George Ingram De Brissac Phelps (1875- )
1922 M.A. (Cantab.), Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., A.M.I.Mech.E., Civil Engineer, Woodbourne Grange, Edgbaston. b. 1875; s. of Lieut.-General Phelps, late Commissary-General, Bombay; m. Eva Josephine, d. of W. R. Fenton, D.L., Clerk of Crown and Peace, Sligo, Ireland. Ed. Brighton College, and Clare College, Cambridge. Articled to Sidney R. Lowcock, M.Inst.C.E., 1898. Partner, S. R. Lowcock and Phelps, Birmingham, 1902-6; Chief Engineer, Sudan Irrigation Service, 1906-8; private practice, 1908-14; appointed Temporary Civil Engineer under Public Works Department, India, 1920, and attached Royal Engineers, Secunderabad, Deccan, India. War Services.—Joined 2/4th South Midland Howitzer Brigade, Royal Field Artillery, May xo, 19T 5; transferred, Royal Engineers (T.), 1916; Adjutant, Royal Engineers School of Instruction, Brightlingsea, 1915-8; Air Ministry (Aircraft Production), 1918-9.