Ginger and Moore
of Park Iron Works, Kingsley, Bordon
1884 Partnership change. '...the Partnership heretofore subsisting between Charles Ginger, late of Alton, in the county of Southampton, Ironmonger, and of the Park Iron Works, Kingsley, in the said county, Agricultural Engineer, Ironfounder, and Wheelwright, and William Moore, of the Park Iron Works, Kingsley aforesaid, Agricultural Engineer, Ironfounder, and Wheelwright, trading in copartnership under the style or firm of Ginger and Moore, as Agricultural Engineers, Ironfounders, and Wheelwrights, at the Park Iron Works, Kingsley aforesaid, has been dissolved, by the death of the said Charles Ginger, on the 8th day of April, 1884. All debts due and owing to and from the said firm will be received and paid by the said William Moore, who will henceforth carry 011 the said business on his own account...'[1]