Gilflex Conduits
1951 Thomas Charles Gilbert, his wife Dorothy, and his sole assistant Rowland Hardy set up the company to accelerate the application of Gilflex, non-metallic electrical conduits. The products were manufactured by Erinoid Ltd.
The company not an immediate success. Although initial sales of their conduits were high, this was due to a shortage of steel for making metal conduits in 1951 and 1952. When the shortage ended, sales fell away, and the contracting industry did not embrace non-metallic conduits as rapidly as Gilbert might have hoped.
1955 Gilbert's son Martin became a part-time director
1958 Just as Gilflex's sales were improving, Thomas Gilbert died. He was succeeded as Managing Director by Rowland Hardy, with Dorothy Gilbert taking over as Chairman and continuing as Secretary.
1959 John Fowler was recruited as a Technical Manager.
1963 Fowler became Sales Manager
1965 Fowler was appointed Sales Director
1968 When Hardy was forced to retire through ill-health, Martin Gilbert took formal responsibility as adviser to Dorothy Gilbert, who remained as Chairman. They appointed John Fowler as Managing Director.
1973 When Dorothy Gilbert retired Martin succeeded her as Chairman.