Frederick Augustus Cortez Leigh (1873-1964) Lt.-Col., T.D., M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.E.E., F.R.G.S.,
1873 Born
Trained at Finsbury College and Owens College, Manchester.
1890-93 Pupil at Brush Electrical Engineering Co, and Lacey, Sillar and Leigh, Cons. Engrs.
1895-97 Worcester Corporation electricity works
1897 Chief assistant engineer to Mr S. V. Clirehugh
1897 Joined Lacey, Clirehugh and Sillar, then Lacey and Sillar, and then partner in Lacey, Sillar and Leigh
1906 Associate of I Mech E
1910 Member of the Inst Civil Engineers
By 1922 Chief Elec. Engr., L.& N.W. Rly.
Chief Work: Electrification of L.& N.W. Rly., Suburban Line.
1964 Died in Sussex
1964 Obituary [1]