Frodsham Viaduct

in Frodsham, Cheshire
Carries the Chester-Warrington railway over the River Weaver.
Also known as Bridge No. 53.
Built between 1848-50 (1850 date on pier) for the Birkenhead, Lancashire and Cheshire Junction Railway. The Engineer was James Meadows Rendel, and Thomas Brassey was the Contractor.[1]
The crossing over the river comprises two groups of four cast iron arches, of 92 ft span[2], with a central pier and brick and sandstone abutments, approached by an impressive masonry viaduct. There are twenty-one arches of 40 ft span on the eastern side, and two arches on the western side. The cast iron arches have been strengthened by concrete, the form corresponding roughly to outline of the iron ribs, and topped by a concrete deck.
Similar iron arch castings can be seen on the single-span Sutton Weaver Viaduct (Bridge No. 54), a few miles to the east.