H. W. Lindop

H. W. Lindop and Sons of Junction Foundry, Walsall
See Harry W. Lindop
1938 H. W. Lindop and Sons Ltd formed (persumably formerly not a limited company)
1947 Dealing in the shares to start on the Birmingham Stock Exchange[1]. Purchased Malleable [2].
1956 Continued expansion of plant - new annealing facilities - and development of pearlitic irons. Subsidiaries included Malleable Ltd, T. C. Neville and Sons Ltd, and Bridgeman Tool and Engineering Co Ltd which had been closed because of ongoing losses [3].
1960 Acquired Crystal Ware Products (Hereford) paid for by a rights issue[4] which became the basis of the Plastics Division.
1969 31st AGM held. Hubert H. Lindop was Acting Chairman. [5]
1971 Newman Industries reported as being in talks with H. W. Lindop and Sons about taking an interest in the company to develop respective foundry interests; transpired later that 39% of shares had been acquired[6].
1972 Shares in Lindop Holdings suspended pending reorganisation[7].
1972 Acquired Court Works from Newman Industries in exchange for shares in H. W. Lindop. Board reorganised [8]
1973 Shares reinstated on LSE as Lindop Holdings. Newman Industries had acquired 39.5% of shares in Lindop Holdings by financing the purchase of Court Works from Redman Heenan International. Lindop sold its electrical fittings division and some land[9].
1974 Newman Industries made an offer for the shares it did not own in Lindop Holdings [10].