G. J. Worssam and Son

of Wenlock Road, City Road, London. Engineers and Coppersmiths; Icemaking, Refrigerating, Brewing and Distilling Plant. Makers of Colebrook's patent rotary pumps.
1847 Business established - presumably by George J. Worssam as George Jervis Worssam
1851 Samuel William Worssam (who appeared before Mr Commissioner Law) was known, sued, and committed as Samuel Worssam, formerly of Holland-street, Blackfriars-road, Surrey, Proprietor of Saw-mills, then of Bath, Somerset, Journeyman Engineer, then of Bathwich, Wiltshire, Engineer, then of Kingsland-road, Middlesex, Journeyman Engineer, then of Great Mitchell-street, Saint Luke's, Engineer, in partnership with George Worssam, as George Worsam and Co. residing at the same time at Bartholomew-square, London, then of George-street, Spitalfields, Journeyman Engineer, then of Wentworth-street, Whitechapel, then of the Manor Iron Works, Manor-street, Chelsea, Engineer, residing at the said time at Caversham-terrace, Chelsea, and late of No. 2, Hortlam-place, King's-road, Chelsea, all in Middlesex, part of the time Engineer on his own account, and the latter part of the time Journeyman Engineer, now a Prisoner for debt in the Debtor's Prison for London and Middlesex.[1]
Early 1870s: Worssam took his son Henry into partnership - G. J. Worssam and Son
1875 George Jervis Worssam and Son, brewers' millwright, of Wenlock Road, London N[2]
1878 The firm erected a 35 Quarter Brewery. [3]
1879 Henry John Worssam became the proprietor on the death of his father.
1912 Company incorporated
1947 Acquired by Vickers-Armstrongs[4], where the products were complementary in brewery equipment to those of another company in the group, Robert Boby[5]