., 175 B.I.P. Tools, Ltd., 128
- Birlec, Ltd., 768
- Trade Publications—continued.
- Birtley Go., Ltd., 286, 384
- B.K.L. Alloys, Ltd., 525
- Blick Time Recorders, Ltd., 213, 286
- Bristol’s Instrument Co., Ltd., 128
- British Electrical Development Association; 797
- British Insulated Callender’s Cables, Ltd., 31 (2)
- British Jeffrey-Diamond, Ltd., 831
- British Oxygen Co., Ltd., 159
- British Reinforced Asbestos Co., Ltd., 96
- British Ropes, Ltd., 511
- British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., 128,670
- British Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd., 128
- British Unipress Agency, 704
- Brockhouse, J., and Co., Ltd., 416 groom and Wade, Ltd., 797
- Brown, D., Corp. (Sales), Ltd., 608, 640, 797
- Brush Export, Ltd., 320
- Cambridge Instrument Co., Ltd., 608, 704
- Canning, W., and Co., Ltd., 525, 670
- Caterpillar Tractor Co., 286
- Cementation, Ltd., 286
- Chamberlain Industries, Ltd., 286
- Civitas Trading Corporation, Ltd., 96
- Clarke, Chapman and Co., Ltd., 320 (2)
- Clayton Crane and Hoist Co., Ltd., 384
- Collis, J., and Sons, Ltd.', 2113
- Commer Cars, Ltd., 831
- Comploflex Go., Ltd., 545
- Compression Ignition, Ltd., 175
- .Copper Development Association, 213
- Corpet Louvet and Cie., 286
- Crabtree, J. A., and Co., Ltd., 31
- Creators; Ltd., 128
- Credit Insurance Association, Ltd., 608
- Davey, Paxman and Co., Ltd., 640
- Davy and United Engineering Co., Ltd., 175 Decca Radar, Ltd., 159
- Deloro Stellite, Ltd., 175
- Dorman and Smith, Ltd., 670
- Doulton and Co., Ltd., 175
- Edison Swan Electric Co., Ltd., 670
- Edwards, F. J., Ltd., 608, 831
- .Edwards, W., and Co. (London), Ltd., 286
- English Electric Co., Ltd., 640, 831
- Ferranti, Ltd., 128,159
- Firth-Vickers Stainless Steels, Ltd., 213
- Fisher Governor Co., Ltd., 175, 384
- Fleming Safety Goggles, 525
- Flight Refuelling, Ltd., 704, 831
- Foster Transformers, Ltd., 525
- Foster Wheeler Ltd., 320
- Freeman, H., 416
- Fyffe and Co., Ltd., 831
- General Electric Co.; Ltd., 159, 480, 512, 608, 670
- General Signal and Time Systems, Ltd., 175
- Gordon, J., and Co., Ltd., 128
- Gotaverken Aktiebolag, 704
- Hadland, J., and Co., 704
- Hansen-Verlag, C., 670
- Harmans Engineering Co., 545
- Harvey, G. A., and Co. (London), Ltd., 175
- H.E.C. Compressors and Engines, Ltd., 768 Henley’s, W. T., Telegraph Works Co., Ltd., 128
- Higgs Motors, Ltd., 670
- Hilger and Watts, Ltd., 545
- Holman Bros., Ltd., 159
- Holroyd, J., and Co., Ltd., 320
- Hope’s Heating and Engineering, Ltd., 512
- Ilford, Ltd., 512
- Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., 175
- Industrial Diamond, Ltd., 511
- Industrial Soaps, Ltd., 831
- Innoxa Laboratories, 416
- International Combustion, Ltd., 159 (3), 175
- Iraq Petroleum Co., Ltd., 797
- Jones, S., and Co., Ltd., 416
- Kelvin and Hughes (Marine), Ltd., 768
- Kerry’s (Great Britain), Ltd., 320
- King, G. W., Ltd., 159
- Lewin Road Sweepers, Ltd., 213
- Leyland Motors, Ltd., 416
- Mackley, E. N., and Co., 480
- Maiden and Co., Ltd., 286
- Mallison and Eckersley, Ltd., 608
- Marton Air Equipment, Ltd., 525 Meddings, W. J., Ltd., 384
- Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co., Ltd., 320, 670
- Michigan Tool Co., 213
- Millet, Levens (Engravers), Ltd., 31
- M.K. Electric, Ltd., 608
- Morgan Crucible Co., Ltd., 175
- Morris, H., Ltd., 213
- Motor Gear and Engineering Co., Ltd., 31
- Milliard, Ltd., 320
- Neill, J., and Co. (Sheffield), Ltd., 797
- Newman Industries, Ltd., 480, 704 Normalair, Ltd., 797
- North Western Electricity Board, 797 Northern Aluminium Co., Ltd., 31, 175 Ormonde Ashton, Ltd., 416
- Palnut Co., Ltd., 831
- Payter, E. C., and Co., Ltd., 159
- Pike, G., Ltd., 797
- Pioneer Oilsealing and Moulding Co., Ltd., 608
- Plysu Products, Ltd., 31
- Precision Components (Barnet), Ltd., 670 Radiovisor Parent, Ltd., 159
- Ragosine Oil Co., Ltd., 831
- Ransomes and Rapier, Ltd., 96
- Realm Engineering Works, Ltd., 831 (2)
- Record Electrical Co., Ltd., 608
- Rediweld, Ltd., 286, 480
- Renold and Coventry Chain Co., Ltd., 320
- Rheostatic Co., Ltd., 64
- Rolls-Royce, Ltd., 128
- Rose, Downs and Thompson, Ltd., 31, 525
- Scott Bader and Co., Ltd., 213
- Service Commercial de l’O.N.E.R.A., 768
- Shell-Mex and B.P., Ltd., 31
- Simon-Carves, Ltd., 512
- Solus-Schall, Ltd., 320, 797
- Standard Telephones and Cables, Ltd., 64, 96 (2), 159 (2), 286, 480, 608
- Startrite Engineering Co., Ltd., 545
- Steam Storage Co., Ltd., 545
- Steels Engineering Products, Ltd., 128, 511
- Trade Publications—continued.
- Steelweld Pty., Ltd., 286
- Sturtevant Engineering Co., Ltd., 128, 320 Suffolk Iron Foundry (1920), Ltd., 175 Sumo Pumps, Ltd., 608
- Sunvic Controls] Ltd., 831 (3)
- Superbuilt Products, Ltd-., 511
- Sykes Machine Tool Go., Ltd;, 213
- Sykes, W. E., Ltd., 525
- Tecalemit; Ltd., 831
- Teddington Industrial Equipment, Ltd., 511 Telegraph Construction and Maintenance Co., Ltd., 525
- Thomycroft, J. I., and Co., Ltd., 286, 670
- Turbine Gears, Ltd., 286
- Unilever, Ltd., 286
- United Ebonite and Lorival, Ltd., 64
- Venner, Ltd., 525
- Visco Engineering Co., Ltd., 768
- Volkmann, O. A., 511
- Wadkin, Ltd., 511
- Ward, T. W., Ltd., 31
- Weir, G. and J., Ltd., 480, 768
- Weston, C., and Co., Ltd., 670
- Whessoe, Ltd., 831
- White’s Marine Engineering Co., Ltd., 213 Wild-Barfield Electric Furnaces, Ltd., 175 Wilmot Trucks; Ltd., 797
- Woods of Colchester, Ltd., 480
- Wright Boag and Head Wrightson (Pty.), Ltd., 286
Trade Societies, Etc.:
- Absenteeism in Mining Industry, 88
- Accidents in Shipyards, Employees’ Responsibility for, 344
- Admiralty Dockyards, Meal Breaks at, 312 Aircraft Factory, Skilled Labour at, 686 Allen, E., and Co., Ltd., Issue of Suggestions Handbook by, 376
- American System of Clocking-in, Objections to, 462
- Asbestos Industry, Wages-in, 440
- Beard, W. B., Views of, 280
- Birmingham Factory, Three-Shift Operation at, 110
- Boilermakers, United Society of, 248, 344 Breakaway Unions, Action Relating to, 152, 184, 312
- British Employers’ Confederation, 189
- British Productivity Council, Formation of Local Committees by, 408
- British Transport . Commission, Pension Scheme of, 376, 472; Railway Wage Claim Against, 760, 792, 824
- Brotherton, H. G., Address to Confederation of Shipbuilding and Engineering Unions, 248
- Building Industry, Wages in, 440
- Building Trade Employers. National Federation of, 440
- Building Trades Operatives, National Federation of, 440
- Bulletin for Industry, Treasury’s Publication, 600
- Burnham Technical Committee, 696
- Butler, R. A., on Country’s Economic Resources, 504
- Challenge to Britain, Labour Party Pamphlet, 120, 216, 248, 472
- Chemical Industry, Nationalisation of, 24
- Chemical Workers’ Union, 24
- Chesterfield Tube Co., Ltd., Dispute at Works of, 696
- Churchill, Sir W., on Trade Unions, 504 Civil Service Arbitration Tribunal, 152, 184 Civil Service, Equal Pay in, 312
- Civil Service Unions, Small, Recognition of, 152, 184
- Civil Service, Wages and Salaries in, 184, 792 Clocking-in, American System, Objections to, 462
- Coal Imports from Europe, 88
- Coal for Industrial Use, Cheapness of, 760
- Coke Oven Plants, Wages and Conditions at, 590
- Conservative Party, Annual Conference of, 504
- Constructional Engineering Union, 248 Controlling Officers, Association of, 184 Court of Inquiry for Electrical Industry 376, 408, 536
- Crane Operative, Refusal to Join in Strike,792
- Deakin, A., on Nationalisation of Industry, 120; Plan for Engineering, 472; Mischief Making, 728
- Dirty Work, Extra Pay for, 302
- Dockers, Strike of, 152, 216
- Dockers, Wage Claims of, 152, 216, 376 Edwards, E., Retirement of, 440
- Elderly Persons, Employment of, 191, 590
- Electrical Trades Union, Electricians’ Disputes with London County Council, 24; Views Respecting Engineering Employers, 248; Guerrilla Strike Action by, 280, 312, 344, 376, 408, 536, 664; Dispute Over Tea Breaks, 440
- Engineering and Allied Employers’ National Federation, Wage Claim of Engineering and Shipbuilding Employees, 56, 120, 152, 248, 504, 536, 568, 600, 632, 664, 696, 728, 760, 792; Women Engineering Employees’ Wage Claims, 184; Claim Concerning Patternmakers’ Differential, 280; Draughtsmen’s Wage Claim, 344
- Engineering and Allied Employers’ South Wales Association, 152
- Engineering and Allied Employers’ West Riding Group, 568
- Engineering Industry,. Progressive Nationalisation of, 248
- Engineering Officers (Telecommunications) Association, 152,184
- Engineering and Shipbuilding Draughtsmen, Association of, 344, 792
- Engineering Union, Amalgamated, Views on Nationalisation, 216; Demand, for Reduction of Working Week, 248; Railway Pension Scheme, 376; Dispute over Tea Breaks, 440; Demand for Higher Wages, 792
- Trade Societies, Etc.—continued.
- Equal Pay for Women, 312
- Fire Brigades Union, 312
- Ford Motor Co., Ltd., Wage Increases to Employees of, 760
- Foreign Competition, Increase in, 568
- Foundry Workers, Amalgamated Union of, Wage Claim, 56; Views on Britain’s Economy, 344
- Fuel and Power, Ministry of, Statistics of, 376
- General and Municipal Workers, National Union of, 248, 696
- Guerrilla Strike Action by Electrical Trades Union, 280, 312, 344, 376, 408, 536, 664
- Handley Page, Ltd., Strike at Factory of, 792
- Holidays in Sheffield Works, 78; at Shipyards, 110
- Houldsworth, Sir H., on Absenteeism in Mining Industry, 88
- Index of Retail Prices, 408, 824
- Industrial Court, Award of, 312
- Industrial Disputes. See Strikes
- Industrial Disputes Tribunal, 344, 376
- Iron and Steel Board, Trade-Union Membership of, 344
- Junior Fire Officers’ Association, 312
- Labour Party Conference, 216, 472
- Local Authorities, Wages of Manual Workers Employed by, 600
- Locomotive Engineers and Firemen, Associated Society of, Wage Claim of, 56, 216, 312, 408, 472, 664, 760, 792, 824
- London County Council Employees’ Dispute with Electrical Trades Union, 24
- Long Service, Gratuities for, 686, 814
- Merchant Navy, Wages in, 632
- Metals Industry, Wages in, 632
- Midlands, Employment in, 430, 654
- Miners, Over-Age, Employment of, 206
- Mineworkers, National Union of, 56, 88, 152, 600, 760
- Monckton, Sir W., Tribute to, 120
- Morrison, H., Views of, 472
- Motor Engineers, National Guild of, 184
- Motor Industry, Employment in, 174
- Motor Works, Resumption of Full Time at, 750
- National Coal Board, 56, 152, 440, 536, 568, 600
- National Federated Electrical Association, 280, 312, 344, 376, 408, 536, 664
- National Insurance Act, Provisions of, 536
- National Insurance Benefit, Inquiry into Payment of, 24
- National Joint Council for Electrical- Contracting Industry, 280, 312
- National Maritime Board, 632, 728
- Nationalisation of Industry, 120- 216, 248, 344, 376
- Trade Societies, Etc.—continued.
- Northern Ireland, Employment in, 664 O’Brien, T., on Need for Higher Production, 88, 376
- Oil Companies’ Employees, Strike by, 568 Old Age, Inquiry into Problems of, 191 Old People, Employment of, 590 Overtime, Ban on, 696, 760, 792
- Oxford University, Retiring Age at, 632 Patternmakers’ Association, United, Patternmakers’ Differential, 280
- Pension Scheme for Employees of British
- Transport Commission, 376, 472
- Pension Scheme for Miners, 88 Piecework, Ban on, 696, 760, 792
- Plan for Engineering, 472
- Post Office Engineering Union, Recognition of Small Associations by, 184
- Post Office Unions, Small, Recognition of, 152,184
- Postal and Telegraph Officers, National
- Association of, 184
- Preston Factory, Tea Break Dispute at, 440 Production, Pleas for Increases in, 88 Productivity Committees, Local, Formation of, 408
- Professional Civil Servants, Institution of,
- 152
- “ Queen Elizabeth,” Delays to, 792 Railway Executive, 56,184, 216, 408 Railway Shopmen’s National Council, 56 Railway Staff National Council, 408 Railway Staff National Tribunal, 216, 664,
- 760, 792
- Railwaymen, National Union of, Conciliation Staffs’ Wage Scheme, 56, 216, 408, 664, 760, 792, 824; Shopmen’s Wage
- ' Claim, 56, 184; Paignton Conference, 88;
- Dock Employees’ Wage Claim, 312 Redundancy in Chesterfield, 302 Redundancy of Miners, 622
- Retiring Age for University Teachers, 632 Safety Boots, Purchase of, 632
- Sales, W. H., Appointment to National Coal
- Board, 440
- Saturday Work, Attitude of Swansea
- Miners to, 590
- Scientific Workers, Association of, Proposed
- Merger with ASSET, 120
- Scunthorpe, Employment at, 174 | Seamen’s Wages, Claims for Increases in, 728 Sheffield, Employment of Juveniles in, 430 Sheffield, Labour Position in, 206
- Sheffield, Works Holidays in, 78
- Ship Constructors’ and Shipwrights’ Association, 344
- Shipbuilding Employers’ Federation, 152, 248, 536, 792
- Shipbuilding and Engineering Unions, Confederation of, Wage Claim of Eng in
- Trade Societies, Etc.—continued.
- eering and Shipbuilding Employees, 56, 120, 152, 248, 504, 536, 568, 600, 632, 664, 696, 728, 760, 792; Railway Shopmen’s Wage Claim, 184, 408; Annual Conference, 248; Shop Stewards’ Activities, 824
- Shipbuilding Industry, North-East Coast, Employment in, 238
- Shipyards, Effect of Holidays at, 110
- Shipyard Employees’ Responsibility for Accidents, 344
- Shop Stewards, Activities of, 824
- Skilled Labour at Aircraft Factory, 686
- Standard Motor Co., Ltd., Shop Stewards at, 824
- Strikes by Hull Dockers, 152; Yarmouth Dockers, 216; Electrical-Contracting Employees, 280; over Tea Breaks, 440; Employees of Oil Companies, 568; Engineers, 696, 728, 750, 760; Employees of Chesterfield Tube Co., Ltd., 696; Employees of Handley Page, Ltd., 792; Tugmen, 792
- Strike Statistics, Ministry of Labour, 184, 440, 600
- Supervisory Staffs, Executives and Technicians, Proposed Merger with Association of Scientific Workers, 120
- Target, Suggestions in, 376
- Tea Breaks, Disputes Over, 440
- Technical Colleges, Salaries of Teachers in, 696
- Tees-Side, Employment on, 462
- Telephone Supervising Officers, National Association of, 184
- Terrington Committee, Report of, 184
- Three-Shift Operation at Birmingham Factory, 110
- Tin-Plate Industry, Labour Position in, 622
- Trade Unions, Importance of, 504
- Trade Unions, Statistics of, 728
- Trades Union Congress, Annual Meeting of, 312, 344, 376
- Trades Union Congress Economic' Committee, 536
- Transport and General Workers’ Union, Annual Conference, 24; Biennial Conference, 88, 120; Strike of Hull Dockers, 152; Strike of Yarmouth Dockers, 216; Wage Claim of Oil Companies’ Employees, 568; Plea to Stop Mischief Making, 728
- Transport and Salaried Staffs’ Association, Wage Claim of, 56, 216, 408, 664, 760, 792, 824
- Tugmen, Strike of, 792
- Tyne and Blyth Federation of Shipbuilding and Engineering Unions, 568
- Tyne Shipyards, Unemployment at, 344, 750 Unemployment in Wales, 302
- Trade Societies, Etc.—continued.
- Unions, Small, Official Recognition of, 152, 184
- United States, Cost of Living in, 728 University Staffs, Retiring Ages fot, 632 Wage Claims, Engineering Employees, 56, 120, 152 248, 504, 536, 568, 600, 632, 664, 696, 728, 760, 792; Shipbuilding Employees, 56, 120, 152, 248, 504, 536, 568, 600, 632, 664, 696, 728, 760, 792; Railwaymen, 56, 216, 312, 408, 664, 760, 792, 824; Railway Shopmen, 56, 184, 408; Miners, 56, 408, 440, 536, 568, 600; Foundry Employees, 56; Women Engineering Employees, 184; Civil Servants, 184, 792; London County Council Staff, 184; Dockers, 216, 376; Patternmakers, 280; Operatives Making Glass Containers, 312; Docks and Waterways Employees, 312; Draughtsmen, 344, 792; Employees in Asbestos Industry, 440; Operatives in Building Industry, 440; Oil Companies’ Employees, 568; Manual Workers Employed by Local Authorities, 600; Workpeople in Metals Industry, 632; Teachers in Technical Colleges, 696; Seamen, 728; Employees of Ford Motor Co., Ltd., 760
- Wage, Legal Minimum, Proposals for, 24 Wage Statistics, Ministry of Labour, 184, 440, 600
- Wales, Unemployment in, 302
- Winfray Engineering Co., Ltd., Strike of Employees of, 792, 824
- Women, Equal Pay for, 312
- Working Population, Ministry of Labour Statistics of, 216, 344, 696
- Working Week, Engineering, Suggested Reduction of, 248
- Yorkshire, Employment in, 494
- Birmingham Tram Car for Museum, 110
- Birmingham Tramways, End of, 78
- Dundee Tramways, Activities of, 398
- Glasgow, Purchase of Tram Cars by, 398
- Leeds, Tram Car for, 199
- Liverpool Tram Cars, Sale of, 398, 462
- Sheffield, Tramway Services in, 78
- Turbines. See Engines and Boilers
- Universities. See Education
- Vehicles. See Motor Cars, Etc.; and Railways and Locomotives
See Also
Sources of Information