Grove Mills
of 46 Portland Street, Manchester; and Grove Mills, Rochdale.
Cotton Spinners and Manufacturers
1861 Established by William Hoyle, William James Petrie, J.P., and Alfred Hoyle, as Hoyle, Petrie Co, Partnership Successions: (1) Wm. Hoyle, Wm. James Petrie, J.P., Alfred Hoyle, Wm. Henry Petrie; (2) Wm. James Petrie, J.P., Alfred Hoyle, Wm. Henry Petrie; (3) Wm. James Petrie, J.P., Alfred Hoyle.
1904 Incorporated as a Limited Company.
1914 Directors: Wm. James Petrie, J.P., Herbert Alfred Hoyle, Ernst Cummins Harvey, J.P. (Chairman), John Taylor, James Caladine, Robert Barlow. Staff: About 600. Specialities: American Cotton, 10's to 36's, Twist; also the manufacture of Grey Cloths, principally Drills and Jeans, both for the Home Trade and Shipping.