Henry Gilbert Whyatt (1860- )
1922 M.Inst.C.E., M.R. San.I., M.Inst.M. and Cy.E., Borough Engr. and Surveyor, Grimsby; b. 1860; s. of John A. Whyatt, Arch., Manchester. Ed. Privately. Career: With L. and Y. Railway. (Engr.'s Dept.), 1881-8; Deputy Borough Engr., Salford, 1888-1900; Borough Engr., Grimsby, since July, 1900; has carried out numerous works, including roads, sewers, destructor, parks, recreation grounds, bridge, etc. Publ.: "Sanitary Construction in Bdg." (Cassell), "Sanitary Conveniences and Drainage " (Cassell ), "Sewers and Sewerage " (Pitman ). Address: 170, Victoria Street, Grimsby.