Fred Whittaker Thomas
Fred Whittaker Thomas (1868-1918)
1918 Obituary [1]
FRED WHITTAKER THOMAS was born at Rawtenstall, Lancashire, on 29th August 1868.
He was educated at the Bury Athenaeum evening classes, Rochdale Engineering School, Manchester Technical School, and Owens College, and during that period he served an apprenticeship of seven years at Laund Cotton Mill, Rawtenstall.
On its completion he worked at the Waterside Mill, Bury, for a year, and then was employed for four years as engineer at the Bamford Mills, Rochdale.
In 1894 he became engineer-in-charge at the mills of the Boundary Spinning Co., Oldham, and three years later was engaged in a similar capacity at the Durham Street Mills, Belfast, where he re-arranged the plant.
In 1899 he was appointed chief engineer to Messrs. John Crossley and Sons, carpet manufacturers, Halifax, and held this position until his death. During that time he re-arranged and reconstructed the whole of the generating plant of the works.
His death took place at Halifax on 19th March 1918, in his fiftieth year.
He was elected a Member of this Institution in 1904.