Galloway and Son
of West Street, Smithfield, in the City of London.
This was the firm established by Alexander Galloway. See Galloways of Holborn for more information.
1844 Advert: 'To ENGINEERS, MACHINISTS, MILLWRIGHTS IRONFOUNDERS, nnd others. Messrs. Warlters, Lovejoy, and Son, are instructed by Messrs. Galloway and Son (who are retiring from their present establishment) to offer for SALE by PUBLIC AUCTION, the Premises, in West-street, Smithfield, in the city of London, on MONDAY, October 7th and four following days, at Twelve, the whole of their extensive PLANT of valuable MACHINERY and TOOLS, with the Stock in Trade, consisting of 12 steam-engines of various kinds and power, 60 turning lathes, self-acting, screw cutting, &c., of every variety and size, seven saw-mills, two planing machines, eight screwing and tapping machines, eight drilling machines, three printing machines, 12 cranes, blocks, and falls, large fly press, punching and shearing machines, pumps, grindstones, boilers, tanks, copying machines, presses, 80 vice and iron benches ; the whole of the machinery and tools of the extensive ironfoundry and smithy, consisting of blowing machines, cranes, furnaces, flasks, loom plates, &c., bellows, anvils, smiths' tools, &c.; very extensive assortment of engine machine patterns, together with a great variety of mechanical implements and tools ; new and old materials, &c. &c. &c. The lots may be viewed on and after the 1st of October, when catalogues (price 1s.) may be had on the premises, and of the Auctioneers, 55, Chancery-lane. [1]
1847 November 20th. Alexander Galloway, of West Street, Smithfield, died at Claremont Terrace [2]