Essex and Suffolk Equitable Insurance Society
the Fire Office, Colchester. London Office: 56-62, New Broad Street, E.C.
Established in 1802.
Incorporated by Special Act of Parliament in 1906.
1914 Capital: Authorised, £600,000; Subscribed; £560,000; Paid-up, £56,000. Directors: Samuel J. Pipkin, (Chairman), Col. R. B. Colvin, C.B. (Deputy-Chairman), W. Gurney Benham, C. N. Brooks, Alexander Glegg, W. E. Grimston, Arthur F. Lake, Sir Thomas Barrett Lennard, Bart., Christopher W. Parker, Joseph Smith, Capt. N. A. C. de H. Tufnell. General Manager and Secretary S. C. Turner. Branches: Leeds, Liverpool, Manchester, Newcastle-on-Tyne, Sheffield, Birmingham, Bristol, Cambridge, Chelmsford, Ipswich, Glasgow, Channel Islands (Jersey), Southampton, Nottingham, Cardiff, Reading, Leicester. Business: Fire Insurance; all classes of Accident Insurance, Burglary, Third Party, and Workmen's Compensation