Gittings and Austin
of New Bradley Ironworks, Bilston (1872)
1869 Dissolution of the Partnership between Enoch Gittings, Thomas Tolley, Samuel Austin, George Gittings, and William Gittings, carrying on business as Ironmasters, at the New Bradley Ironworks, near Bilston, under the style or firm of Gittings, Austin, and Gittings. All debts due to and owing from the said firm will be received and paid by the said Enoch Gittings and Thomas Tolley, by whom the business will in future be carried on.[1].
1882 Dissolution of the Partnership between Enoch Gittings and Thomas Tolley, carrying on business as Iron-masters, at the New Bradley Iron Works, Bilston, under the style or firm of Gittings and Tolley. All debts due to and owing by the late firm will be received and paid by the said Enoch Gittings, by whom the said business will in future be carried on.[2]