George Stewart
George Stewart (1859-1919)
1919 Obituary [1]
GEORGE STEWART was born at Motherwell on 21st September 1859.
After receiving his early education locally, he served an apprenticeship of seven years at the locomotive works of the Caledonian Railway Co., and in 1882 went to America, where he was employed at the locomotive works of the Miama Railway Co., Cincinnati, for two years.
On his return to Scotland he worked at the Coltness Iron Works, Newmains, for a few months, and then in November 1884 he went to Siam to take charge of Messrs. Kim, Ching and Co.'s rice mills at Bangkok.
In 1894 he started in business as consulting. engineer for the design and erection of rice and saw mills, and became superintendent engineer for various mills and a director of several local railway, tramway, and steamship companies.
In 1906 he returned home, and his death took place in Glasgow on 9th February 1919, in his sixtieth year.
He became a Member of this Institution in 1903.