George Frederick Rayner
George Frederick Rayner (1887-1950)
1950 Obituary [1]
"GEORGE FREDERICK RAYNER, who was born in 1887, received his education at a private school, after which he continued his studies at Birkbeck College. His first professional appointment, which he obtained in 1905, was that of draughtsman and mechanical assistant to Messrs. Rayner and Company, Chancery Lane, London, patent agents, with whom he remained for eleven years. After acting as draughtsman and designer at the seaplane works of Messrs. Short Brothers, Ltd., Rochester, from 1916 to 1919, he was admitted to partnership in the firm of Messrs. Rayner and Company. Subsequently, on the death of his father in 1946, he became sole partner and practised on his own account until his death occurred on 16th January 1950. Mr. Rayner had been an Associate Member of the Institution (A.D.) since 1919."