Euing and Co
13-18 Strand Street, Liverpool
Ship biscuit manufacturers.
c.1790 Established.
1834 Bankrupt. '...a Fiat in Bankruptcy is awarded and issued forth against William Reid Euing and Henry Brettargh, of Liverpool, in the County of Lancaster, Ship Chandlers, Dealers and Chapmen (carrying on business in Copartnership under the firm of W. R. Euing and Co.), and they being declared'" Bankrupt...'[1]
1895 Bankrupt. 'Hall, Oswald Fayle (trading without a partner as Euing and Co.). Biscuit Manufacturer'[2]
1912 Incorporated as a limited company.
1914 Ship Biscuit Manufacturers, Flour Merchants, &c., 15, 16, 17, and 18, Strand Street, Liverpool. Established reputed in 1790, Founder unknown. Incorporated as a Limited Company in 1912. Managing Director: John A. Wilson. Claim to be the oldest firm in its line in Liverpool. New Factory and Warehouse make it the most up-to-date Ship Biscuit Factory in Liverpool. Premises: Situated on line of Docks. Specialities: Supplying the principal Steamship Lines and exporting to West Africa, South America, &c.