Frederick G. Loring
Frederick G. Loring (1869- )
1939 O.B.E., R.N. (retd.), M.I.E.E. The Old House, Foots Cray, Kent. Director, International Marine Radio Co, Ltd., Connaught House, Aldwych, London, W.C.2. Born: 1869. Career: Naval Educ. and Training, H.M.S. "Britannia" and R.N.C., Greenwich; 1896-97, staff of H.M.S. "Defiance," Torpedo School; 1905-08, in charge Naval Shore Wireless Stations; 1908-30, Insp. of Wireless Telegraphy, G.P.O.; Director, I.M.R.C. since 1930. As Delegate for Admiralty, Post Office, or I.M.R.C., has attended numerous international Wireless Conferences.