George Napier (2)
George Napier
1856 Patent. '260. To George Napier, of Bath-street, Glasgow, in the county of Lanark, and of the Adelphi, in the county of Middlesex, Engineer, for the invention of "improvements in apparatus for raising, lowering, and suspending boats from ships."'[1]
1856 Patent. '291. To George Napier, of Bath-street, Glasgow, in the county of Lanark, and of the Adelphi, in the county of Middlesex, Engineer, for the invention of "improvements in 'breaks' for railway and other carriages."'[2]
1856 Patent. '318. And George Napier, of Bath-street, Glasgow, in the county of Lanark, and of the Adelphi, in the county of Middlesex, and John Miller, of Cavendish-street, Glasgow, in the county of Lanark, have given the like notice in respect of the invention of "improvements in the mode of driving and in applying screw propellers to the propulsion of vessels."'[3]
1856 Patent. '1007. And George Napier, of Bath-street, Glasgow, in the county of Lanark, and of the Adelphi, in the county of Middlesex, and John Millar, of Cavendish-street, Glasgow, in the county of Lanark, have given the like notice in respect of the invention of "improvements in the manufacture of gas from coal, tar, or other bituminous, resinous, or fatty matter."'[4]