Harry Prescot Hill (1870-1962) of G. H. Hill and Sons
Born the son of George Henry Hill
1922 M.Inst.C.E., M.I. Water E., Civil Engineer, 16, Albert Square, Manchester. T. A.: "Thirlmere, Manchester." T. N.: 6290 (Central). b. 1870; s. of the late G. H. Hill. Ed. St. George's, Ascot and Eton. Five years' pupilage with the late Mr. G. H. Hill. Sole partner of firm of G. H. Hill and Sons (Manchester), engineers or consulting engineers to many large Water Supplying Authorities, for which numerous important works have been constructed, such as the Lake District Undertaking of the Manchester Corporation, for which H. P. Hill designed the Haweswater Scheme as sanctioned by Parliament, which is estimated to cost £10,000,000.
1962 Obituary [1]
HARRY PRESCOT HILL, who was born on 1 October, 1870, died on19 June, 1962.
Educated at St George’s School, Ascot, and Eton, he was a pupil of his father, the late Mr G. H. Hill, M.I.C.E., for five years.
From 1892 to 1894 he was appointed Assistant Engineer (with his father's firm) in charge of the construction of various impounding reservoirs, aqueducts, etc., and some of the field work and preparation of Parliamentary plans in connexion with a scheme of water supply to Dewsbury. Subsequently he became a partner in his father’s firm.
From 1894-1898 he was appointed Engineer in charge of the construction of two impounding reservoirs at Dunford Bridge, and, again, from 1897-1902 in the same capacity, in connexion with an impounding reservoir at Greenfield. Thereafter, he acted as Consulting Engineer for many towns and authorities, including Manchester (Haweswater Scheme), Kingston-upon-Hull (Farndale Scheme), Stockport, Halifax, Dewsbury and Heckmondwike, Batley, Belfast (joint), Ashton-under-Lyne, Pontypridd and Rhondda Douglas (I.O.M.), Huddersfield, Derwent Valley Water Board, West Cheshire Water Board, Staffordshire Potteries Water Board, East Lothian County Council, Shipley Urban District Council, etc. In 1929 he was consulted by the Egyptian Government on the domestic water supply of that country. Mr Hill retired in 1960. Elected an Associate Member in 1897,he was transferred to the class of member in 1903. He is survived by his widow and three daughters.