Harry Pearson (1855-1914)
Harry Pearson (1855-1914)
1914 Obituary [1]
HARRY PEARSON was born at Stockport on 22nd November 1855.
He served an apprenticeship of six years from 1870 to 1876 with the Berresford Engineering Co., Ltd., of Stockport, and on its completion was engaged in various capacities in the works, latterly as assistant manager.
In 1887 he went to the Openshaw Works of Messrs. Saxon as assistant engineer, and remained with that firm for twelve years, when he started in Manchester as a consulting engineer.
In January 1902 he was appointed managing director of the Stockport Engineering Co., Ltd., Stockport, and held this position for several years, afterwards carrying on the business of consulting engineer again until the time of his death, which took place on 18th February 1914, at the age of fifty-eight.
He was elected an Associate Member of this Institution in 1903.