Epaphras Seage and Son
1862 Mentioned as Seage and Son of Coffins Place, iron workers and machinists.[1]
1864 Bankrupt. 'Epaphras Seage, the Elder, and Epaphras Seage, the younger, carrying on business at Coffin's Place, the parish of Saint Lawrence, in the City of Exeter, Smiths and Wheelwrights, both residing in Newtown, in the County the said City of Exeter, trading under the style or firm of Seage and Son, having been adjudged bankrupts on the day of June, 1864, are hereby required to surrender themselves...'[2]
1913 Business for sale. 'ESTABLISHED GENERAL ENGINEERING and REPAIRING BUSINESS for IMMEDIATE DISPOSAL, for many years carried on by Messrs. Seage and Son at Newtown, Exeter. Machinery and Plant about £200.'[3]