Faire Brothers and Co

of Rutland Street, Leicester. Telephone: Leicester 4700. Cables: "Faire, Leicester"
1855 Company founded by the Faire brothers.
1876 Partnership dissolved. '...the Partnership heretofore subsisting between us the undersigned, Watkin Lewis Faire and George Robert Faire, as Manufacturers, at Leicester, under the style or firm of Faire Brother and Co was this day dissolved by mutual consent...'[1]
1900 The company was incorporated.
1929 Listed Exhibitor. Manufacturers of Haberdashery and Smallwares; "Sphere" Ladies' and Men's Suspenders, Braces, Garters; Herculaces for Boots and Shoes; Tapes, Bindings; St. Geroge's Elastics, Braids, Loom Webs, Cords, Woven Labels for Shirts, Blankets, etc.: Cork Socks and Slipper Soles. (Stand Nos. S.21 and S.22) [2]
1941 The directors and workforce of Faire Bros and Co Ltd donated a Spitfire Aircraft to the Royal Air Force.
1967 The company was acquired by Phipps and Son and the merchanting side was transferred to that company. Faire Bros and Co Ltd continued as manufacturers.
See Also
- [1] Faire Brothers Website