Harry Stephenson Ellis
Harry Stephenson Ellis (1881-1967), electrical engineer.
1881 Born in Newcastle-upon-Tyne the son of Joseph Baxter Ellis. Brother of Arthur Ellis
Educated at St Bees School.
Apprenticed to Cardiff Corporation Electricity and Tramways Departments; he attended classes at Cardiff Technical College.
1904 Appointed as an Assistant Engineer to these Cardiff Departments.
1906 Joined the IEE as an Associate; he became a Member in 1913.
1907 Became the City of Bradford's Chief Assistant Electrical Engineer
1910 Promoted to Deputy City Electrical Engineer and Manager of the Electricity Department
1912 he moved to South Shields to become the Borough Electrical Engineer
WWI Served with No. 3 Signals Section of the Durham Royal Engineers Volunteer Home Force.
1919 he became Borough Electrical Engineer in Southampton.
1919 Southampton Electricity Works.[1]
1920 Resigned after an acrimonious strike during which he kept the Borough's electricity supply running. He returned to Cardiff to join his brother Arthur in a consulting firm, A. Ellis and Partners
1923 Appointed as Chief Engineer and Manager of the West Gloucestershire Power Co. Ltd, where he remained until his retirement in 1947.
1939 M.I.E.E., M.I. Mech.E. General Manager and Chief Engr., West Gloucestershire Power Co, Ltd., 126 London Road, Gloucester. Private Address: Dean Rise, Newnham, Gloucestershire. Career: Asst. Engr., Cardiff Corp., 1904-6; Asst. Engr. and Deputy City Elect. Engr. and Manager, Bradford Corp., 1907-12; Borough Elect Engr., South Shields, 1912-19; Borough Elect. Engr., Southampton, 1919-20; Consulting Engr. (A. Ellis and Partners, Cardiff), 1920-23; present appointment from 1923. Clubs: Gloucester; Devonshire (London.).