F. Hulse and Co

of Woodlesford, Leeds. (1937) (1947)
1937 Listed Exhibitor - British Industries Fair. "Ucrete" Rubber Concrete. A new product with tremendous possibilities. See display "Solvit", the first waterless shave. "Hulse" new window decorating process. "Windowpol", "Zulu" Black and Crystal. Lacquer, Deodoriser, etc. (Stand No. B.700) [1]
1947 Listed Exhibitor - British Industries Fair. Manufacturers of "Shave-eze", Soapless, Waterless Shave, "Jet-Glaze", "Windowpol", "Duropol", "Zulu" White. "Silvercote". "Blitz". Moth Killer, Crystal Lacquer. "Zulu" Chimney Cleaner. "Snow White" Bath Cleaner, Chemical Products. (Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand No. A.1344) [2]