Gerrard Hatfield Perryn (1870- )
1922 Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Wateworks, Consulting Engineer, Carisbrookc House, Twickenham; b. 1870. Ed. Uppingharn School. Articled to Joseph Quick and Son, 29, Great George Street, Westminster. Resident Engineer, Guernsey Waterworks and at Cranbrook District Waterworks; Consulting Engineer in practice at 28, Victoria Street, Westminster, up to 1916. Chief Works: Cranbrook Waterworks. Member of the Union Club. War Services.—Lieutenant, Royal Engineers; went to Salonika in February, 1917, employed on water supply scheme for the troops; left Salonika June, 1918, appointed Assistant Director of Royal Engineers, Harwich; February, 1919, Assistant to Chief of Royal Engineers, Ashford, and Director of Engineering Services, Ashford District.