Globe Inn Iron Bridge, Warwick
1810 'The handsome Iron Bridge (a present to the borough of Warwick, by Chas. Mills, Esq. M. P.) erected over the hollowway near the Globe Inn, is now completed; an improvement that is ornamental to the town, and greately contributes to the safety and convenience of the public.'[1]
'Opened in 1788 as The Globe Inn Commercial and Posting House, the varied exterior elevations reveal the many alterations and extensions over the years. Situated just off the Market Place, until the 1960s it was reached by an iron bridge over the ravine-like street The Hollway. The building is a grade II listed 18th century inn in the heart of Warwick near the Market Place. It was renamed in January 2015, reverting back to it's old name, The Globe by new owners Oakman Inns & Restaurants'[2]