Frank William Davis
Frank William Davis (1861- )
1922 M.Inst.C.E., A.M.I.E.E., Engr. to and Director of The Cleveland Bridge and Engineering Co., Ltd., Darlington, 3o years; b. 1861; s. of James Davis, Malvern Wells. Ed. Hanley Grammar School Training: Manchester. Awarded Telford Premium for Paper on the King Edward Bridge. Career: As Engr. for the Contractors, was responsible for carrying out New Station and Widening of the Line, Rochdale; New Viaduct, Clayton; Swing Bridge, Ramsey Harbour, I.O.M.; strengthening Tubular Bridge, Conway; New Swing Bridge, Barmouth; King Edward Bridge, Newcastle-on-Tyne; Railway Viaduct, Weymouth; Viaduct and Rolling Lift Bridge, Carmarthen; Loading Jetties, Fowey; large Airship Sheds for the Admiralty; made a special study of compressed air work in foundations. Address: Sylvan Cottage, Darlington.