of 2, Hockley, Nottingham, with Branch at Post Office Arcade, Kettering.
also Shoe and Slipper Manufacturers, Imperial Works, Southall Street, Manchester.
George Gregg took over the business in Nottingham in 1858, taking his two sons later into partnership, George Arthur Gregg and Oliver Gregg.
1897 Incorporated as a Limited Company.
1914 Leather and Boot Factors, 2, Hockley, Nottingham, with Branch at Post Office Arcade, Kettering, also Shoe and Slipper Manufacturers, Imperial Works, Southall Street, Manchester. Directors: George Gregg, Oliver Gregg, Arthur Carnill. Specialities: Nottingham —Principal English Tannages in butts, bends, shoulders, bellies; Dressed leathers, glace kids, box calf, box sides, &c.; large and well selected boot stock.