Frank Robert Simpson
Colonel Sir Frank Robert Simpson (c1865- )
1939 Bart. T.D., D.L., J.P., lit.G.St.J., M.Inst.M.E., M.Inst.C.E. Bradley Hall, Wylam, Northumberland. Mg. Director, The Stella Coal Co., Ltd., Newcastle-on-Tyne. age: 74. Career: Rugby Sch.; Durham Physical Coll.; Mining Apprent. to The late John Bell Simpson, Townley and Stella Collieries; The late George May, Harton Coal Co., Ltd.; The late. G. Weeks,; The Bedlington Coal Co., Ltd.; Mining Surveyor and Under Mgr. Cannock Chase Coal Co.; Mgr. of Pelsall Colliery, Staffs. Great War 1914-18. Commanding 2/9th Batn, The Durham Light Infantry (T.A.) British Salonika Force. Present appointments, Mg. Director of the Stella Coal Co., Ltd.; Principal of John Bell Simpson and Sons, Mining Engrs.; Director of The Throckley Coal Co., Ltd.; Elswick Coal Co., Ltd., and Wallsend and Hebburn Coal Co., Ltd.; Deputy Chairman The Tyne Improvement Commission; Chairman, The Newcastle and Dist. Elec. Lighting Co., Ltd.: Waste Heat and Gas Elec. Generating Stations, Ltd. and Battle Hill Estate Co., Ltd.; Chairman, Territorial Army and Air Force Assoc. of the County of Durham. Formerly Pres. North of England Inst. of MM. and Mech. Engrs., 1921 and 1935; High Sheriff for the County Palatine of Durham, 1935.