Harold Livsey
Harold Livsey (c1884-1949)
1950 Obituary [1]
"HAROLD LIVSEY was a former director and general manager of Messrs. John Fowler and Company, Ltd., Leeds, agricultural and general engineers. He was educated at the Mechanics Institute and the Heginbottom Technical School, Ashton-under-Lyne, Lancs., and served his apprenticeship with Messrs. Scott and Hodgson, Manchester, from 1892 to 1897, passing through the shops and drawing office.
In 1897 he began a connection with Messrs. John Fowler and Company, which lasted for thirty years. Beginning with the post of junior draughtsman he was shortly afterwards promoted to be leading draughtsman, and in 1906 was placed in charge of the drawing office. After some experience as head of the testing and ploughing-engine departments he was appointed general manager with control of some 1,500 employees, and in 1928 joined the board of directors.
He severed his connection with the firm five years later on becoming managing director of Messrs. E. Green and Son, Ltd., Wakefield, economizer makers. He relinquished this office in 1944, but retained his seat on the Board. Mr. Livsey, whose death in his seventy-fifth year occurred on 29th October 1949, was elected a Member of the Institution in 1912. He was responsible for the design of the "Fowler Livsey patent Superheater", and he also designed new types of ploughing engines."