Francis and Henry Joseph Morton

of 9½ Albion Street, Leeds, and 6 Castle Street, Liverpool
Wire-strand fencing and Tinned iron roofing
1849 'LARGE WIRE ROPE FOR THE LONDON AND NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY COMPANY.- One of Messrs. Kuper's patent wire ropes has been delivered this week at the to Edge-hill station of the London and North Western Raiway. It was supplied by Messrs. Francis and H. J. Morton, of this town, and is, perhaps, the largest wire rope ever manufactured; it ie 6000 yards, or nearly three and a half miles long, and weighs eighteen and a half tons. It is intended to work the whole of the traffic from the north docks through the new tunnel to Edge-hill. A hempen rope to have done the same work must have weighed upwards of thirty tons.'[1]
1851 Trials of their 'Fire Annihilator Machines' held by Francis Morton of Francis and H. J. Morton.[2]
1852 Trials of their 'Fire Annihilator Machines' held in Portsmouth by Francis Morton.[3]
1853 Partnership dissolved. Partnership between Francis Morton of Liverpool and Henry Joseph Morton of Leeds as Galvanised Iron Merchants, Wire Strand Fencing Manufacturers, Oil Merchants, Wire Rope Agents etc. is dissolved and the business will be continued by Henry Joseph Morton in Leeds.[4]
Becomes H. J. Morton and Co