George Victor Ross Fraser
George Victor Ross Fraser (1883-1948)
1951 Obituary [1]
"GEORGE VICTOR ROSS FRASER was in the service of the New Zealand Railways throughout his professional career, including his apprenticeship from 1899 to 1902. His technical training (which extended over thirteen years), was obtained at the Auckland Technical College and at Banks College, Wellington. After the loss of his left hand as the result of an accident in the railway workshops he joined the locomotive engineer's staff at Auckland as a clerical cadet, where he remained until 1910, when he became a draughtsman in the chief mechanical engineer's department. In spite of his disability he rose, in 1930, to be chief draughtsman of the mechanical branch of the New Zealand Railways, Wellington. Mr. Fraser, whose death occurred in his sixty-fifth year on 19th September 1948, was elected an Associate Member of the Institution in 1938."