Ernest Rawson
Ernest Rawson
1922 B.Sc. Eng. (Lond.), A.M.I.Mech.E., Mechanical and Civil Engineer. Principal of the West Bromwich Technical School. T. N.: 156A West Bromwich. Received engineering training with Simpson Brothers, engineers, Hapton, Lancashire. Technical education received at the Technical Institute, Burnley, and tt the Borough Polytechnic, )2 London. Prior to 1917 was senior Engineering Lecturer at the Municipal College, Halifax, Yorks. 1917-9 was appointed Supervisor of the Newcastle-on-Tyne Training Centre, Rutherford College, under the Training Section of the Ministry of Munitions. Head of the Engineering Department, Municipal College, Portsmouth, 1919. First Class Honours B.Sc. Engineering, London, honours medals, Board of Education. President of the Portsmouth Municipal College Engineering Society, 1920.