George Schink
George Hermann Rudolph Schink (c1871-1912)
c1871 Born in Germany
1906 April. Court case of two persons who stole motorcycles from him. he is stated to be the representative for Neckar-Sulm Motor-Cycle Co having a shop in Charlotte Street, Fitzroy Square.[1]
1911 Boarding at 8 Osnaburgh Terrace, Regents Park, NW. Director of Motor Co. Single.[2]
1912. Died. 'George Schink, managing director of the N.S.U. Motor Cycle Company, of Great Portland Street. W., was discovered shot in his office yesterday afternoon. Alarmed a noise he heard, employee rushed into the office and discovered Mr. Schink lying on the floor bleeding from a wound in his head, with a revolver by his side. Medical aid was at once summoned, and Mr. Schink was removed the hospital. Ho died an hour and a half later from the shot wound in his head.'[3]