Francis Henry Redfern (1899-1940) of Maltby's Motor Works
1939 Residing at Red Hay Coolinge Lane, Folkestone, Engineer-Coach Builder Man-Director.[1]
1940 Died. 'The death occurred on Monday in the Folkestone Royal Victoria Hospital of Mr. Francis Henry Redfern, of Red Hayes, Coolinge-lane, Folkestone, who was injured when a motor taxi cab in which he was riding collided with a road barrier. Mr. Redfern. who was forty years of age, was the managing director of Messrs. Maltby. Ltd., motor engineers of Folkestone, Sandgate, Hythe and Canterbury. He was a well-known figure in the motor industry throughout the country and had been responsible for the designing of bodies for different makes of cars. He had lived in Folkestone for some years and was a member of the Radnor Club. With his widow and members of his family deep sympathy will be felt.'[2]