c.1837 Born in Great Yarmouth, Norfolk
1861 A mechanical engineer, lodging in Chorlton, Lancashire[1]
1871 Frederick A Paget 33 , civil engineer and author of articles and works on mechanical engineering, lived in Charing Cross, London[2]
1872 Consulting engineer of 1 Seymour Chambers, Adelphi, London. [3]
Then went to Vienna.
1876 One of the British judges at the International Exhibition at Philadelphia
1903 Frederick Arthur Paget of Vienna, died in Graz. His heir was Charles Octavius Paget[4]
1903 Obituary.[5]
We regret to have to announce the death in Vienna of Mr. Frederick Paget, an engineer of considerable ability. Several years ago, by the death of one of his brothers, who carried on a large manufactory of India-rubber goods in Vienna, Mr. Paget acquired a considerable fortune, and giving up a consulting practice in London, he went to Vienna and undertook the control of the factory. Some thirty years ago, Mr. Paget was a regular and talented contributor to the pages of this Journal.