Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

Registered UK Charity (No. 115342)

Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 165,112 pages of information and 246,466 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

Glen Line

From Graces Guide

1860s The Gow and McGregor families of Glasgow went into business as brokers and shipowners serving the Far East, marketing their service as Glen Line.

1910 The ship-owning side of the business was incorporated as Glen Line Ltd, with McGregor, Gow and Co as its managers

1911/2 Glen Line was acquired by Elder Dempster and Co, part of the Royal Mail group.

1920 Amalgamated with the Shire Line. A joint service was operated as Glen and Shire

1931 On the collapse of the Royal Mail empire of Lord Kylsant, Glen Line was taken over by Alfred Holt and Co (Blue Funnel Line).

1972 the name of the parent changed to Ocean Transport and Trading Co.

1974 joined forces with Ben Line to operate Ben-Ocean Services.

See Also


Sources of Information