Ernesto Stassano

Ernest Stassano (1860-1922)
See Wikipedia entry for information on Stassano's electric arc furnaces.
Biographical information here (in Italian).
"The late Mr. Ernest Stassano. — The October issue of the Revue de Metallurgie, we regret to state, announces the recent death of Mr. Ernest Stassano, one of the pioneers of the use of the electric furnace in steel metallurgy. Mr. Stassano was born in May, 1860, studied in the Turin Military Academy. Whilst in the Italian Army he was appointed to a post in the Terni armament works. He left the army in 1898 in order to devote all his energies to researches in the matter of the manufacture of carbide of calcium and steel by the process. His rotating electric arc furnace is well known."