George A. Barnes and Co

of Lewisham and 112, Prince-street, Deptford
Motorcycles built from 1904 to 1906 by George A. Barnes.
1904 He entered the market using 2.5hp, 3hp or 3.5hp Stevens engines. A solo and a forecar with twin exhaust pipes were offered.
1905 The forecar model was available with either a 5hp water-cooled engine or a 4hp air-cooled one from MMC or Minerva. The same engine was also offered for a solo, lighter versions of which were fitted with a 2.25hp engine.
1904-5 George Arthur Barnes was in a partnership with George Wilton, manufacturing and selling motorcycles as George A. Barnes and Co.; the partnership was dissolved on 17 August 1905.
1905 August. Partnership dissolved. '... the Partnership heretofore subsisting between us the undersigned, George Arthur Barnes and George Wilton, carrying on business as Motor Manufacturers and Dealers in Motors, at 112, Prince-street, Deptford, Kent, under the style or firm of "GEORGE A. BARNES AND CO.," has been dissolved by mutual consent...'[1]