G. H. Lord and Co
of Albion Foundry, Low Fold, Leeds
Messrs G. H. LORD & CO. beg respectfully to call the attention of all parties interested in Water Power to the unrivalled advantages to be derived from the use of their DOUGLAS PATENT TURBINE.
This wheel is found to give the highest percentage power of any water wheel, turbine, or engine yet brought before the public, while from its simplicity of construction it entails a proportionate decrease of outlay and cost of repairs.
It is applicable to all descriptions of falls, from one foot upwards, and is also most convenient, economical, and efficient, in connection with the town's water supply, for the working of cranes, hoists, the driving of lathes, &c., for opticians, watch makers, cabinetmakers ; also for meat and hay chopping machines, requiring a remarkably less quantity of water and space than any Turbine or Engine yet introduced for those purposes.
For particulars, &c., apply to the proprietors and sole makers. G. H. Lord & Co., Engineers, &c., Albion Foundry, Low Fold or at their offices, 7, Basinghall Street. Leeds.'[1]
1868 ' "The Douglas Wheel."— Our Blairgowrie correspondent writes:- As before noticed, Mr Sholto Douglas has been engaged fitting up one of his patent turbine wheels at the Plash Mill here. The work is now almost complete, and we believe the result is fully equal to what was expected in the circumstances. Mr. Douglas got the order from the Messrs Luke some time ago, but, as the fall of water was only some eighteen inches — the lowest ever known for a turbine — he naturally hesitated to execute it. However, the result, as we have said, is highly satisfactory, for the actual power, after overcoming friction, is said to be 83 per cent, and that is considarably above the highest power of other wheels of this class, even under more favourable circumstances. It seems to be demonstrated, therefore, that since this wheel can work at all on such a place, its suitability for any situation or circumstances cannot be doubted. The engineering firm of G. H. Lord & Co., Leeds, who hold the the patent for this invention, have a large number of orders on hand, the falls of water varying from two feet to 400 feet. The success of the Douglas wheel may said to be thus fairly established.'[2]
1871? A Douglas patent turbine made by Lord was probably installed at Glasshouses Mill. It was replaced in the 1890s by a Fourneyron-type turbine.[3]